Sorry, Facebook — iPhone & iPad Users Love Apple’s App Tracking Transparency

Sorry, Facebook — iPhone & iPad Users Love Apple’s App Tracking Transparency

Apple‘s App Tracking Transparency has caused a lot of uproar since its release, primarily from companies like Facebook. Despite all the negative backlash, a new survey reveals it’s been incredibly popular with people that are actually using it.

As part of its iOS 14.5 update, Apple added App Tracking Transparency to the iPhone and iPad — thus giving users greater control over how their data is used for advertising. When an app wants to track someone’s activity across other applications and websites, it now needs to ask people if they want to allow the tracking. Users are then able to allow or deny the request, with the app forced to abide by whatever decision is made. It’s a huge win for user privacy, but for companies that rely on this information to sell targeted ads, it’s been seen as less than favorable. Facebook is one such company that’s been especially vocal in fighting against App Tracking Transparency. Earlier this month, Facebook started suggesting that users will eventually have to pay to use the social media app if they don’t allow the tracking to happen. The feature has also had a financial impact on some brands. Unity, for example, expects to make up to $30 million less in revenue because of App Tracking Transparency.

A lot of companies have been trying to make App Tracking Transparency out as something evil, but when it comes to regular iPhone users, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Technology reselling website SellCell recently conducted its ‘Apple 2021 New Products Survey,’ with SellCell talking with over 3000 iPhone and iPad owners about their current take on Apple in 2021. When the group was asked about their favorite iOS 14.5 feature, App Tracking Transparency came out on top with 36 percent of votes. Being able to unlock the iPhone with a paired Apple Watch came in second place, raking it 23 percent of votes.

Apple’s Focus On Privacy Is Resonating With Its Users

Sorry, Facebook — iPhone & iPad Users Love Apple’s App Tracking Transparency

App Tracking Transparency is just one of many privacy-focused features Apple has added in recent months. The iOS 14 update added privacy indicators to let people know if an app is using their microphone or camera. In December of last year, Apple rolled out Privacy Labels to the App Store — making it much clearer if an app tracks people or links their data to them. When the survey group was asked, “Do you agree with Apple’s new privacy policies or do you think that they are taking it too far?,” 73 percent of respondents said that they did agree. 18 percent said that they do think Apple is taking their privacy stance too far, while the remaining 9 percent “aren’t sure what to make of it.”

Even though this is just one small example, it’s obvious that Apple’s hard stance on privacy is paying off for the company. People are increasingly becoming more and more aware of how companies like Facebook and Google profit off their data. With features like App Tracking Transparency and Privacy Labels, Apple is helping people take back some control over how that data is used. That’s not good news for the Facebooks of the world, but for Apple, it’s evidence that this current direction is one worth sticking with.