Sorting 10 Harry Potter Characters Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

Sorting 10 Harry Potter Characters Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

Game of Thrones and Harry Potter are two of the most popular and lucrative franchises of all time, with both even being based on incredible book series. Aside from the fantasy elements, the two are also connected by their use of houses. In Harry Potter, your house is determined by your personality, with the traits you value the most placing you in either Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. In Game of Thrones, however, your house is determined by birth but this has not stopped fans from speculating which house they would be in.

This article will sort 10 Harry Potter characters into their Game of Thrones house.

Snape: Connington

Sorting 10 Harry Potter Characters Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

This one is more for book readers than show watchers, as House Connington did not appear at all in the TV show due to the fact that the Young Griff storyline was cut from the show. Snape was the most difficult to place as he possessed traits from almost all houses in Game of Thrones due to his morally gray nature.

That being said, the similarity between the characters of Jon Connington and Snape edge the Potions Master toward House Connington. Both loved a woman who did not return that love and both Connington and Snape would feel guilt for the death of that woman, before then protecting the son of their love (though Snape was far meaner than Connington).

Draco Malfoy: Lannister

There are many connections between the Malfoy family and House Lannister. The Lannisters of the Westerlands are some of the most scheming, rich, and amoral characters on the continent of Westeros. They plotted the Red Wedding, seized the Iron Throne, and even destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor.

While Draco Malfoy may not have done as much damage as the Lannisters, it is clear that there are enough connections between his own family and the Lannister family that allow him to be placed perfectly in this house.

Umbridge: Bolton

While the Lannisters have several redeemable characters, such as Tyrion and Jaime Lannister, House Bolton doesn’t appear to have any. With the Flayed Man as their sigil, the Boltons are unashamedly the house of torture and pain, with Ramsay Bolton being the prime example of this.

For Dolores Umbridge, then, there is no better house than House Bolton. While her torture may not be as damaging as Ramsay’s, it is clear that, like the Bastard of the Dreadfort, she enjoys inflicting pain on others.

Voldemort: Targaryen

This one may be controversial, as the Targaryen we saw the most of in the show was Daenerys Targaryen, who shared very few character traits with the Dark Lord (for most of the series anyway). However, if we take House Targaryen’s past into account, we can see there is no other house for Lord Voldemort.

The Targaryen’s words are ‘Fire and Blood’, with the Dragon Lords of Valyria using their immense power to seize control of the Iron Throne in Westeros. This quest for power and indifference to destruction suits Voldemort.

McGonagall: Baratheon

Minerva McGonagall raising her wand in Harry Potter

It was always going to be difficult to place McGonagall in this list. The character has the cleverness of a Lannister, the morals of a Stark, and the loyalty of a Tully. Despite all of this, the best house for the Transfiguration Master of Hogwarts has to be Baratheon.

The Baratheons are a proud house of Westeros and would be more than suitable for Professor McGonagall. For instance, Stannis shares several character traits with McGonagall, such as dry wit, stern nature, and a strong sense of duty.

Hagrid: Seaworth

Davos Seaworth never seems to get the credit he deserves. The Onion Knight is, perhaps, the most likable man in all of Westeros and always gives reasoned, intelligent, and moral counsel to the King he happens to serve, whether it be Jon Snow or Stannis Baratheon.

While Seaworth is a new and small house in Westeros, it seems that Hagrid would be perfectly suited for this house due to how warm and welcoming both Davos and Hagrid are.

Dumbledore: Stark

Dumbledore Ignoring Harry in Harry Potter

House Stark is everyone’s favorite Game of Thrones family due to the fact that they are some of the nicest and most honorable people in all of Westeros. Despite the current good standing of the family, however, the Starks have a dark past that stretches back to the Age of Heroes.

Much like the dark past of House Stark, Dumbledore also has an incredibly dark family history that gets explored in the final book of the series. Additionally, the Starks excel at brooding and Dumbledore is a master of this.

Ron Weasely: Mormont

Ron raising his wand while trianing with the DA

House Mormont is one of the oldest Northern Houses in Westeros, with the house also possessing its own ancestral Valyrian Steel sword, Longclaw. The two most prevalent Mormonts in the show were Jeor Mormont and Jorah Mormont, both of whom showed incredible loyalty and honor (though Jorah had to learn this through Daenerys).

It is through Jorah’s loyalty to Daenerys that Ron Weasely is placed in House Mormont. Both are incredibly loyal characters who come from old families, so it seems Mormont is the perfect place for Ron.

Hermione: Hightower

Hermione Granger in Harry Potter

House Hightower didn’t really get too much of a mention in the TV show, but it is one of the most important, wealthy, and powerful houses in all of Westeros. The Hightowers helped build Oldtown, the city of the Maesters, and its house words are ‘we light the way’, highlighting their quest for knowledge.

Naturally, the house that helped form what is essentially the university of Westeros is one of the main contributing factors to Hermione being a Hightower.

Harry Potter: Tully

Placing Harry Potter was one of the most difficult decisions because the character did indeed brood a lot, which is certainly a characteristic of the Starks. However, it appears as though House Tully of the Riverlands would be a far more suitable house for the Boy Who Lived.

Harry Potter has a great sense of duty and honor, aspects which are clearly reflected in the House Tully motto ‘Family, Duty, Honor’. Additionally, his legacy as a Potter is also something that is incredibly important to him, which again ties closely to the Tully house words.