Scream 6’s Saddest Twist Wouldn’t Be Sam As Ghostface

Scream 6’s Saddest Twist Wouldn’t Be Sam As Ghostface

While Scream 6 has given viewers a lot of reasons to suspect that Scream 2022 heroine Sam could be the killer behind Ghostface’s iconic mask in the Scream sequel, that isn’t the harshest twist ending that the movie could offer. The Scream movies are famous for their twisty killer reveals. While some of the horror franchise’s unmasking scenes can be a touch too far-fetched for some viewers, many of the best killer reveals in the Scream franchise rank among the cleverest slasher movie endings ever.

As such, Scream 6 has its work cut out for it if the sequel hopes to disarm savvy genre fans once again and provide an astounding killer reveal. Ever since the cast list of Scream 6 was announced, fan theories about the killer’s identity have flourished online, and Stu’s oddly-colored name on Scream 6‘s poster only added fuel to the speculative fire. Currently, one of the most popular theories suspects that Scream 2022 heroine Sam Carpenter will be playing the role of Ghostface in Scream 6. However, while this would be a major surprise, it is not the most shocking—and saddest—twist that Scream 6 could present viewers with.

Scream VI’s Hints That Sam Is The Killer

Scream 6’s Saddest Twist Wouldn’t Be Sam As Ghostface

The names on Scream 6‘s poster point toward Sam. Since the penultimate stop on each line (before Sam’s name) is the name of a character who donned Ghostface’s mask in an earlier movie, this led some viewers to conclude that the poster hints that Sam is the killer. Sam is also Billy’s daughter, and she has killer instinct (as proven in Scream 2022’s twisty ending, which saw her brutally stab her boyfriend Richie to death in self-defense), which further affirms this theory. However, the darkest twists that Scream 6 could instead go with would be for Sam’s little sister Tara to be Ghostface, since she’s younger, not related to Billy, and seemingly less troubled.

Tara and Sam both survived the events of Scream 2022 and, while Sam was dating a character who turned out to be Ghostface, Tara was good friends with the other killer Amber. Not only that, but Tara’s lack of a biological connection to Billy Loomis makes her a less obvious suspect which, in the famously subversive Scream series, means there is a good chance she will turn out to be Scream 6’s villain. Finally, the most compelling evidence for this Scream 6 fan theory comes from the trailer for Scream 6, which briefly sees her sport a creepy smirk while hanging from the side of a guardrail.

How Tara Could Be Scream 6’s Ghostface

Jenna Ortega in Scream 6 Trailer

While Jenna Ortega was a rising star when she signed on for Scream 2022, the actor has since become a full-blown A-lister thanks to her role in the Netflix series Wednesday. Viewers will want to see more from Ortega’s Tara in Scream 6 since her character played a big role in Scream 2022 but was not as central as the movie’s heroine Sam. Tara’s Ghostface role could be a meta-commentary on this phenomenon if Sam’s young sister turns villainous as she is sick of Sam getting the spotlight. This ending would turn Scream 2022’s heroine into Scream 6‘s villain, but would not be the first time that the Scream series pulled off such a devastating twist.