Shadow & Bone: What Kind Of Grisha Would You Be, Based On Zodiac Sign?

Shadow & Bone: What Kind Of Grisha Would You Be, Based On Zodiac Sign?

Although the recently discovered Sun Summoner Alina Starkov and the massively powerful Shadow Summoner General Kirigan are the main focus of the first season of Netflix’s newest fantasy TV series, Shadow & Bone, this fictional universe called the Grishaverse is actually full of these extraordinary individuals called Grisha who possess exceptional powers.

These abilities can range anywhere from the ability to control the wind to literally damaging people’s internal organs. But what type of Grisha is each sign of the zodiac most likely to be?

Aries – Heartrender

Shadow & Bone: What Kind Of Grisha Would You Be, Based On Zodiac Sign?

Out of all of the Grisha in the world, it’s possible that Heartrenders are the most terrifying. These Grisha in the Corporalki order literally hold people’s lives in their hands, as they can control the internal organs of others.

They’re unsurprisingly considered to be some of the most important Grisha in the war, and it seems like the very active, visceral, and action-oriented sign of the Aries would be most likely to have Heartrending abilities.

Taurus – Tidemaker

Kefta uniforms in blue

Despite the fact that Tauruses are an earth sign, it seems like the water-based abilities of the Tidemakers would suit their personality types most appropriately.

While on the surface Tauruses can seem cool, calm, and collected like still water, beneath that surface is a powerful force. The bulls of the zodiac aren’t the type to bend to anyone’s will, they’re the ones who make others bend, so the powerful force of tides would be a physical manifestation of that attitude.

Gemini – Tailor

Genya Safin looks on in Shadow and Bone.

Geminis are incredibly intelligent and detail-oriented, and they can easily move from one idea or topic to another as quickly as most people can take a breath.

Tailors are a part of the Corporalki class, and they have control over other people’s bodies in that they can change their appearance at will. Geminis also have a talent for artistry and beauty, so they would very likely excel at making others into the most idealized version of themselves.

Cancer – Healer

Healer Grisha in Shadow and Bone

Healers are obviously a fairly self-explanatory type of Grisha, unlike Tailors who can control appearances or Heartrenders that can do harm to someone’s body, Healers use their abilities to make everyone better.

Cancers are the most empathetic and emotional of all of the zodiac signs, so if they could choose any Grisha ability, this would be the one. Having the power over life and death is a huge responsibility, and Cancers would rather be saving people than hurting them.

Leo – Sun Summoner

Alina Starkov using her Sun Summoner powers in Shadow and Bone

Leo is one of the boldest and most powerful of all zodiac signs, and as a fire sign, it’s only natural that they would be the Sun Summoners of the Grishaverse.

Leos also tend to be unique and even one-of-a-kind, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they were gifted with one of the most unusual Grisha abilities in the world, the ability to summon light, a power of the Etherealki order that was unheard of before Alina Starkov.

Virgo – Healer

Shadow and Bone Fedyor Kaminsky Julian Kostov Ivan Simon Sears

The Virgo is yet another sign that is very empathetic and loves to help others, so it would make sense if they fell into the Healer class of Corporalki Grisha.

If they were ever offered the choice, they would much rather have the ability to heal people instead of wounding them, and there is no type of Grisha that is more in line with the innate kindness of a Virgo than the Healer Grisha.

Libra – Squaller

Shadow & Bone Trailer - The Shadow Fold

Libras are an air sign, so it comes as no surprise that they would likely become Squallers, a type of Etherealki that can manipulate the wind. But Squallers are their perfect Grisha type for more reasons than that.

Libras are naturally intelligent and love to convince people to see from their point of view, so metaphorically speaking, using the wind to influence the direction which everyone goes really seems to be an apt analogy for the Libra personality.

Scorpio – Shadow Summoner

Shadow and Bone Darkling Nichevoya Shadow Monster Vertical

Once again, metaphorically speaking it seems like the Shadow Summoner is the right Grisha type for a Scorpio, as Scorpios are extremely reluctant to reveal themselves to others and prefer to shroud themselves in mystery.

Scorpios are also incredibly intense and powerful individuals, and much like the Darkling, if anyone ever betrays a Scorpio they’ll certainly live to regret it in the long run. The unique Etherealki power of the Shadow Summoner just screams Scorpio.

Sagittarius – Inferni

Inferni Grisha in Shadow and Bone

Anyone who has ever met a Sagittarius knows that they are not the passive type, so a fiery and aggressive power like what the Inferni possess is perfect for this fire sign.

Unsurprisingly, Sags can also be a bit unpredictable and temperamental, so being able to control the ferocious but unstable power of fire seems to be a good representation of their generally hot-and-cold personalities. Plus, Inferni abilities just look cool, just like a Sagittarius always does.

Capricorn – Durast

Durast Grisha David stands in a purple kefta in Shadow and Bone.

Capricorns are very stable and reliable individuals, almost to a fault in that they are very reluctant to change and would much rather adjust the world around them to their own preferences and sensibilities instead.

Ergo, having the abilities of a Durast, a Grisha of the Materialki order who can manipulate everything solid, is incredibly apropos. While they’re not the most ostentatious of Grisha, their powers are undeniable and the entire Grisha army relies on their talents.

Aquarius – Alkemi

Shadow and Bone characters in the palace

Alkemi are the other Grisha order of Materialki, but unlike the Durasts, they control less solid forms of matter. As their name would indicate, they are Grisha that master more alchemy-based manipulations like chemicals and poisons.

Aquariuses seem like the right zodiac sign to master this particular skill of the Fabrikators, as they are naturally intelligent and creatively inclined, so working with such dangerous and unstable materials wouldn’t frighten them or be too hard for them to handle.

Pisces – Corpsewitch

Danielle Galligan as Nina Zenik in Shadow and Bone

The Shadow & Bone TV series hasn’t examined this extremely unique Grisha ability yet, but a Corpsewitch is essentially a Grisha who can control the bodies of the dead rather than the living.

And as the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces essentially has one foot in this world and another foot in the mystical world, so being able to control the bodies of those who have literally moved on to another phase of existence is right up their alley.