“Shall We Assemble?” Thor Returns To The Future To Unite Captain America’s New Avengers Roster

“Shall We Assemble?” Thor Returns To The Future To Unite Captain America’s New Avengers Roster

Warning: Contains spoilers for Avengers: Twilight #3!! In a dystopian future, Captain America is pulling together a new group of Avengers, and Thor has answered his call. The notorious “H-Day” scattered the world’s superheroes, and some lost their lives while others retired or disappeared. The God of Thunder left Earth behind as his old friends could no longer continue their old jobs, but it only took one prayer from Steve Rogers to bring him on board with the new team.

Avengers: Twilight #3 sees Steve Rogers finally beginning to put together a new Avengers roster. His first move is to recruit a new Hawkeye and the two work together to rescue Tony Stark from the superhuman prison, The Raft. Kamala Khan makes a gigantic entrance as Ms. Marvel, but it is Thor who ties the group together.

“Shall We Assemble?” Thor Returns To The Future To Unite Captain America’s New Avengers Roster

As Cap and his allies face off with James Stark, he sends up a prayer to Asgard and receives a swift response. Thor arrives in a shower of lightning and thunder and asks the question that proves the heroes are making a comeback: “Shall we assemble?”

Thor is Eager to Return to the Avengers

Thor and Mjolnir on the cover of Avengers Twilight #4

Although Avengers: Twilight takes place in a potential future timeline where superheroes have been accused of mass destruction, Thor’s fate there is familiar. He is often destined to outlive his loved ones, sometimes even facing the end of the world, and “Hero Day” is yet one more scenario that left him in that position. The Avengers were no more, and many of his old friends were gone, thus severing his reason to stay on Earth. Society rejected its biggest heroes and even the God of Thunder could not fight that changing tide.

It’s unclear just how much time has passed since he left, but it is obvious that he never stopped listening. Decades are a drop in the bucket for a God, and Thor likely knew that Earth would need him again. Now, he has a chance to help make up for what they lost, and his quick return to Cap’s side adds some serious power to the future Avengers. They’ll need it to face what is to come, as James Stark is unknowingly acting as a mere puppet for Ultron, Jarvis, and Red Skull’s deeply rooted plans.

Thor’s Strength Could Be the Turning Point for the Future Avengers

Thor attacks James Stark in front of Captain America

While some of the new Avengers team are experienced heroes, they haven’t worked together in years. Kamala has been operating quietly, but hasn’t confronted any major danger in some time, and Steve’s super soldier serum doesn’t entirely make up for his advanced age. Neither will be at their peak, but Thor may have grown even more powerful and honed his skills in his absence. Better yet, no one anticipated his return, and he has already successfully caught James Stark off guard. With the future Avengers gearing up to save the country, Thor’s return could be the key to their success.

Avengers: Twilight #3 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Avengers: Twilight #3 (2024)

Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel on the cover of Avengers Twilight #3
  • Writer: Chip Zdarsky
  • Artist: Daniel Acuña
  • Colorist: Daniel Acuña
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Alex Ross