Savage Avengers Just Found a New Way to Use Juggernaut’s Power

Savage Avengers Just Found a New Way to Use Juggernaut’s Power

Other than just being a blast to follow along, Marvel’s Savage Avengers are also finding time to push the envelope in a way only a group of adventurers put together by the Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Strange himself, could. This month’s chapter—#14, written by Gerry Duggan and illustrated by Patch Zircher—has quite a roster: Magik and Conan of Cimmeria are joined by Juggernaut, and The Black Knight. For an adventuring party, it’s a little offense heavy, but they’re going to need the extra muscle for where they’re going.

In glorious tabletop RPG fashion, the Frightful Four head to Bruges, Belgium to reclaim a lost artifact of great magical power from the clutches of one of fantasy literature’s greatest creatures: a dragon. Specifically, Sadurang the Smiter of Sarturma, an Asgardian red dragon. That’s one “D” in D&D already checked off the list. No dungeons on the horizon yet, but the treasure at stake is none other than the second Eye of Agamotto, the original Sorcerer Supreme. Getting it back will not be an easy feat. In its towering beast form, Sadurang holds in its massive body the destructive power of a fiery hurricane, and our heroes aren’t exactly evenly matched with their foe. A bold move is required to turn the tables and bring the mighty dragon down a peg or two before Cocan can fully engage the fire-breathing fiend.

With a new asset on the team, Magik and Conan are eager to put the Juggernaut’s unstoppable reputation to the test, but with a fun twist: portals. Why have Juggernaut pick up steam running, when the Earth’s gravity can do it for him and add to it the element of surprise? As obvious and simple, as it is effective. Magik opens a portal in the sky high enough that when Juggernaut steps through it, he’s falling for at least sixty seconds. Strategically, it’s exactly what they need. What better enemy to hit from above than a dragon, who is so used to staring down at its prey. Though the blow isn’t enough to slay the great serpent outright, or even knock it unconscious, it does humble Sadurang enough to admit that “Not even Thor himself strikes as hard…” Which should be at the top of Juggernaut’s crowning achievements from here on out.

Savage Avengers Just Found a New Way to Use Juggernaut’s Power

The Savage Avengers’ unconventional airstrike gives them the edge they need by forcing Sadurang to polymorph into his human form. Shrunk down to a more palatable size, the dragon is perhaps just as powerful, but nowhere near capable of the same kind of collateral damage he was in his true form. Destabilized and having lost the tactical advantage of size and height, Sadurang must now face our heroes head-on. Though the battle has only just begun, who knows what else the Savage Avengers have up their sleeves?