Smallville Season 10 Premiere Pics Tease the Return of Lex Luthor

Smallville Season 10 Premiere Pics Tease the Return of Lex Luthor

[Update: Be Sure To Check out our Smallville Season 10 Premiere Review!]

Today, The CW released seven more images from the season 10 premiere of Smallville. Something, I’m sure, fans will enjoy – especially since the previously released images weren’t that great. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing Jonathan Kent (Jonathan Schneider) back on the farm but I can’t be the only one that was expecting a little more substance than just a step-by-step guide to fixing a fence.

That being said, The CW has officially redeemed themselves. The seven images released today are absolutely wonderful. Not only do we get to see Clark having to rescue Lois from a burning crucifix (something that we revealed in our Smallville spoilers guide), but a certain special someone shows up to give Lois the “encouragement” she needs.

Yes, that’s right. Lex is back! Sure, it’s not Michael Rosenbaum, but for some reason, even the visual of Lex Luthor back on Smallville has me excited.

Unfortunately, all we get to see is the back of Lex’s head. I assume that’s because The CW is still trying to get Rosenbaum to return and they’re holding off casting a replacement until the last minute. So, until a decision is made – one way or the other – I suppose we’ll only be seeing adult Lex Luthor from behind.

Smallville Season 10 Premiere Pics Tease the Return of Lex Luthor

You can check out the rest of the photos below:

While I’m sure that many of you will be a little perturbed that Clark is still donning his emo look (especially with such a wonderful, new suit back at the farm), you can’t deny how awesome he looks in that cornfield.

One thing I’m curious about is how Clark is going to rescue Lois without revealing himself to her. Remember, while Lois knows who Clark is, Clark still believes that his secret identity remains, well, secret.

…I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Smallville season 10 premieres Friday, September 24 @8pm

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