Shonen Jump’s Big New Title is One Change Away From Living Up to the Hype

Shonen Jump’s Big New Title is One Change Away From Living Up to the Hype

Shonen Jump has been making big moves lately but the biggest move of all is three new manga that were released after winning one of their prestigious awards. There is no better time than now to do this as the future of the company is looking dark since their biggest manga such as One Piece and My Hero Academia are coming to an end.

These three manga are living up to the hype so far but Kagurabachi has taken the spotlight and with it being so popular, the expectations are very high. The past few chapters have featured some gorgeous art and an interesting plot, but the story desperately needs one specific story arc so that everything makes sense.

A Backstory Into Chihiro’s Father Is Needed

Kagurabachi is created by Takeru Hokazono

Shonen Jump’s Big New Title is One Change Away From Living Up to the Hype

The story revolves around Chihiro, a sword-smith who is now on the path of revenge for his father’s murder, and trying to retrieve his father’s prized weapons. It has been revealed that the enchanted swords holds great power, much more than the average sorcerer’s, as it greatly amplifies spiritual energy. As shown in chapter 4, the swords have different techniques, with Black being used for attacks and Red for defense. With more of these swords out there, the question is how did Chihiro’s father forge such powerful tools, and who is he?

Kagurabachi Chapter 2 Cover art featuring the main protagonist surrounded by dead bodies while gripping his katana.

To truly understand what the enchanted swords are and how they are so powerful that they stopped a war, the author will have to do a backstory on Chihiro’s father and how he came to forge the swords. An arc that is dedicated to the father will do a lot in making the story more cohesive. There is also the avenue of exploring Chihiro’s family and lineage and how the father came to be a master swordsman. Just like the Hidden Inventory Arc in Jujutsu Kaisen did to clear up many questions, Kagurabachi will have to dedicate a story to the origins of the swords to truly make viewers understand the magnitude of such weapons being in the hands of evil people.

As Chihiro continues on his blood-filled journey to exact revenge for his father’s murder, he is definitely going to learn more about his dad’s past and why he was targeted. He is also traveling with Shiba, a friend of his father, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise when he starts asking questions. Although gradually revealing information about the father would work, an in depth backstory would do wonders for the series. The whole story starts with the father’s masterpieces being stolen after he was murdered, so it only makes sense that he should temporarily get the spotlight. Kagurabachi is taking over the manga industry, but to exceed expectations, the question of why and how the swords are so important must be answered.