Sex And The City: Questions From The Franchise The Revival Should Answer

Sex And The City: Questions From The Franchise The Revival Should Answer

And Just Like That is set to be the next big series revival, bringing the Sex and the City crew back to the small screen to explore what life is like for these iconic women now that they are in their 40s. The revival will reportedly be a mini-series, and will bring back almost all the fan-favorites – with the exception of Kim Cattrall’s Samantha, who will not be re-joining the show.

So now, after six seasons, two movies, and a spin-off show, what other Sex and the City stories are left to tell? At the end of the second film, Charlotte is happily married with two kids, Miranda and Steve are back together and happy, and Carrie and Big are married and in love – but there are still some long-standing questions that fans have for the revival to answer.

What Happened To Skipper?

Sex And The City: Questions From The Franchise The Revival Should Answer

Remember Skipper? A semi-regular character in season one, Skipper was a friend of Carrie’s, who briefly dated Miranda. In many ways, he was a proto-Steve – a charming, incredibly sweet and romantic guy who balanced out Miranda surprisingly well. However, Skipper simply disappeared at the end of season one. Given that he was ostensibly a friend of Carrie’s, what happened? Fans want to know, and maybe even see the adorable Skipper return, and catch everyone up on what he’s been doing.

How Did Carrie Afford That Apartment?

This is one of the biggest questions of the show, as Carrie somehow manages to live a six-figure lifestyle by writing one column a week. It’s something that fans have never been ok with, and maybe it’s time for the revival to address how Carrie got the apartment in the first place. In fact, seeing some flashbacks of how these friends met might also be fun, and could be the answer to the question of how on earth Carrie managed to live where she did.

What’s Going On With Louise Now?

Louise and Carrie having cocktails

Louise was introduced in the Sex and the City movie, as the assistant that Carrie hires after she is jilted. (Again, why a columnist needs an assistant is a bit far-fetched, but that’s just part of the show.) Louise became a friend to Carrie over the course of the film, and in the end, left New York to go back home and get married – and is last seen trying on wedding dresses and talking to Carrie on the phone. So what happened? The revival would do well to at least mention what Louise is up to now, or show Carrie visiting a woman that was such a major part of her life.

Were There Any Reprisals For The Abu Dhabi Disaster?

sex and the city 2 women in burqas

Sex and the City 2 was roundly criticized for being tone-deaf, unrealistic, and generally just plain bad – and a big part of that was down to a storyline where Samantha, despite being an intelligent woman in PR, in a country that she is supposed to be creating a PR campaign for, breaks all kinds of decency laws and incites an angry mob in the marketplace.

There were some fairly serious issues in terms of visas and legal trouble by the end of the film, yet it seems that the women just scampered back to New York with no actual reprisals. Was this actually all the happened? What was the fallout? Fans want to know, but then again, it might also be best to sweep that entire film under the collective carpet.

What Was The Fallout After The Whole Big/Carrie UnWedding?

carrie bradshaw wedding dress

In the first film, Carrie and Big decide to get married in a massive society wedding… at which Big jilts her, causing a huge scene, which Samantha deals with (in terms of PR). At the end of the movie, though, they reunite and marry at City Hall. It’s a sweet ending, but given just how big the original wedding was (in Vogue, on Page Six, etc), was there really no fallout? Surely this should be addressed with even a little comment, rather than just a happily ever after.

Did Miranda Learn To Like Brooklyn?

Miranda Steve and Brady in Brooklyn

Another major plotline in the first film was Miranda’s breakup with Steve, after he cheated on her. She moved back to Manhattan, planned to divorce… but eventually rekindled things and got back together, leaving them happily married by the second film. However, throughout the film (and much of the original series), Miranda complains incessantly about Brooklyn, and living in Brooklyn – so did she manage to fall in love with Brooklyn when she went back to her husband? Did they end up moving somewhere else? Now that she’s moving up in her career, might they move back to Manhattan?

Does Charlotte Ever Go Back To Work?

Charlotte showing Eileen and Lydia the gallery

In the early seasons of the show, Charlotte works at an art gallery, and it seems that she is a very talented art dealer. However, she ditches her career to marry Trey, and then never seems to go back.

In later seasons and in the films, she is seemingly a stay at home mom… yet she and Harry also have a nanny, because Charlotte is worried about Harry being attracted to her. So what, exactly, does Charlotte do all day, and did she eventually go back to work?

Did Carrie & Big Want Kids?

Speaking of children, do Carrie and Big ever talk about having a family? Carrie’s childfree status isn’t really discussed too much, which is a shame, as there is real scope for a conversation on actively choosing not to have children. It’s even possible that the revival will see them with a child, or trying to get pregnant at an older-than-average age, but no matter what, it would be nice to see some level of conversation about Carrie’s decision, and how she feels about it in her 40s, too.

What Is Miranda’s Career Goal?

split image of Miranda in Sex and the City

Throughout the series, Miranda wants to make partner at her firm – and does so. However, in the second film, she struggles with sexism at work, and ends up leaving her job to find a better work environment. Now, it would be great to see what Miranda’s big goals are, especially as she has always been the most career-oriented member of the group. As a (seemingly very good) lawyer in her 40s, where is Miranda aiming? Could she be looking at trying to get on the bench, or into politics? It would definitely be nice to see a story that centers on her professionally, not just as a wife and mother.

What Happened To Samantha?

Samantha Sex and the city revival

And of course, this is the biggest question of all (although it’s not from the existing franchise, so much as specific to the revival itself). With the news that Samantha will not be returning alongside Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda, fans are wondering how she will be written out of the show. Has she moved away, fallen out of touch, married the Danish architect she was sleeping with in the second film, or perhaps (and heartbreakingly possibly) died in the meantime? This is going to be a real test for the show, and fans are extremely concerned about Samantha’s loss being handled well… but at least this is one question that will definitely be answered!