Shogun Episode 8’s Seppuku & Whether Hiromatsu Knew Toranaga’s Secret Plan Clarified By Creator

The following contains spoilers for Shogun episode 8

A Shogun co-creator discusses episode 8’s shocking seppuku scene and whether Hiromatsu knew Toranaga’s secret plan. Seemingly intent on surrendering to Ishido in the wake of episode 7’s stunning developments, episode 8 “Abyss of Life” sees Toranaga gathering his generals together to sign their names and thereby pledge to die beside him. The scene does not play out as Toranaga imagined, however, as his most trusted general, Hiromatsu, commits seppuku, providing Toranaga with the necessary evidence of his intent to surrender, and setting up the next step in Toranaga’s master plan.

What isn’t made plain in this shocking Shogun episode 8 scene is whether Hiromatsu knew Toranaga’s plan to deceive Ishido, or sincerely believed that his lord meant to surrender, so Shogun co-creator Justin Marks addressed the matter, speaking to the show’s official podcast about Hiromatsu’s sacrifice and what it means. Check out his remarks below (around 6:40 of the video clip via FX Networks):

I think there are many layers to look at this scene. Having really worked very closely with the two actors at the center of it and the director of this, I can speak to what was played. Takuma-san, who plays Hiromatsu, had a great idea for an adjustment that we made at the last minute for this scene– –which is that these three generals who are coming into this, who are wearing armor as a demonstration of protest at a funeral, which is a very common historical phenomenon at that time, they’re in this position where they’re going make a stand.

And Takuma-san wanted to play Hiromatsu’s insertion of himself as a choice that he makes to spare their lives. Because if he could speak up to his lord and die in their place, then they won’t have to commit seppuku. So he does it before they can do it as really a humane gesture to these three men who have served him as well as Toranaga all this time.

Because of that, there’s a great moment in the scene between Toranaga and Hiromatsu where Toranaga turns to Hiromatsu in shock because he did not intend for Hiromatsu to do this. And I don’t think Hiromatsu knew that Toranaga wanted these generals to commit seppuku in order to show his enemies that he had surrendered and truly given up and that he has no hope, right. But in order for that narrative to be perfect, his most treasured general really has to do it. And that’s something that I don’t think even Toranaga wanted to do.

More to come…