Sony & Travis Scott Team Up To Promote The PS5

With the PlayStation 5 release coming in just a few weeks, Sony is partnering with rapper Travis Scott to promote its next-gen console. It is possible for Sony to brag about its DualSense controllers, but with other consoles competing for the top spot, Sony has to get creative.

There are more obvious tactics like online advertisements that get the word out, and they do work. There are also sneakier methods like having famous athletes post a selfie with the PS5, being especially effective toward that athlete’s fans. However, with stiff competition from both Microsoft and Nintendo, Sony can’t stick to just traditional methods of advertising. With the Nintendo Switch expected to outsell the PS5 this holiday season, Sony needed to make some moves.

To that end, Sony announced a partnership with Travis Scott, releasing a video showcasing the rapper playing the PS5. The video shows Scott picking up a controller and embracing the power of the PS5’s next-gen audio. Scott also talked about his love for the PlayStation in Sony’s post, saying “I’m really looking forward to being able to showcase everything that Cactus Jack has worked on with Sony and the PlayStation team. Most importantly I’m excited to see how the PlayStation fans and family respond, and I look forward to running some games with everybody very soon!” The video has likely had people talking about the new PlayStation 5, due to Travis Scott’s popularity. Sony’s move to pair up with him is a smart marketing tactic, as this isn’t the first time Scott’s worked with another gaming company to promote a product.

Earlier this year, Fortnite partnered with Travis Scott by having him perform live in-game. This would encourage players to download Fortnite to watch it live, and while some may end up uninstalling, others might find themselves playing the game more frequently. There was also a popular partnership with McDonald’s regarding the Travis Scott meal. While the burger wasn’t anything special, many fans came to buy it just cause of the labeling and not because of the actual food. Sony saw how effective these partnerships were, and jumped on the Travis Scott train to push the console.

Sony can go a long way with advertisements talking about features like the PS5’s ability to integrate streaming apps within the console, but popular celebrities are a great way to push a product. Many people might not shout to their friends about the many features and high speeds PS5 may offer, but fans will most likely talk about Travis Scott’s partnership with PS5. Even if it’s unintentional, fans advertise the product without realizing it. As seen from previous experience, it is likely Sony will benefit from their partnership with Travis Scott.

PlayStation 5 arrives on November 12 in North America.