Sorry Quicksilver – Marvel Has a New Fastest Hero, & They’re an MCU Superstar

Sorry Quicksilver – Marvel Has a New Fastest Hero, & They’re an MCU Superstar

Warning: contains spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #8!Quicksilver may be the Avengers’ resident speedster, but a major MCU hero just outclassed him on a galactic level. To travel through space, incredible speed is a must, and after a major evolution, one member of the Guardians of the Galaxy is perfectly suited to the task.

In Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Kev Walker, Walden Wong and Matt Hollingsworth’s Guardians of the Galaxy #8​​​​​​​, the newly reborn Guardians of Grootspace live up to their name, fighting off anyone who would harm Groot’s new multi-planet form before he can resurrect the billions under his care. As the comic opens, fans find the Guardians aboard a new ship formed by Groot, as Star-Lord announces that they’re about to leave FTL. ‘FTL’ describes faster-than-light travel, meaning Groot can now move faster than 186,282 miles per second.

Sorry Quicksilver – Marvel Has a New Fastest Hero, & They’re an MCU Superstar

At this point in the story, both Star-Lord and the ship are composed entirely out of Groot’s body, making this the flora colossus’ accomplishment rather than Peter Quill’s. It seems that having evolved to essentially become a star system, Groot is now capable of mind-blowing feats. And while Quicksilver is really fast, he doesn’t run at light speed, let alone beyond it.

Groot Just Unlocked Faster Than Light Travel

Star-Lord’s New Living Ship Makes Quicksilver Look Slow

guardians of the galaxy groot ftl marvel fastest hero

In recent comics, Groot was transformed into a godlike creature, sending seeds out across the galaxy and infesting entire worlds, transforming them into havens for his plant-life hivemind. The Guardians initially fought Groot, but have since learned that he is able to bring back everyone he killed in the process. Indeed, Guardians of the Galaxy #8 confirms that the area of space named ‘Grootspace’ has always existed – it’s just at a point in its lifecycle that makes it seem intimidating.

To help protect Groot while he moves to the next stage of the cycle – bringing back everyone ‘killed’ by his seeds – the Guardians have merged with Groot, gaining new bodies composed of plant matter. Unfortunately, the small team may not be enough to protect Grootspace, especially with Peter’s sister leading the Spartax Empire to war against Groot.

Groot Is Basically a God

But the Spartax Empire Is Still a Threat

A massive Groot cradles a comparatively palm-sized Earth in the vastness of space.

Guardians of the Galaxy’s Groot has always had immense power – including being strong enough to take on the Hulk. However, his evolution into Grootspace has revealed the full extent of his abilities. Growing a spaceship that can travel faster than light – piloted by a plant-body containing the consciousness of Peter Qull – effectively qualifies Groot for godhood. Of course, with the Guardians now protecting all of Grootspace, they need this kind of speed to move from planet to planet.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have leveled-up, with Groot becoming Marvel’s fastest character to help his team face off against the great powers of the galaxy and save billions of lives.

Guardians of the Galaxy #8 is available now from Marvel Comics.