Screen Rant’s Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2018

Screen Rant’s Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2018

Here are the best films of 2018, as voted by Screen Rant‘s editorial team. We’ve collected everybody’s top 10, and from there calculated a definitive (and surprising) site-wide list.

2018 sure has been an unpredictable year for movies. There’s been some of the biggest of all time – Marvel’s double-tap of cultural event Black Panther and narrative culmination Avengers: Infinity War – paired alongside shocking bombs – Solo: A Star Wars Story – with many critical hits languishing underseen and duds becoming smashes. There were gambles on all sides, and while the box office gulf between blockbusters and independent film is set to be a big issue going forward, in the past twelve months there’s no denying it’s led to some weird and wonderful movies.

Related: The Most Underrated Movies You Shouldn’t Have Skipped in 2018

To calculate our best of 2018 list, Screen Rant editors submitted their top 10 favorite movies of the year, and the results were ranked by volume (with any ties decided by placement in individuals’ lists). This has led to a truly eclectic list that embraces big hits but also eschews predictability – there’s movies on here that would make the bottom 10 for others – which speaks to the wealth of different movies appealing to different audiences this year (or that Screen Rant editors just really like Tom Hardy).

  • This Page: Screen Rant’s Top Movies Of 2018 #10-#6
  • Page 2: Screen Rant’s Top Movies Of 2018 #10-#6
  • Page 3: Screen Rant Editors Personal Choices

Honorable Mentions

As with our TV list (coming tomorrow), a lot of great films got multiple votes but couldn’t quite inch onto the Top 10. We still really enjoyed these films and they definitely deserve a shout out.

Four votes (but lower placement):

  • Game Night
  • Hereditary
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story

Three votes:

  • Aquaman
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
  • BlacKkKlansman
  • First Man
  • Ready Player One

10. Upgrade

Screen Rant’s Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2018

Between its simply but sleekly-designed vision of the near-future and fight scenes quite unlike anything you’ve seen before, Leigh Whannell’s Upgrade breathed new life into the well-worn genre of regular-guy-turned-super-soldier movies. The whole thing is held together by a strong central performance from Logan Marshall-Green, who effectively conveys the idea of a body effortlessly decimating opponents in a fight, while his head is just along for the ride. – Hannah Shaw-Williams

Read More: Upgrade Ending Explained: What REALLY Happened With STEM

9. Widows

The main characters in a promo image for Widows.

An Oscar-winning arthouse director going action doesn’t have to mean selling out. To be fair, Widows may as well have been tailor made for me: Steve McQueen is one of the most affecting filmmakers working today and I’ll always have a soft spot for the thriller genre. But that doesn’t make its achievement any more startling. It’s an ensemble where no one steals the spotlight yet everyone delivers, a plot with obvious subtext that is used to comment on something considerably more complex. That it’s become an also ran in awards’ season is the real crime. – Alex Leadbeater

Widows succeeds at marrying the thematic scope and layered narrative of a high-art film with a mainstream thriller full of clever twists and turns. – Sandy Schaefer

Read More: Widows Review: Steve McQueen Masters the Art of the Thriller

8. Eighth Grade

As a socially awkward youth, so much of what happens in Eighth Grade rang unpleasantly true for me, and left me thinking about embarrassing events I hadn’t thought about in years. Yet, the experience of watching it was quite cathartic, and served to remind me that those days do eventually end, and that my experience is a lot more common than I once thought. – Michael Kennedy

Eighth Grade truly captures the excruciating nature of being in middle-school through an empathetic, thoughtful, and painfully funny portrait of teenaged life in the digital era. – SS

Eighth Grade is a haunting film, for two reasons: it’s an aboveboard, accurate depiction of middle school life in the United States, especially in this social media age, and it contains scenes in which the dialogue and implications can make viewers squirm in their seats – and the movie is worth watching for both of those reasons. – Mansoor Mithaiwala

Read More: Eighth Grade Review: A Masterpiece of Middle-School Horror

7. Bumblebee

Bumblebee Movie Post-Credits Scene

I’m still recovering from the shock coming out of Bumblebee (or How To Train Your Iron Giant) that the sixth Transformers film isn’t just a good movie, but by a Cybertronian inch the best blockbuster of 2018 (for me if not the whole SR staff). I was never a fan of the Robots in Disguise growing up and suffering through Michael Bay’s films turned me against the very idea of Transformers, but Bumblebee is a tightly-written movie with such heart, humor and character detail (tracking all the Smiths nods and arcs is a delight) I fell in love. – AL

