SEAL Team: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Main Characters

SEAL Team: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Main Characters

CBS’s military drama SEAL Team has grown to be one of the most popular TV shows in recent years. While the series has been met with mixed reviews from critics, fan appreciation has been high. The first season exceeded expectations with an average of 9.8 million viewers.

The series was created when the success of History Channel’s Six proved there was an appetite among viewers for military dramas. The character development has been brilliant so far, and, hopefully, this will remain the case. Here are some things fans probably didn’t know about the main characters.

Jason Hayes Has Twelve Afghanistan Deployments

SEAL Team: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Main Characters

Earlier on in the series, Jason attempts to reconcile with his wife, but it doesn’t quite work out. She told him she was divorcing him just before his deployment to Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Definitely not the best time, and thinking about a failed marriage while at war must be hard.

Interestingly, this wasn’t Jason’s first deployment to Afghanistan. In season three, he mentions that he enlisted in the Navy just before 9/11. He then revealed that his entire military career has revolved around the War On Terror and that he’s been to Afghanistan twelve times.

Sonny Quinn’s Real Name

In the episode titled “Drawdown,” Sonny reconnected with a former friend named Hannah, as well as his estranged father Emmet Quinn. Sonny went on to tell Hannah how his father still pisses him off. In return, she told him that his father was still a drunkard who frequented the bar alone.

The three planned a dinner date, but Sonny engaged in a nasty argument with his father again. Sonny was still angry at how his father left him at his grandparents’ house when he was only eight. During the argument, Sonny’s father also revealed that his son’s real birth name was Percival Quinn.

Clay Spenser Is Multilingual

Clay speaks a total of ten languages: Hausa, French, Arabic, Yoruba, Mende, Pashto, Spanish, Urdu, English, and Mandarin. At this rate, he really should be an intelligence officer working for the CIA or NSA rather than a Navy Seal.

Stella mentioned to her parents once that Clay speaks a couple of different languages. His proficiency in the languages stems from having served in different regions throughout his military career.

Mandy Ellis’ Parents

In the season one episode “Other Lives,” it was briefly mentioned that former Bravo Team’s CIA liaison came from a dysfunctional family. She never met her father since he fell out with her mom and left right before she was born.

Mandy would later find out that her mother was a professional criminal too. She was a scammer and con artist. At one point, she was caught and convicted of credit card fraud, identity theft, and insurance fraud.

Ray Perry Has Been Married For Ten Years

Perry has been married to his wife Naima for ten years. She is an American of Kurdish origin. Her profession is that of an Emergency Room Registered Nurse. It is through her job that she met Perry.

Perry came in injured while she was on duty in the ER at a Detroit hospital. The couple has two children. During the first two seasons, they had lots of financial difficulties. Perry was even forced to lie about an injury so that he’d continue working and make money.

Lisa’s Family

Bravo Team’s Intelligence Officer Lisa Davis is one of the show’s most loved characters. A few details about her background have been let loose in some of the episodes. For example, in the season two episode “Rock Bottom,” there was a revelation about her family house being razed to the ground when she was 11.

Lisa tried to rescue both of her two sisters, Michelle and Ronnie, but she couldn’t manage it so she only saved Ronnie. Her mother didn’t understand exactly what happened, so she blamed Lisa for Michelle’s death. Since that time, she hasn’t been on good terms with her family.

Trent Sawyer’s Medical Skills

Audiences might not have noticed it but Trent is the only Bravo Team member who normally steps up to offer first aid when there is a severely injured person. He treated a Yemen girl when the team raided her house in search of a cell phone containing crucial information.

He also treated a narco-trafficker inside a church after sustaining gunshot wounds. He was also able to treat victims of a bar explosion in Manila, Philippines. One of them was his colleague Clay Spenser. Trent also stitched up Jason’s torn cheek, while the team flew back from a mission in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Alana Knew Jason Since She Was Nine

Alana Hayes was a key character in the show during the first three seasons. Sadly, she succumbed to injuries sustained during a road accident. Her ex-husband Jason was devastated. He always believed he’d be the one to die first given nature of his profession.

Alana knew Jason since she was a little girl. Sadly, their marriage failed, and she left him by iconically stating: “I’m the love of your life, but I don’t think I should be your wife anymore,”

Ash’s Tenure In The Military

Clay’s father Ash Spenser is a former Chief Special Warfare Operator. He served in the Tier One SEAL unit—also known as SEAL Team Six—for 15 years. He has a rocky relationship with his son and other SEALs after writing a book that exposed inner military secrets.

Due to his military experience, Ash runs a firearms training firm as well as a security consulting company. He also does interviews in the media, portraying himself as a tactics guru and security expert.

Sonny’s Tattoos

If Sonny was a superhero, his name would be Tat Man. He has multiple tattoos, and one of them is a Special Warfare Trident tattoo on his pectoral muscle. However, in real life, active soldiers are prohibited from having tattoos that signify military experience because such artwork can compromise operational security.

But this is fiction, so Sonny can have all the tattoos he wants. He has about six tattoos in total, including tiny words on his forearms. He also has one on located on the inside of his right elbow, and another one right arm’s biceps.