Smallville: 5 Ways Lex Is The Best Comic Book Representation (& 5 Ways It’s Clark)

Smallville: 5 Ways Lex Is The Best Comic Book Representation (& 5 Ways It’s Clark)

While Marvel is currently dominating the box office, DC is enjoying success on the small screen with The CW’s Arrowverse.  The Arrowverse is not the first time fans saw their favorite DC heroes come together on the small screen, as the immensely popular Smallville ran for 10 seasons from 2001 to 2011. The Superman prequel series showcased some of the most comic accurate representations to date, chief of which is Lex Luthor.

Michael Rosenbaum portrays the classic Superman foe and brings the character to life in a way that has yet to be topped. As well as Lex was portrayed, many argue that Tom Welling’s performance as a young Clark Kent is a much more faithful interpretation of the Man Of Steel. There are plenty of arguments for one or the other, and fans continue to debate this to this day.

Lex: A Lust For Power

Smallville: 5 Ways Lex Is The Best Comic Book Representation (& 5 Ways It’s Clark)

While occasionally being shown to have a heart in both the comics and show, at his core Lex Luthor only craves one thing, power. Smallville perfectly portrays Lex’s addiction to gaining power. Whether it is taking over his father’s company from under him, or running for senate, Lex will use all of his money and influence to ensure people know his name. Like the comics, Lex even eventually becomes president, meaning there is little his enemies can do to stop him. Even when gaining this position, his lust for power only grows which adds to his obsession with Kryptonians.

Clark: Cautious Of His Powers

Clark being affected by red kryptonite.

One attribute that Smallville’s Clark shares with most of his counterparts, is his reluctance when it comes to his powers. While choosing to use his powers for the good of the world, he is wary at first and even after he debuts as Superman, he still holds himself back.

Clark knows that he has incredible power and if he loses control, he could easily destroy the planet. In Smallville, this is hinted at whenever Clark is exposed to Red Kryptonite and loses all inhibitions and in turn his conscience. While he never goes further than being a jerk in Smallville, the comics and other media have shown exactly the threat Superman can be if he uses all of his powers.

Lex: Intelligence

Lex appearing smug.

Regardless of the interpretation, Lex Luthor is usually among the smartest characters in the DC universe. Smallville perfectly showcases this by having him be practically a genius. He is oftentimes studying alien technology beyond typical human understanding and quoting and referencing literature the average person has never even heard of. Lex could easily use his intellect for the greater good but, like his comic counterpart, he usually uses it for his own benefit. He may have his own misguided understanding that what he is doing is for the good of humanity, but at the end of the day all he wants to be the most powerful and intelligent person on earth, a feat he is already pretty close to accomplishing.

Clark: A Trusting Personality

Clark hanging out with Lex

One of the things that make Superman one of the most iconic superheroes of all time, is his willingness to trust. Clark shares this attribute in Smallville, although this strength can also be a weakness. In the first seasons of the show, Clark and Lex are shown to be close friends.

When Lex begins to fall down a darker path, Clark desperately tries to reach the friend he once knew. While others around him try to convince him otherwise, he still trusts Lex can be redeemed. Clark trusts his group of friends more than anything else, even with his deepest secret.

Lex: Ability To Manipulate

Lex talking to Lana.

Lex Luther uses his high intelligence primarily to manipulate those around him. Lex not only finds it easy but also takes joy in taking those close to him for granted. Lex will find any weakness regardless of how small and exploit it until the person has no choice to bend to his will.

Perhaps one of the more despicable things he did was the way he manipulated Lana in Smallville. Lex made Lana believe he truly cared for her and even went so far as to marry her just to get at Clark and exploit Lana for her supposed powers. Perhaps Lex did care for her in the beginning, but he couldn’t resist the urge to exploit her when the opportunity presented itself.

Clark: A Selfless Nature

Clark smiling

While Lex Luthor only cares about himself, Clark Kent seems to care about everyone much more than himself. The primary reason Clark hides his identity as The Blur/Superman is not to protect himself, but those around him. Both the comics and the series show Clark will go through unspeakable acts just to ensure the safety of others. Clark is even willing to sacrifice himself or his powers if it means the protection of those he cares about or even complete strangers. Superman has always been a symbol of hope, and this is primarily due to his ability to do what is right regardless of what happens to him.

Lex: A Fascination With Aliens And Krypton

Lex examining a piece of alien material.

It is not uncommon even for people in real life to be fascinated with the idea of the existence of life on other planets. Lex Luthor goes into full-blown obsession and, of course, it is for his own gain. Lex realizes the level of power he hopes for can not be obtained on Earth and looks to the stars for the answers he seeks. Lex becomes obsessed with the idea of a being that crash-landed on Earth during the meteor shower that shaped the series. In the comics and eventually the show, Lex hopes that Superman holds the secret to ultimate power, and will not let anything stop him from finding it.

Clark: His Relationship With Jonathan

While his birth father is Jor-El of Krypton, the man Clark has and always will consider his father is Jonathan Kent. Smallville explores the relationship between Clark and Jonathan better than any other live-action medium. Clark would not be the man he is without the guidance of the kind farmer who raised him after finding his ship in a field. Even though Clark clearly isn’t human and slowly showcases extreme powers, Jonathan guides the young Kryptonian and helps him mature into The Man Of Steel. In the comics, Clark even named his son after his father, and while the name of his children in the brief Smallville epilogue in Crisis On Infinite Earths, it isn’t too far-fetched to assume the same name applies.

Lex: Will Do Anything To Get What He Wants

Lionel Luthor

Lex Luthor has little feelings for those around him, especially if they stand in his way. Lex Luthor has a simple goal in mind, and he will not let any obstacle stand in his way. Whether it is cutting his best friend out of his life or removing his own father, there is little Lex will do to ensure his own victory. Lex will not hesitate to cheat and lie to get to the top in both the comics and series, and both take immense pride in doing so. As long as Lex is left standing victorious, he doesn’t care who it is he is standing on.

Clark: Accepts Earth As His Home

Clark ripping off his shirt to unveil the Superman symbol

Clark goes through a long journey to become Superman. He never felt he belonged and finally understood why when he discovers he is from a planet called Krypton. He believes this is his home and wants to learn everything he can about it. As Clark matures, he comes to realize that Earth is his true home, and he must become its guardian. In the comics and in Smallville, Clark rejects the opportunity to see Krypton rise as he firmly believes Krypton was never truly his home. Earth accepted him as a hero, and thanks to the Kansas town of Smallville, he felt as welcome as any human.