As someone who fell off the Transformers franchise 2-3 movies ago, I was still intrigued by the grounded tone of the Bumblebee trailers. And the movie ended up delivering the Transformers movie I didn’t even know I wanted. It made me cry, a Transformers movie had enough heart to make me cry! – Molly Freeman

Bumblebee marries the Transformers mythology with a coming of age narrative in funny and touching ways that improve upon the formula established by the original Transformers film. – SS

It took 11 years, but Paramount finally delivered a true Transformers movie with Bumblebee. All of its beats work, including Hailee Steinfeld’s Charlie Watson, who brings Bumblebee’s story down to earth. – MM

Read More: Bumblebee Is A Remake Of The Original Transformers (But Much Better)

6. A Quiet Place

Emily Blunt looking shocked on A Quiet Place poster

It’s the perfect example of a premise that sounds too good to be true (pun intended), but somehow, A Quiet Place makes an alien invasion/survival horror story centered on a single family ruthlessly riveting, without even hearing them speak. You can heap praise on the cast and its leading lady, but for those who were lucky enough to see the movie in a theater as silent as the characters, as I was, the silence itself was absolutely deafening. A neat premise, but the execution made it a thriller unlike any I’d seen before (how rare is that?). – Andrew Dyce

In the hands of someone like William Castle, the plot of A Quiet Place might feel a bit gimmicky. With John Krasinski at the helm, though, it’s a layered, subtle, and tragic creature feature that does the genre proud by leaning on subtlety over shock value. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s aesthetically similar to M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs (cornfields are always a creepy touch). – Danny Salemme

Using sound (and silence) as a foundation, A Quiet Place became one of the most inventive thrillers in years. It’s not just a stepping stone for John Krasinski as a director but an achievement in filmmaking. – MM

When I first learned that Jim from The Office was making a horror movie, I can’t say I expected much. What I ultimately got was the emergence of John Krasinski as a formidable director/actor/writer triple threat, and a horror effort so dripping with tension and suspense that I could’ve heard a pin drop in the theater. – MK

Page 2 of 3: Screen Rant’s Top 5 Films of the Year

5. Venom

Venom is a movie that should have been a total disaster and, objectively speaking, probably is. However, the madcap performance from lead Tom Hardy and the buddy dynamic between Eddie Brock and his symbiote pal made Venom one of the most enjoyable theater experiences of the year. – HSW

The original Venom was an idea born of lunacy: what if a strange superhero suit burst to life, took over a human like a parasite, and turned them into a monster? And lo and behold, the movie version did exactly that to audiences the world over. Sony threw caution and taste to the wind, infecting Tom Hardy with the anti-superhero formula and letting him loose, and the results were as successful as his comic book predecessor. The film may not be for everyone, but Venom showed how many weird risks can still be taken in a genre overflowing with antiheroes – and what rewards can await those fearless enough to take them. – AD

I still maintain Venom would have been even better if the writers and director had leaned into the relationship between Eddie Brock and Venom even more, but it’s still solidly fun. – MF

Read More: Venom’s Bad Reviews Completely Misunderstood Venom

4. Black Panther

The superhero fatigue making rounds with moviegoers over the past couple years is somewhat warranted – in terms of quantity at the very least. That said, Black Panther is one superhero movie that has proven that the genre can still be fresh. Even without its action set pieces, Black Panther holds its own with Ryan Coogler’s grounded direction, genuinely flawless performances throughout, and a villain that is arguably less morally flawed than the heroes. – DS

Black Panther fulfills the potential of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a richly crafted and politically-savvy superhero narrative, in addition to being a breakthrough in representation. – SS

I’m a sucker for the Marvel Studios formula (I’ll admit it!) but Black Panther really felt like a breathe of fresh air for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It had amazing world-building in Wakanda and fantastic character development. It really changed the game in terms of superhero movies. – MF

As important as Ryan Coogler’s film was for the cause of diversity and representation in Hollywood, above all else, it’s an amazing film full of exciting action, interesting characters, and a fully-realized fictional world. While I’m not ready to proclaim it the MCU’s best work, it’s certainly one of my favorites in the franchise to date, and I can’t wait to see what Coogler does with Black Panther 2. – MD

