Scenes From A Marriage & Hollywood’s Trend Of Failing Relationships Explained

Scenes From A Marriage & Hollywood’s Trend Of Failing Relationships Explained

HBO’s Scenes From A Marriage is just one example of Hollywood’s focus on failed relationships in the last few years. Several factors play into this trend, highlighting facets of culture and society in today’s world. However, while this idea has been at the forefront in the last 2 years for various reasons, it has a long history of development that requires some thorough investigating.

Many TV shows and movies have introduced the idea of failing relationships, most notably marriages, and it has become a rising trend both in media and in society. It appears to be a popular topic, as these shows and movies are critically acclaimed and win awards, but why is it such a dominating genre now? Almost every network and streaming service has some variation of this very topic and executes it quite similar to others. A couple falls in love and the remaining story unravels the relationship until it is no more.

Scenes From A Marriage is the most recent release that has transformed society’s idea of marriage and relationships. However, it clearly is not the first to break down the walls of previous restrictions. Within the last two decades, there have been several examples of this. Blue Valentine, starring Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, is almost identical in story, with a few unique details changed. Marriage Story, Modern Love, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind all display the struggles of love and relationships in more unconventional systems. Even Kramer Vs. Kramer, back in 1979, was portraying the reality that wasn’t always allowed on screen.

Several factors meld together beautifully to create captivating stories that viewers find interesting and relatable. In today’s society, regulations are not as strict as they once used to be in relation to censoring. The Hays Code made it difficult to find relatability and realism on screen. Another interesting piece of this puzzle falls directly on the effects of 2020 and Covid. Scenes From a Marriage and other films have made reality accessible, especially the painful and agonizing moments that often stretch the limits of storytelling.

The Hays Code Limited How Relationships Could Be Depicted On Screen

Scenes From A Marriage & Hollywood’s Trend Of Failing Relationships Explained

The Hays Code came about in 1930 with an aim to censor films and media productions with a severe set of regulations. Nudity and sexuality were forbidden on screen. Morals were enforced by ensuring any criminal behavior would have to be punished and could not be redeemed, for that could promote such behavior to society at large. And, of course, marriage had to be displayed properly. Divorce or any form of falling out simply could not be addressed. These restrictions created films that were honed to a specific group of people who wanted to control the way media and films influence culture. However, by the 1960s when the code was no longer enforced, it was already too late. It had perpetuated stereotypes and idealism to the public which is why movies like Netflix’s Marriage Story and shows like Scenes From A Marriage are extremely important. These stories don’t give a glimpse into a relationship, they immerse the viewers into that very relationship and instigate the exact feelings of anguish and hopelessness that the characters portray. With the Hays Code still in effect, these types of stories could never be shown in the media.

It’s A Response To Real-Life Trends

Scenes From A Marriage Interview

Today’s world has changed immensely since then, and film and TV have improved standards to reflect these changing times. Nowadays, it’s common to see nudity, crime, and other previously restricted ideas in the media. This is largely due to filmmakers and creators wanting to see more authenticity in films and then making it so. These are the ideas that connect society and cultures through archetypes that are understood globally. People are inherently relatable so watching a show or movie depict such a visceral moment in one’s life is enthralling. Scenes From A Marriage gains success because it is willing to show the brutal moments of emotional turmoil in a relationship. When something is that raw, it’s hard to look away. More so, it draws in the audience in a way that includes them in the story as if they were another character taking part in the film.

Covid Exposed The Serious Flaws in Many Relationships

Adam Driver in Marriage Story

With the world in lockdown during Covid, relationships really took the hit. Couples were splitting up all around the world as problems that were shoved to the wayside became apparent again and there were no distractions anymore. These problems didn’t have simple solutions. They were only placed on the back burner time and time again until Covid expedited the inevitable. It’s never an easy problem with an easy solution that breaks the camel’s back. While Hollywood capitalized on this event, keep in mind that films and shows of this nature were around before the pandemic. However, the story of a failing relationship is more relatable than ever and people are taking more and more notice.

How Scenes From A Marriage Continues This Trend

Table Talk in Scenes From A Marriage

As one of the most recent examples of failed relationships, Scenes From A Marriage perfectly reflects the emotions and tension that derives from a committed couple. It’s not always easy or perfect or even nice, but it’s real. That’s what keeps the audience intrigued. The raw reality of a relationship on-screen shows viewers that they are understood. Their experiences aren’t so different and they aren’t alone in that failure. What even defines failure in a relationship? Perhaps the fact that it ends, yes. However, Scenes From A Marriage doesn’t lead with that note. Instead, the series follows the path that results in failure which is what these films and shows are reaching at. Again, marriages don’t just end because of an argument. There are heavy concepts in the mix and indefinite compromises that take time, consideration, and oftentimes sacrifice in order to make it through to another day.

Hollywood continues to throw audiences into the throes of marriage and preserve realist ideologies, as seen in Scenes From A Marriage. Without these stories, society suffers in the sense that real life is not portrayed accurately. Without accuracy, relatability is futile. After all, film and TV are the great connectors of the modern world and it should remain consistent in authenticity in order to gain traction and appeal in the culture today.