Seeking Sister Wife: How Fans Support Dannielle Merrifield On Instagram

Dannielle Merrifield might not get the best treatment on Seeking Sister Wife, but she gets lots of support from fans on Instagram. Ever since TLC put her family into the limelight, viewers have seen just how bad of a spouse her husband Garrick can be. But regardless of how he acts towards her, Dannielle has her fans to get her through it, and they are there to encourage her with positivity she doesn’t seem to receive from her spouse.

Throughout Dannielle’s time on the show, viewers saw the unfair treatment she received from Garrick. He wanted to dive into polygamy, not because of any decisions made between him and his wife, but rather for his own selfish reasons. Or rather, “Because God called him to.” His own family members, as well as Dannielle’s mother, have been wary of his life choices, and his own relatives have turned away from him because of his venture into polygamy.

Garrick has proven himself to be hypocritical after taking part in premarital sex, despite claiming to live by the words of the Bible. Overall, some viewers have considered him the worst husband on the show. Fans have been quick to jump to Dannielle’s side, taking to her social media to let her know she can do so much better.

Dannielle Has A Lot Of Comments From Fans

Dannielle’s Instagram account has only 21 posts and yet she has an accumulation of thousands of comments showing that her fans have her back. Whether she posts content of her family or just herself, fans are in the comment section speaking their minds, even on posts from as early as 2014. One photo from February of that year shows her and Garrick snowboarding. The comments have shown that fans can express their disgust for Garrick in a multitude different ways. Comments like, “Leave him,” and, “Get rid of him,” complete with a barf emoji can be found on the post. Many of the comments insist she can do better and some commenters have told her to run far away and never look back.

Fans Often Trash Talk Garrick

Some fans have shown their support by slandering Garrick, who, in their eyes, deserves it due to his behavior. During their time on Seeking Sister Wife, Garrick had sexual relations with another woman named Roberta. While the two planned to welcome her into the marriage, Garrick devoted all of his attention to her during their trip to Mexico, leaving fans to pity Dannielle for the way she was treated. Garrick and Roberta agreed to try and have a baby, but Dannielle was not included in this decision. One Instagram user recalled this event and called Garrick a “horny middle-[aged]-crises loser” who is “taking advantage of Dannielle’s kind heart.” “Your children deserve better,” she said. “You deserve better. Please, leave him.” Another user told Dannielle she hopes Garrick is miserable after treating her the way he does and hopes Dannielle will never speak to him again. “Live on and be as happy [as] you possibly can, you deserve it,” she said.

They Support Her Despite Garrick’s Actions

But not every comment is a jab towards Garrick. Dannielle posted a photo of herself after a workout and fans called her “beautiful,” “amazing,” and “inspiring.” One user said, “You are seriously my fav. Your strength is amazing. I feel your pain when I watch your episodes and you’re so strong. I would die in your situation. But you are gorgeous and I hope you know your worth.”  Recently, she posted a selfie and fans have showered her in compliments. One even told her to never stop smiling. Many photos of herself have her followers complimenting her appearance and wishing her the best. But even so, negative comments towards Garrick seem to always be in abundance. “You look sooo much happier when Garrick’s not around you!!!” one follower said on a thread of images of Dannielle and her friends.