Silent Hill 4: Why The Room Is Worth Revisiting

Silent Hill 4: Why The Room Is Worth Revisiting

The Silent Hill franchise is known for its survival horror and edge-of-your-seat gameplay. However, it’s been a while since fans of the series have gotten a new entry. Surprisingly, Silent Hill 4: The Room has just appeared on PC via GOG. With Halloween quickly approaching, and now that the game is once again easy to obtain, now is the perfect time to play Silent Hill 4 again – or for the very first time.

The plot of Silent Hill 4: The Room is one about isolation, as Henry Townsend must try to escape his apartment. It’s a deceptively simple premise, but one that critics and fans were receptive to. The game received positive reviews and sold well when it originally released on PS2, Xbox, and PC in 2004. Now, Silent Hill 4 is the latest Konami classic to re-release for PC on GOG.

The re-release of Silent Hill 4 on PC is great for a number of reasons. First, it makes the game far easier to play now. Previously, the game wasn’t available digitally, and tracking down a physical copy of the game could get costly. The $10 price tag of Silent Hill 4: The Room via GOG is significantly less than the used copies people can find online, which sometimes run upwards of $100. That’s even assuming people still have a PS2 or original Xbox lying around. It may not be the PlayStation 5 Silent Hill game fans have wanted, but it’s still a welcome addition to any horror fan’s PC library.

Why Silent Hill 4’s Timing Is Perfect

Silent Hill 4: Why The Room Is Worth Revisiting

With Halloween coming soon, a lot of people are eager to dive back into horror games. The timing for Silent Hill 4‘s re-release couldn’t be better. This time of year, people are especially looking for great survival horror games for Halloween. Silent Hill 4 is a great way to scratch that itch without spending too much money.

The sudden appearance of Silent Hill 4 is good news for people who fondly remember playing the game when it was new. For anyone who hasn’t played the game, though, now is the perfect time to try it out. It’s different from its Silent Hill predecessors in a number of ways, mostly notably with its heavier emphasis on combat and the way it leaves out a lot of the series’ trademark puzzles. So, even people who think they don’t like Silent Hill games may end up liking Silent Hill 4.

As Konami continues releasing more of its older games on GOG, other Silent Hill re-releases seem likely. With easy access and a low cost, the re-release of Silent Hill 4: The Room on PC should have horror fans excited. With Halloween right around the corner, now is the perfect time to revisit the game – or play it for the very first time.