Read More: Every Record Black Panther Has Broken

3. Annihilation

Annihilation is a horror film. Its premise is sci-fi and its plot drive is drama, but it’s undoubtedly a horror. The final act is a mix of Stalker and 2001: A Space Odyssey, a haunting exploration of the self that retroactively paints the film with a pervasive sense of dread. Alex Garland made something so gorgeous, the only thing I don’t like is that it was a Netflix release in the UK. – AL

That Annihilation made such a big impression despite its thoroughly botched release is a testament to the sci-fi splendor of Alex Garland’s second feature film – a follow-up to the equally enrapturing Ex Machina. With its eerie atmosphere and crazy visuals that twist humans, plants, and animals alike into beautiful and terrifying new shapes, Annihilation is absolutely one of the must-see movies of 2018. – HSW

The pool scene, the bear scene, the… everything in this movie is astonishing, captivating, and horrifying. – MM

Read More: Annihilation Ending & Shimmer Explained

2. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Into The Spider-Verse Poster

If Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse was nothing but its animation style and direction, it would still be inspired enough to have audiences wondering if animation wasn’t the best way to bring every superhero to life. But add in its story and characters – a love letter to Peter Parker, the legacy of Spider-Man, the promise of Miles Morales, Spider-Ham – and you have a superhero film better, purer than most others I’ve seen. One that finally tells viewers of every possible age, in big, block letters: it could be YOU under the mask. – AD

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has been deservedly praised for its stunning animation and visuals, but ultimately what makes it great is the way it captures the core promise of the superhero genre: that anyone can become a superhero. It also somehow managed to take the ultra-confusing tangle of canon that is the Marvel multiverse and translate it into something that mainstream audiences can easily follow, which is a feat unto itself. – HSW

Spider-Verse is one of the most boldly animated films in recent memory and works as both a clever deconstruction of the Spider-Man mythology and a heartfelt (and funny) origin story for Miles Morales. – SS

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was one of my most anticipated movies of 2018 – going all the way back to that 2017 CCXP trailer for the movie – and it somehow managed to live up to the HUGE expectations I had for it. It’s an superhero origin story with a twist that uses some seriously awesome animation, both things I love. – MF

After all these years, Sony is back on top and has delivered not only the best Spider-Man movie to date but one of the best superhero movies of all-time. It’s an ode to comics and the superhero movie genre, and it’s a very good one at that. – MM

Related: How Marvel’s Original Spider-Verse Event Compares To The Movie

1. Mission: Impossible – Fallout

Ethan Hunt hanging from a cliff during the climax of Mission Impossible Fallout

That the sixth film in a movie franchise started in the 1990s as a reboot of a 1960s TV show is the best film of 2018 is something so delirious only Tom Cruise could have pulled it off. Mission: Impossible – Fallout is a stunning action film (shout out to a London action scene that actually understands London geography), although what really hit me was the emotion. When Julia, Ethan Hunt’s estranged wife from a couple of movies ago turns up, I was in bits. – AL

A movie cannot survive on stunts alone, but the Mission: Impossible franchise proves that they can take you pretty far. Fallout‘s two-and-a-half hour runtime zips by as Ethan Hunt and co. hop around the globe trying to track down three plutonium cores that could wreak devastation upon the world, and Henry Cavill delivers a hugely entertaining bad guy (with epic facial hair). – HSW

Mission: Impossible – Fallout continues to push the envelope for practical stunt-work and action, yet also has something meaningful to say about the importance of old-school heroism in the face of a nihilistic threat. – SS

In what was considered an impossible task, Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise managed to top themselves with Fallout – and that applies to the story, the acting, and of course, the stunts. Mission: Impossible – Fallout isn’t just one of the best films of the year, but it’s also one of the best action movies of all-time. – MM

Page 3 of 3: Screen Rant Editors Personal Choices

2018 Superhero Movie Songs Aquaman Venom Deadpool Black Panther Spider-Man Spider-Verse

As is traditional for Screen Rant “Best Movies of the Year” lists, we’ve also included each editor’s individual picks. Here you can see even more movies we loved this year, but which couldn’t quite make the cut.

