Sister Wives: Is Robyn Brown The Most Passive-Aggressive Reality Star Ever?

Sister Wives: Is Robyn Brown The Most Passive-Aggressive Reality Star Ever?

Sister Wives diva Robyn Brown’s known for her sobbing, but that’s not the only passive-aggressive tactic she uses to control the people around her, including her husband. Kody Brown. Like a master magician, Robyn’s got a bunch of tricks that make it all too easy for her to get her way. Gifted with the power to manipulate, Robyn’s gotten so much hate over the years. Her husband adores her, but many other people think she’s fake, greedy and consumed with interfering and overstepping.

Offscreen, Sister Wives season 18 fans have been wondering if Robyn’s pregnant, as per The Sun. This chatter’s generating plenty of buzz, but its unlikely she’s actually expecting a baby with the famous patriarch, Kody. It seems like the rumor was generated by body-shaming Sister Wives fans who believe that Robyn’s a little curvier than she usually is. “Strictly my opinion. I heard the rumors they don’t let filming inside … maybe because the little babe is inside.” Another (perhaps unkindly) talked about her “baby bump.” Robyn’s no stranger to unkindness from fans (there’s really no proof she’s expecting), but sometimes, she’s the one who’s mean.

Robyn Brown’s Probably Not Pregnant, But She’s Definitely A Manipulator

Weight fluctuations are very common, and Robyn’s talked about dieting in the past. So, it’s possible that her figure changed a little bit, but not due to pregnancy. While the pregnancy rumors are interesting, there are other things about Robyn that are even more fascinating, including her penchant for backstabbing. She’ll never directly attack, preferring to work her magic in craftier ways. Her goal is to get a result while seemingly keeping her hands clean. She manipulates Kody the most, but she doesn’t stop there.

When it comes to Robyn’s games, Kody’s the easiest target. He’s in love with her and that makes him weak. She doesn’t really need to ask him for anything. She can simper and cry in order to initiate change. Occasionally, she’ll get real by owning up to making certain decisions on Kody’s behalf. For example, she kept him from seeing his older sons at Christmastime, mostly because she felt that they’d clash and ruin the holiday. That was an unusually overt move from Kody’s favorite wife.

In terms of passive-aggression, Robyn’s a true champion. For example, she befriended Meri and pretended that she cared about her. However, those emotions are likely faked, as Robyn said offscreen that she wants monogamy with Kody. So, it’s quite possible that she’s been working against Meri the entire time. By posing as her confidante, Robyn can gather a lot of information, and then use that data to engineer certain outcomes. While Robyn doesn’t have such close bonds with the other women, she seems to truly enjoy hurting Meri.

Of all the wives (past and present), Meri’s probably the most trusting and naive. During this Sister Wives season, she’s still holding out hope that Kody will strengthen his bond with her, which is telling. It shows that she doesn’t always analyze situations effectively. She wears rose-colored glasses that she should have taken off years ago. Kody has nothing to give her, and that’s painfully obvious. Of course, she should know better than to expect humanity from the man who suggested that she live in a converted barn, and would never forgive her for an unfortunate catfishing incident.

Meri should have been forgiven. Kody was neglecting her. The fact that he would never soften was proof that he just didn’t care. While she was technically a cheater, a person would need to have a heart of stone to continue emotionally abusing her as Kody’s done. Meri brings out the worst aspects of Kody’s personality. With Meri, Kody’s essentially heartless, and Robyn allows him to be. He does absolutely nothing without her approval. Nonetheless, Robyn gets mad at the other wives. She said:

Were Robyn & Kody Laughing At Meri?

As per Entertainment Tonight at YouTube, Kody and his passive-aggressive wife Robyn seem to laugh at Meri. In the video shown above, until about the 20-second mark, the eye contact between Robyn and Kody’s priceless. While Meri’s getting real about her life, Kody’s basically scoffing, which makes it hard for Robyn not to laugh. This shameless moment is pure passive-aggression. Robyn’s ostensibly there to support Meri. However, she and Kody are making faces, which is more of a bullying thing than emotional support. It’s also pretty childish.

Sure, no one’s overtly rude in terms of their words. However, they’re exchanging looks in a way that’s kind of a “behind your back” thing. Kody’s ruder than Robyn as his smile looks so smug. However, her fighting the urge to laugh after looking at his face makes it crystal clear exactly what the dynamic is. While Robyn tries to pretend she’s nice at all times, things like this are very revealing. The moment above is just part of the reason why Robyn has such a bad reputation. The backstabbing’s out of control. While it’s all quite subtle, it’s still right there and clearly visible.

The issue with Robyn is that she never owns up to anything. She and Kody have a special bond, and Kody’s talked about their “romantic tension.” In that cringe moment, he shared that he tries to hide his fiery sexual connection with Robyn while Meri’s around, in case it makes her feel bad. However, exchanging glances with Robyn in front of Meri’s exactly the same thing. It’s low conduct designed to cut her out, even when she’s sitting right there.


