Sin City 2: Prequel, Midquel AND Sequel???

Sin City 2: Prequel, Midquel AND Sequel???

Alexis Bledel, that blue-eyed badgirl from Sin City recently talked to MTV News about the long, long, awaited sequel to Robert Rodriguez’s cinematic recreation of Frank Miller’s gritty, noir graphic novel series. Bledel didn’t know much, but had heard a rumor that a script for Sin City 2 was floating around and that her character, Becky, was in it.

But wait, Becky got capped at the very end of Sin City

And so the plot thickens. That was my best “noir lead-in,” like it?

Sin City 2: Prequel, Midquel AND Sequel???

Seriously though, Bledel didn’t spill much more than the fact that the script she’d heard about would require her to essentially come back from the dead –  unless of course the new batch of yarns being spun in Sin City 2 take place BEFORE the ones in Sin City 1.

But unless you’re a big fan of the Sin City graphic novels (or paid really, really, close attention to the movie), you probably aren’t aware that there is in fact a loose chronology woven between all the different stories – a chronology which the careful observer can piece together from scenes where characters intersect, alter their appearance, etc.

Sin City did a good job of setting the chronology of the stories in order, but there are still enough yarns from the graphic novels (and Frank Miller is reportedly now working even more of them) to keep the film franchise’s continuity expanding for TWO more movies, let alone just a sequel. And, so long as each individual story gets told in a satisfying manner, I doubt people will complain too much of they see dead-ol’ Marv (Mickey Rourke) pop up for a good brawl here or there!

Sin City Marv and Lucille

Many are currently speculating that Bledel’s character, Becky, would likely appear in “A Dame To Kill For”, one of the first Sin City yarns Miller wrote, which takes place both before and during “The Hard Goodbye”, and well before “The Big Fat Kill” – two stories featured in the first Sin City film. “A Dame To Kill For” also features Dwight, the role played by Clive Owen in the first film (but didn’t Owen’s character initially mention having had his face recently altered? So does Owen come back for Sin City 2 or what?). This is already getting too confusing.

Hopefully we’ll be able to straghten things out if once this “rumored script” for Sin City 2 surfaces.