Skyrim Quest Reward Followers Who Are Actually Worth The Trouble

Skyrim Quest Reward Followers Who Are Actually Worth The Trouble

The world of Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a treacherous place, but luckily, players don’t have to traverse it alone by enlisting the help of followers. Whether they take on the form of a human, an animal, or something in between, these loyal companions will stop at nothing to protect the Dragonborn during their adventures. With well over 50 to choose from, picking the right one can be overwhelming, but these particular followers, which can be earned not by coin, but instead through completing quests, are some of the best that Skyrim has to offer.

Unlike mercenaries or sellswords, these followers take a bit more time and effort to obtain, however, their deeper involvement in the game’s story actually gives them an advantage over the former. Many are coded as “essential characters,” which are considered significant to the function of the game. They cannot be killed in combat; unlike Skyrim‘s Lydia, who can be revived after death but is nonetheless a riskier choice because of her vulnerability. These followers, even though recruiting them can be a bit of a hassle, are ultimately worth it in the end.

Skyrim’s J’zargo Is A Powerful Mage Companion

Skyrim Quest Reward Followers Who Are Actually Worth The Trouble

One of two Khajiit followers in all of Skyrim, J’zargo is a fan favorite for both his feisty personality and his prowess in combat. As a studious member of the College of Winterhold, this feline is highly skilled in destruction magic. When fighting by the player’s side, he makes excellent use of spells such as Firebolt, Ice Spike, and Lightning Bolt, as well as occasionally using restoration magic to cast various wards. Although he’s not an essential character, this is remedied by the fact that he doesn’t have a maximum level. Unlike other followers, his power will scale alongside the Dragonborn, arguably making him the strongest in the game.

For those who prefer traditional combat over Skyrim‘s lackluster magic system, unlocking J’zargo can be a bit of a headache. Not only will players need to join the College of Winterhold and complete a couple of tasks for the main quest line, but they’ll also need to finish a quest specific to the Khajiit mage himself, called “J’zargo‘s Experiment.” After testing out his ever-so-slightly dangerous scrolls, though, he’ll be grateful to the player and offer his loyalty as a follower. Between his comedic quips and his potency in combat, anyone who has unlocked J’zargo should not hesitate to group up with him as they explore Skyrim.

Mjoll The Lioness Is Unwaveringly Loyal In Skyrim

A close up of Mjoll the Lioness with face paint in Skyirm.

Mjoll The Lioness is most known for her strong sense of justice, but her combat skills are equally fierce. The Nord warrior is one of the first NPCs that characters meet when they arrive in Skyrim‘s most misjudged city, Riften, and she makes her displeasure with the Thieves Guild quite apparent from the beginning. If the player maintains a positive relationship with her (either by sharing her sentiment about the Guild, or by helping the townsfolk enough), she will ask them to retrieve her long-lost blade, Grimsever.

Grimsever can be found in Mzinchaleft, a Dwarven ruin that is more challenging than the typical dungeon filled with Draugr. But fetching the sword will unlock Mjoll as a follower – and a powerful one at that. Although she strangely doesn’t use Grimsever in combat, she is efficient with a hunting bow and battleaxe alike, making her lethal from any range. She does have a maximum level of 40, but she is unkillable thanks to her status as an essential character.

Skyrim’s Ralis Sedarys Is An Antagonistic Assassin

Ralis Sedalys approaching the player in Skyrim.

Being Skyrim‘s best expansion, the Dragonborn DLC brings the player over to Solstheim, an ashen island that is home to many bizarre characters and occurrences. Among these is Ralis Sedarys, a Dark Elf archeologist that the Dragonborn can stumble across in the southeast region of Raven Rock. He excels in close-range combat, as he wields a uniquely enchanted pickaxe named Hoarfrost, and he can even reach level 60, which is considerably higher than what most followers can attain. However, he is one of the most difficult to unlock in more than one way.

During the quest “Unearthed,” players will quickly discover that Ralis is, at best, a morally gray character. He continuously asks for generous donations to fund his mining expedition, as every time his miners start making progress, they are all mysteriously slaughtered. The Dragonborn will need to earn lots of gold in Skyrim, since they must dish out a total of 11,000 septims. Then, they will find Ralis performing a blood-magic ritual with the dead miner’s bodies, attempting to summon the dragon priest Ahzidal.

After being confronted, he claims that he was being mind controlled, and it’s up to the player to decide if they want to spare or kill him. It may be tempting to punish Ralis, but by sparing his life, he will swear his loyalty to the Dragonborn. This makes him by far the most tolling follower to unlock in Skyrim, as completing his quest takes several in-game days, and he basically has a price tag of 11,000 gold. But despite his obvious flaws, he remains one of the best available followers in the entire game – if players can find it in their hearts to forgive him.

Cicero Is Good For More Than Just Jokes In Skyrim

A close-up porttrait of Cicero of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim with his face obscured in shadows.

Similar to Ralis, Skyrim‘s Dark Brotherhood member Cicero is worse than he may appear at first. His turbulent personality, unsettling obsession with the Night Mother, and betrayal of the Dark Brotherhood’s members have made the jester an incredibly divisive character among players. Understandably, many feel that he deserves a less-than-pleasant fate at the end of “The Cure for Madness.” But if the player decides to give Cicero another chance, he proves to be a rewarding long-term investment.

Overjoyed at the Dragonborn’s forgiveness, he will offer to serve them until his dying breath; and surprisingly, Cicero is actually much stronger than he lets on. On top of his maximum level of 50, he is considered an essential character. As could be expected, he is adept in using a dagger, but he is also highly skilled at sneaking, one of Skyrim‘s most overpowered mechanics. Plus, in line with his odd temperament, Cicero will make humorous comments throughout his service to the player, and will even break out into dance at random times. For these eccentric interactions alone, it’s worth sparing the traitorous clown.

Alongside more popular and well-known followers, like Dawnguard‘s vampire royalty Serana, these companions can be a bit of a pain to recruit – but they end up being invaluable when it comes to combat. They may seem unassuming on the outside, but players who go out of their way to complete these quests will quickly realize that their efforts have been reimbursed tenfold. Should one ever feel like they want a capable warrior, or even just a loyal friend by their side, these followers are their best bet in Skyrim.