Robyn goes along with it, which makes her an even worse person than Kody. He’s not hiding his disinterest in Meri. He’s made it so clear that he’s way over that spiritual union. He’s not pretending to be Meri’s biggest fan. However, Robyn is pretending that Meri’s important to her. Robyn plays so many games, and that’s why she can’t even post on Instagram. If she does, she’ll get swarmed by haters. She stopped posting long ago, probably because the shade was too much for her. The truth hurts, right?

Sister Wives Star Robyn Brown Tries To Parent The Other Wives’ Kids

Sure, she does it passive-aggressively, but she’s still interfering. Those kids already have mothers. Whether Robyn’s practicing tough love with Paedon Brown (by keeping the adult child away from his dad at Christmas) or criticizing a Brown child’s choice of church, she’s all about passive-aggressively driving a wedge between Kody and his kids by other wives. For sure, the children don’t appreciate her input. A lot of them complain about Robyn.

Robyn’s a grown woman and knows full well that she’s causing trouble when she plays mom to kids who already have mothers. That’s why her conduct is so shameful. She’s smart enough to realize that she’s stepping on the toes of other women. Robyn wouldn’t like it if they did that to her.

Robyn Took Charge Of My Sisterwife’s Closet (Now, It’s In Limbo)

Big-time entrepreneur Robyn dropped the ball after she took control of My Sisterwife’s Closet. She started with high hopes, seemingly usurping the other wives. Robyn wanted to design jewelry and sell it under the My Sisterwife’s Closet label. However, her insipid designs were often overly sentimental… and not so stylish. Eventually, her efforts dwindled, as though she was giving up all hope. By taking command, Robyn showed that she may lack leadership skills. The power she held appeared to be too much for her.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. If Robyn had shared the burden of leadership with the other wives, as would have been fitting, the group could have pulled together and possibly succeeded. No team wins because one person’s on the field. A group is generally needed to bring a corporate vision to fruition. Now, the website’s in limbo, even though premiere ratings were sky high. My Sisterwife’s Closet could potentially be a cash cow. Instead, the website is frozen in time.

Of course, that train might have sailed, as Austin Powers would say, as Kody’s losing all of his wives in season 18. Offscreen, all but Robyn have flown the coop. By failing to seize opportunity before the season aired, Robyn may have lost a lot of money. Fans might really enjoy buying My Sisterwife’s Closet items while enjoying the ongoing installment.

The passive-aggression here is taking control and then dropping the reins. She wanted power but didn’t wield it correctly, and didn’t bother reaching out for help. Now, that stream of income has dried up. It’s hard to say if that company will ever come back to life.

Robyn Brown Fibs About Her Bond With Kody Brown

Robyn’s so deceptive, it’s ridiculous. She and Kody prove that denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. For years, they’ve been consumed with each other. They’ve iced out the other wives. The whole time, they acted out a tired charade, pretending that the Brown family’s plural marriage was about equality. Listening to them lie about their bond, and how they didn’t exclude others, is just tedious.

What’s so hard about saying, “We love each other and don’t want to be a polygamous situation anymore?” They act like that’s just impossible. They almost say what needs to be said, but never quite spell it out. Kody may have had an ulterior motive when it came to trying to strengthen his bonds with Meri and Janelle in season 18. He actually stated that he was afraid Robyn wouldn’t respect him if he let the plural marriage fail. That makes some kind of sense, but what’s Robyn’s excuse?

She had no excuse. By not getting real, Robyn’s done some damage. She’s hurt the other women. They have to absorb the lies and the pain that follows. They can’t even get straight answers from the two people who’ve caused all the trouble. There’s nothing wrong with being in love. It’s just that they let the polygamous scenario drag out endlessly. A clean break would have been better for everyone.

Robyn pretended that Kody never gave her more affection. That just wasn’t true. By fibbing about what was so obvious to everyone, Robyn set herself up to be called the most passive-aggressive reality TV show star.

Robyn Brown Will Never Change

Sister Wives: Is Robyn Brown The Most Passive-Aggressive Reality Star Ever?

Queen Robyn will never change and either will her “King,” Kody. While Robyn did have an honest moment when she admitted, offscreen, that she doesn’t want Kody to take another wife, it’s too little too late. She’s set in her ways, and no one’s ever leaned into the passive-aggressive role like Robyn has. She’s become a reality TV legend because of this stuff.

Some reality celebs are beloved. Fans appreciate them and let them know that. Robyn can’t even post online. That’s because everyone can feel the bad vibes. Robyn just isn’t trusted, and while she may not be as bad as she’s made out to be, she’s definitely into playing nice while wreaking havoc behind the scenes. She seems to be so wrapped up in what people think of her. She’d be better off worrying about who she really is inside. Is she kind? Is she honest? Who people really are does matter. In fact, it’s everything.

Sister Wives season 18 celeb Robyn has a lot to learn about being authentic. However, she’s doing just fine playing her little violin. She’s got Kody, a fancy house, kids, and fame. That’s a lot. While Kody’s anything but pleasant most of the time, she seems to want to be with him. While she’s complained about Kody during the current installment, she’s in it for the long haul. The least passive-aggressive thing about Robyn is her devotion to Kody. She actually treats him quite well and deserves some credit for that. However, how she’s treated the other Brown women is so uncool.

Sources: The Sun, Entertainment Tonight