Sex Education S4 Cast Update Hints It Won’t Resolve Its Biggest Mystery

Sex Education S4 Cast Update Hints It Won’t Resolve Its Biggest Mystery

The latest cast update for Sex Education season 4 suggests that it won’t resolve the show’s biggest mystery. Netflix’s coming-of-age series premiered in 2019 and immediately became a critical success. While it is confirmed to return for another year, Sex Education season 4 will look significantly different from its predecessors because of a much smaller cast.

Ahead of its premiere, several actors have already confirmed that they won’t be reprising their roles in the series. Bridgerton‘s Simone Ashley won’t be back as Olivia. Patricia Allison’s Ola and Tanya Reynolds’ Lily will be missing in the upcoming season as well. The latest cast member to reveal that she won’t be back is Rakhee Thakkar who plays Moordale Secondary School’s English teacher, Emily Sands. While plot details for the series’ upcoming outing remain scant, this newest update hints that the show might not resolve its biggest mystery from Sex Education season 3.

At the end of Sex Education season 3, it was surprisingly revealed that school investors backed out after Moordale Secondary School failed to revitalize its tainted image as a sex school. This means that it would be sold to developers immediately, forcing everyone needs to find alternative schooling arrangements moving forward. There’s an assumption that Sex Education season 4 will show what ultimately happens to the academic institution if it doesn’t get saved. However, with no appearance from teachers like Ms. Sands, it doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, the Netflix series would shift its focus to particular character arcs and not actively tackle their collective narrative regarding Moordale Secondary School’s fate.

What Will Sex Education Season 4’s Story Be?

Sex Education S4 Cast Update Hints It Won’t Resolve Its Biggest Mystery

Netflix has remained mum about what to expect from Sex Education season 4 with a smaller cast. While the events of season 3 set up several plotlines that could continue in its next outing, some of them won’t be tackled anymore as hinted by the show’s missing cast members. The good thing about this is that it can finally tackle certain narratives that have been sidelined for a while. For starters, and most importantly, Sex Education season 4 can explore Otis and Maeve’s relationship. As the show’s primary romantic pairing, the project milked their will-they/won’t-they dynamic for far too long. Sex Education season 3 finally brings them together, but they are pulled away from each other again after Maeve pursues her study abroad program in the United States. Maybe, Sex Education season 4‘s story will see Otis follow her in America where they can finally figure out how they move forward with their current situation.

At this point, it’s unclear if Sex Education season 4 will be its last. While the show is both a critical and commercial hit for Netflix, it’s also clear that its narrative has a natural ending, and considering how things are shaping up for the show, it seems to be approaching it. Assuming that there won’t be any season 5, then it’s possible that the show leaves the question about Moordale Secondary School’s fate unanswered.