Skyrim: How to Pickpocket with 0% Chance

Skyrim: How to Pickpocket with 0% Chance

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, pickpocketing an NPC at a less than optimal chance can often result in disastrous consequences, such as being caught by a Hold guard and losing hours’ worth of stolen goods. For this reason, many Dragonborns may have turned to “save scumming,” the non-immersive and exploitative way of successfully stealing everything from an NPC’s inventory. However, thanks to one particular Alteration spell in Skyrim, pickpocketing can be accomplished at low or even 0% chances of success.

The Skyrim spell in question is Paralyze, an Expert-level Alteration spell tome that can be purchased from Tolfdir at the College of Winterhold. On the other hand, those less inclined to practice the arcane arts can also employ Paralyze’s Paralysis status effect through enchanted weaponry. Such weapons include Chillrend, acquired during the Thieves Guild’s questline, or the Staff of Paralysis, located in Snapleg Cave, east of Ivarstead. Alternatively, Skyrim fans can also turn to alchemy and brew a Poison of Paralysis.

To make a Paralysis Poison in Skyrim, players can use several ingredients that inflict the Paralysis alchemical effect on their target. Such ingredients include Briar Heart, Canis Root, Gleamblossom, Swamp Fungal Pod, or Netch Jelly. They will want to remember that the goal isn’t to harm or hurt the pickpocket target, so health-damaging ingredients in this Skyrim Alchemy recipe, like Human Flesh or Imp Stool, are left out. Using a combination of the five primary ingredients, players can brew a Paralysis Poison and place it within an NPC to incapacitate them for several seconds.

How to Steal Items with 0% Chance in Skyrim

Skyrim: How to Pickpocket with 0% Chance

After inflicting Paralysis on a target through either the Paralyze spell, staff, or poison, Skyrim fans must wait until the NPC’s stiff immobility wears off. To get the timing right, players might need to count the seconds of effect in their head or profusely mash the button or key to pickpocket. With the NPC’s inventory now open, the Dragonborn may select any 0% chance items they wish to steal without issue. For safety, it would be wise to perform this action in a less populated area so the Dragonborn won’t receive an unwanted Bounty in Skyrim.

A good target for this paralyze-pickpocket technique would be Skill trainers that charge the player with an appalling amount of gold to level a particular trait. While it would presumably be more ethical to hand over the fee for their education, those whose purses lack adequate gold can use the 0% pickpocket method on the NPC to retrieve their money.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.