Chris Agar (News Editor):

  1. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  2. First Man
  3. BlacKkKlansman
  4. A Quiet Place
  5. Incredibles 2
  6. Isle of Dogs
  7. Solo: A Star Wars Story
  8. Vice
  9. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  10. Bumblebee

Stephen Colbert (Features Editor/Social):

  1. Venom
  2. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  3. Avengers: Infinity War
  4. Solo: A Star Wars Story
  5. Ready Player One
  6. Annihilation
  7. Game Night
  8. Aquaman

Alicia D’Aversa (List Editor):

  1. Bohemian Rhapsody
  2. Venom
  3. Avengers: Infinity War
  4. Papillon
  5. Black Panther
  6. A Quiet Place
  7. The Hate U Give
  8. Annihilation
  9. Dumplin’
  10. Sorry to Bother You

Andrew Dyce (Comics Editor):

  1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  2. Aquaman
  3. Venom
  4. Bad Times at The El Royale
  5. A Quiet Place
  6. Tomb Raider
  7. Ready Player One
  8. Solo: A Star Wars Story

Molly Freeman (Lead News Editor):

  1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  2. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
  3. Black Panther
  4. Crazy Rich Asians
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Aquaman
  7. Venom
  8. Love, Simon
  9. The Spy Who Dumped Me
  10. Overlord

Ben Kendrick (Editorial Director):

  1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  2. A Quiet Place
  3. Black Panther
  4. Bumblebee
  5. Love, Simon
  6. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  7. Game Night
  8. Upgrade
  9. Venom
  10. Searching

Michael Kennedy (News Editor):

  1. Avengers: Infinity War
  2. Searching
  3. A Star is Born
  4. Mandy
  5. Black Panther
  6. A Quiet Place
  7. Hereditary
  8. Green Book
  9. Eighth Grade
  10. The Hate U Give

Rob Keyes (Editorial Director):

  1. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  2. Upgrade
  3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  4. Solo: A Star Wars Story
  5. Incredibles 2

Alex Leadbeater (Lead Features Editor):

  1. Widows
  2. Annihilation
  3. First Man
  4. Bumblebee
  5. Ghost Stories
  6. Hereditary
  7. BlacKkKlansman
  8. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  9. The Miseducation of Cameron Post
  10. Mary Poppins Returns

Emily Manuel (List Editor):

  1. Annihilation
  2. Thoroughbreds
  3. Hereditary
  4. Suspiria
  5. Eighth Grade
  6. Widows
  7. Black Panther
  8. If Beale Street Could Talk
  9. Destroyer
  10. Assassination Nation

Mansoor Mithaiwala (Features Editor):

  1. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  3. Bumblebee
  4. A Quiet Place
  5. Game Night
  6. Bad Times at The El Royale
  7. Ready Player One
  8. Annihilation
  9. Eighth Grade
  10. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

Sarah Moran:

  1. Black Panther
  2. Paddington 2
  3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  4. Crazy Rich Asians
  5. Won’t You Be My Neighbor
  6. Ralph Breaks the Internet
  7. Deadpool 2
  8. Venom
  9. Annihilation
  10. Ant-Man and The Wasp

Danny Salemme (News Editor):

  1. Lean on Pete
  2. Leave No Trace
  3. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
  4. Roma
  5. Isle of Dogs
  6. Game Night
  7. The Favourite
  8. Halloween
  9. A Quiet Place
  10. Black Panther

Sandy Schaefer (News Editor):

  1. Widows
  2. If Beale Street Could Talk
  3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  4. Eighth Grade
  5. Paddington 2
  6. Black Panther
  7. Can You Ever Forgive Me?
  8. First Man
  9. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  10. Bumblebee

Hannah Shaw-Williams (Features Editor):

  1. Venom
  2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  3. You Were Never Really Here
  4. Suspiria
  5. Upgrade
  6. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
  7. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  8. Annihilation
  9. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
  10. BlacKkKlansman

Kevin Yeoman (TV Editor):

  1. First Reformed
  2. Annihilation
  3. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  4. Upgrade
  5. Widows
  6. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
  7. You Were Never Really Here
  8. Hereditary
  9. Eighth Grade
  10. Mandy

Next: 2018’s Superhero Movies: All 9 Ranked Worst To Best