Sea Of Thieves: Kraken & 9 Other Horrifying Things Players Can Encounter In The Ocean

Sea Of Thieves: Kraken & 9 Other Horrifying Things Players Can Encounter In The Ocean

Hit-open world pirate game, Sea of Thieves, takes players on a whirlwind of adventure as they get to sail the open seas, search for treasure, and become the pirates they always wanted to be when they were children. The game has a bunch of different seasonal and world events that keep players enthralled with the magic that is the game.

Sea of Thieves has a bunch of different horrors to encounter when out at sea, some of which spawn randomly in only one server, and others are set in designated areas. Kraken and all of the other creatures, ships, and pirate-y happenings that players can encounter out at sea are pretty horrifying.


Sea Of Thieves: Kraken & 9 Other Horrifying Things Players Can Encounter In The Ocean

The Kraken is utterly horrifying. The Kraken spawns like any other world event, but can only appear when no other world event is going on. There is a rumor that the Kraken will spawn beneath the ship with the most loot, as it generally spawns whenever all the other events are complete.

It also will attack the first ship to hit the open ocean after all the events are done. While the Kraken doesn’t have a massive cloud, like the other event indicators, players will know that they are being targeted by the black ink that surrounds their boat and the eerie music.

Sunken Ships

Sea of Thieves Sunken Ship

Sunken ships aren’t innately horrifying as they usually contain some loot (sometimes even holding the Reaper’s Chest). However, the look of them is pretty terrifying. Whether the player has a fear of the open ocean or not, the game manages to accentuate this due to the depth-perception.

Depending on how deep the ship is, the players may not even be able to see the ocean floor as they swim into the ship and travel through each floor. There also is no music underwater, just the sound of silence.


Sea of Thieves Shark

What makes sunken ships even scarier is that they are hotspots for sharks. The sharks in this game are pretty spooky, whether you find them scary or not. Because the game is in first-person, they are often easy to miss while swimming and totally sneak up on players.

Getting attacked by sharks is also horrifying, as they slowly swim towards the players, just before lunging and taking a bite. It’s like the game wants players to hear the Jawstheme every time they see them.

Skeleton Ships

Sea of Thieves Skeleton Ship

Skeleton ships are all around the ocean, sailing in a range of different sizes. The skeleton ships spawn randomly and look for player ships to attack. They can be discerned by their ragged hulls, tattered sails, and bright glowing lights across the deck that usually shine a mix of green, white, purple, or blue. Seeing skeleton ships on the horizon can sometimes be horrifying as many players may mistake it for another player ship.

The skeleton ships also spawn during one of the word events where waves and waves come crashing in to attack. Skeleton ships pack a punch, but won’t chase players too long. If a player decides to attack back and fight the skeleton ships to smithereens, then there will be some loot in store for the victor.

Fort Of The Damned

Sea of Thieves Fort of the Damned

Fort of the Damned is another world event that has to be activated by a player. Pretty much this is like a skeleton fort, where waves of enemies will come to attack the players who began the trial. There usually is also a big boss for the players to attack. The Fort of the Damned also notifies everyone on the server that it has been started.

This means that other players could decide to come and help, or more often than not, come and plunder their booty.


Sea of Thieves Storm

Storms are pretty freaky in the game, but typically players will know where they are at throughout the game based on the massive grey clouds in the sky. But storms encompass large areas, and will usually be needed to sail through to go from island to island.

The storms rock the ship, making it harder to navigate and damaging the hull. They also add water to the lowest deck so someone will have to constantly be bucketing it out. And can cause lightning to strike the ship, starting fires and shocking players. A player can also be struck by lightning more frequently and severely if they have their sword out.

Ghost Ships

Sea of Thieves Ghost Ship

The Flameheart event is incredibly fun, but players definitely need to know what they’re getting themselves into before agreeing to do this world event. The ghostly head of Captain Flameheart spawns randomly on the map, usually set between two islands.

Flameheart’s gaze follows players across the map in a super eerie fashion and will begin speaking to the players if they get too close to his event. If the player is in his area for too long, and travel across the middle, the ghost ships will begin to attack in massive waves but will drop a ton of loot at the end.


Sea of Thieves Fog

Fog appears randomly on the map and can make for some pretty spooky sailing as players won’t be able to see other islands or ships as easily. This kind of can act as a double-edged sword, however, as players can escape in the fog if they are being chased by enemy ships and can’t/don’t want to engage in combat.

The best thing to do when the fog appears is to have one player at the front of the ship telling the driver where they need to go.


Sea of Thieves Megalodon

Megalodons are probably the third scariest thing that players can encounter in Sea of Thieves. These massive sharks come in a variety of colors, each typically meaning a different thing, such as behavior, and different levels of rarity.

The megalodons appear only in the open ocean and typically spawn behind player ships as they begin their chase. They have their own theme music that will begin the moment the chase begins and can only be killed by cannons.

Other Players

Sea of Thieves PvP

The scariest thing players can encounter in Sea of Thieves are simply other players. The community for the game isn’t the greatest and can start some pretty toxic encounters as everyone just wants to be a pirate, and steal and murder each other.

However, this can also be incredibly fun (and is). PvP is one of the highlights of the game. There’s a proximity voice chat that players use the communication with one another, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. It also totally keeps players on their toes as there could always be another enemy player ship just beyond the horizon.