Skyrim: What Happens If You Enter The Thalmor Embassy As A High Elf

Skyrim: What Happens If You Enter The Thalmor Embassy As A High Elf

One of the most heavily guarded areas in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the Thalmor embassy, but it can be accessed more easily if the Dragonborn is a High Elf. Customization in Skyrim allows players to build their own character. Almost everything about them is up to the player, from their race, their skills, and their outfit. Their choice of race is not only an aesthetic choice, but it also provides some specific bonuses as well, such as bonus starting stats, natural resistances, and unique special abilities.

However, there is one instance where the Dragonborn’s race actually comes into play during an important story mission, specifically for an Altmer, otherwise known Elder Scrolls‘ High Elf. In Skyrim, Altmer have the perks of a 50% larger base magicka pool and the ability to regenerate magicka at a dramatically accelerated rate once per day, giving them a high inclination towards the mage class. But for one mission, Diplomatic Immunity, Altmer have a large advantage over any other race.

In Diplomatic Immunity, the Dragonborn is tasked with sneaking into a Thalmor embassy during a party. The Thalmor are a vicious and authoritarian organization made up of Altmer who believe themselves to be superior to the other races of Tamriel. They are one of Skyrim‘s main antagonistic forces, although they receive much less attention than the dragons. The Thalmor, like Skyrim‘s Stormcloaks, are xenophobic and cruel, so it is no surprise that they would be much harsher towards non-Altmer, although an Altmer Dragonborn will still earn their ire the instant that they oppose them. However, if the player acts stealthily, they can make the mission much easier for themselves.

High Elves In Skyrim Can Sneak Past Thalmor Embassy Guards

Skyrim: What Happens If You Enter The Thalmor Embassy As A High Elf

If an Altmer Dragonborn wears a set of hooded Thalmor robes in Skyrim, then they can walk through while avoiding trouble from the guards as long as they do not act suspiciously or walk too close. Walking through the embassy is fine, but loitering around, backtracking, or running will make the guards suspicious and cause them to attack. A disguised Altmer can even convince the guard in front of the Solar, the mission’s target, that they’re there to take their place, causing the guard to leave their post. Considering the Thalmor’s cruelty in banning the worship of Talos and persecuting those unlucky enough to cross their path, it’s quite entertaining to fool them in such an embarrassing fashion. Once the Dragonborn enters the Solar though, the guards will realize what is going on and attack. However, that still gives the Altmer Dragonborn a significant advantage.

For the record, Dragonborns of other races can attempt to use the hooded Thalmor robes, but to far less effect. Other elves will be able to pass from a distance, but guards will catch on quickly. Humans and orcs will be even less effective at using the disguise, and Khajit and Argonians cannot use the robes to disguise themselves at all, being immediately recognized and attacked at any distance. For a part of Skyrim to be affected by the Dragonborn’s race is very rare, with the only other notable instance being an Orc Dragonborn being trusted to enter Orc strongholds.

Altmer may have an advantage in Diplomatic Immunity, but for the rest of the game, they are more or less on par with every other race. This one mission alone should not sway a player from playing through The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as their desired Dragonborn. Besides, considering how widely loathed the Thalmor are by the player base, fighting one’s way through waves of them can be just as satisfying as sneaking under their noses. However, Altmer players would be wise to keep this trick in mind once they reach the later phases of the story.