Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Every Ex, Ranked By How Evil They Are

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Every Ex, Ranked By How Evil They Are

The entire premise of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is built around the idea of the titular hero battling against the League of Evil Exes to remain the boyfriend of Ramona Flowers. And if that’s going to be the name of the group of villains, then they’re all expected to be pretty evil.

That’s mostly true, though there are differing levels of just how bad they are. Of course, the film has other exes besides those from the league, who will all also be included here to allow for a more varied list. It will focus more on the movie and not the comics.

Knives Chau

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Every Ex, Ranked By How Evil They Are

The first of three entries who aren’t part of the League of Evil Exes, Knives Chau isn’t even an ex when the story begins. She’s dating Scott Pilgrim, which is immediately questionable due to her being underage at the time. Knives is simply just an innocent girl who has a crush.

Scott ultimately treats her poorly, cheating on her with Ramona and then dumping her unceremoniously. As an ex, the worst thing Knives does is date Young Neil as an act of revenge. There’s not an evil bone in her body and she even seems to forgive Scott when he apologizes in the end, helping him to defeat Gideon.

Kim Pine

Kim Pine sits in front of a microphone

Another of Scott’s exes, Kim Pine is still pretty close to him when the film opens. She is the drummer of Sex Bob-Omb and practices often with Scott. Despite that, she clearly shows disdain for him and is not at all shy about dissing him whenever an opportunity arises.

That’s as evil as it gets for Kim, so she’s certainly not a bad person. She has a right to be upset with Scott since the movie makes it clear that he wasn’t a good boyfriend. He eventually apologizes to her and she seems to appreciate it.

Katayanagi Twins

The Katayanagi Twins

The first entry from the League of Evil Exes is the Katayanagi Twins. Kyle and Ken have to be considered the least evil of the group simply because there’s really not much known about them. Their fight in the movie is visually stunning but the characters themselves barely exist.

During the battle of the bands, Sex Bob-Omb goes against them and wins, earning Scott an extra life. They don’t do anything more than that, so whether they enjoyed being part of the league or were actually nice guys is unclear to the viewers.

Roxie Richter

The League of Evil Exes are varying levels of entertaining but Roxanne Richter ranks near the top. She first shows up and has a pretty awkward exchange with Scott. She seems upset at him and looks like she’s itching for a fight, though they stave it off until later in the film.

It’s then that Scott doesn’t want to hit a girl, so Ramona steps up to fight her. Roxie is an odd one to nail down. She is happy to duel Scott, which feels kind of evil but she also gains sympathy as a girl who is pretty hurt that Ramona doesn’t feel their romance was all that significant.

Envy Adams

Scott Pilgrim vs the World Brie Larson Envy Adams featured

The final ex on the list who is Scott’s and not Ramona’s is the big one. Envy Adams is hyped up throughout the film as the girl who basically destroyed Scott’s world. Known as Natalie when she was with him, Envy went on to become a major pop star who Knives “hearts so much.”

Although Envy isn’t part of any league, it’s clear that she relishes any opportunity to be awful to Scott. She loves to play mind games with him and is more than content to stand by and allow Todd to battle him in an unfair fight. Envy has hurt Scott pretty often and likes doing so.

Matthew Patel

Matthew Patel and his demon hipster chicks

When most audience members first watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, they probably saw Matthew Patel and had a similar reaction to that of Stacey. She looked at him and asked, “What?” in total disbelief of what was happening in front of her. That’s because Matthew kind of makes no sense.

He arrives to fight Scott and begins doing strange things. There’s dancing, singing, and levitating as he uses mythical abilities to his advantage. Matthew even summons his “demon hipster chicks.” He might not be a bad person overall but Matthew gets a real kick out of using his powers to be quite evil.

Lucas Lee

Chris Evans Lucas Lee Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Sometimes, being evil is simply tied to being a complete jerk. That’s basically the case with Lucas Lee. The action movie star may be adored by Scott’s roommate Wallace Wells and Scott may be starstruck when he speaks to him but it doesn’t change the fact that Lucas is not a nice guy.

Lucas is totally full of himself and doesn’t care about anyone else’s feelings. Though he asks Ramona about Scott, it feels more like he’s doing it in a condescending fashion than to be nice. He takes joy in beating up Scott and doesn’t even fight fair, using stunt doubles to attack him.

Todd Ingram

Todd Ingram with white eyes with Envy Adams behind him

Speaking of not fighting fair, there’s Todd Ingram. He’s the bass player for Clash at Demonhead and the current boyfriend of Envy Adams. That makes him the fourth part of the love rectangle involving his ex Ramona and Envy’s ex Scott. The most notable thing about Todd is that he’s a vegan.

According to the movie’s lore, being vegan gives someone psychic powers, which Todd uses to dominate Scott in their fight. He’s narcissistic and shows no remorse for punching an innocent Knives. Todd is also a liar, which leads to him getting his vegan powers revoked.

Gideon Graves

Gideon Graves on the phone

There’s no way that anyone else can top this list. After all, Gideon Graves is the person who created the entire League of Evil Exes. That makes him the evilest person in the story without even really mentioning anything else because his efforts were designed to ruin Scott and Ramona’s lives.

On top of that, there’s the fact that Gideon also set up the battle of the bands just to sign away Sex Bomb-Omb from Scott. The worst thing that he does is how he plants a mind control device into Ramona’s head. It allows him to force her to do things that she doesn’t want to do.