Skyrim Ill-Timed Dragon Attack Warns Player To Go To Sleep

An ill-timed dragon attack in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim hinted to a player they should go to sleep, resulting in a rude wake-up call as the Dragonborn was caught in jaws of death. Skyrim: Anniversary Edition has fans returning to Bethesda’s beloved RPG, with players jumping back into the 10-year-old game. While dedicated Skyrim players never truly left the province, the anniversary edition does offer reasons for new and veteran players to return, including the combined DLC content from the Skyrim Special Edition, as well as all Creation Club experiences and current-gen improvements.

As the Skyrim community grows, so does the list of hilarious encounters experienced in the game. Recently, one lucky Dragonborn got help in battle from a Giant – a notoriously nasty enemy. The giant helped the Dragonborn defeat a band of mages, an odd occurrence, especially since giants like to keep to themselves. A few days after the unpredictable giant encounter, a different player experienced a skeptical NPC who was sure dragons didn’t exist, despite one of the winged beasts laying right next to them. While the Skyrim NPC’s beliefs that dragons don’t exist matches the rest of Tamriel’s citizens, it’s certainly an interesting stance to take so close to proof. Bethesda games are known for their wide range of random encounters given their expansive nature, and Skyrim is no different.

Reddit user Ayenenemalo (via Game Rant) had one such encounter, in which an ill-timed dragon attack warned the Skyrim player to go to sleep. Ayenenemalo was battling a group of Ash Spawn in Solstheim when they had the rude wake-up call. As the Dragonborn was slashing at one of the Ash Spawn – Ayenenemalo’s health dropping scarily low – a dragon landed mere feet away, quickly capturing the Dragonborn in its jaws. The black dragon then flung the character to the ground and the Dragonborn’s health dropped to zero. Captioned above the video, Ayenenemalo believed “Skyrim just told me to go to bed,” claiming the incident was “just rude.”

Ummm….. I think Skyrim just told me to go to bed. 🥴😂 this was just rude. from skyrim

Watch the video on Reddit here.

Ayenenemalo’s dragon encounter occurred in Solstheim, the setting of Skyrim’s Dragonborn DLC. Ash Spawn – hostile creatures native to Solstheim – are hard enough to beat at a low level, and Ayenenemalo made it harder by using low-level gear in an attempt to level up their two-handed skill. According to the player, they were purposefully trying to increase two-handed and heavy armor when the dragon attacked out of nowhere. With low health, bad armor stats, and little time to react, the Dragonborn was doomed.

According to Ayenenemalo, they didn’t take the hint to quit out and instead continued playing Skyrim. The player died two more times before heeding the dragon’s warning and going to sleep. With so many things to do in Skyrim, it can be hard to shut off the game. Hopefully, Ayenenemalo learned that when a relentless dragon appears, maybe it’s time to go to bed.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.