Shazam Ignored the Seven Deadly Sins’ Epic Combined Form

Shazam Ignored the Seven Deadly Sins’ Epic Combined Form

Although they were featured in Shazam, the movie ignored the Seven Deadly Sins’ epic combined form that they take in the comics. This form can be found in DC Comics’ New 52 and was created by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. The story was originally serialized in the back pages of Johns’s Justice League series before being collected into a single volume.

Minus the major appearance of Shazam’s archenemy Black Adam, the comic follows roughly the same plotline as the movie. In a relentless pursuit for magic, Dr. Thaddeus Sivana frees Black Adam from his prison. The duo then strive for more power by releasing the Seven Deadly Sins, who have been stuck in separate human forms by the Wizard. The Seven Sins agree to help Black Adam destroy modern civilization, and they seek to do this by inhabiting the most rotten person in the city. That happens to be Mr. Bryer, the richest man in Philadelphia and father of neighborhood bullies. This is a departure from the film, which has the Seven Sins inhabit Dr. Sivana instead.

Another stark contrast between the comic and movie is what happens to the person once the Sins enter their bodies. In the film, Dr. Sivana retains his will and human form, serving merely as a vessel for the Sins to travel in. The Sins in the comic, however, transform Mr. Bryer into a large hulking beast about the size of a building with a crown of horns on its head. All trace of Mr. Bryer is gone, and he seems to have zero control over the monstrous demon he’s become while destroying the city. The demonic creature’s most striking feature is probably the upside-down pentagram of fire burning on his chest. He’s also breathing fire as a thick cloud of smoke emanates from his mouth.

Shazam Ignored the Seven Deadly Sins’ Epic Combined Form

It’s not just the look of the combined Sins that’s different; it’s the Seven Deadly Sins themselves, as well. Although there’s some variation between the Sins in the movie, they all roughly come from the same template of grey, orc-like figures. The comic, however, gives each individual Sin its own look, style, and personality. For instance, Lust is in a straightjacket while Envy is in a Victorian-era suit and top hat.

Along with Shazam, who was called Captain Marvel at the time, the Seven Deadly Sins first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 back in 1940. Their redesign for the New 52 carried over into other series, but mot into the film adaptation, even though it would have been epic to see on screen.