Sailor Moon Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Sailor Moon Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

One of the most successful anime of all time, Sailor Moon was a gamechanger for the genre. It not only consolidated the magical girl trope, spawning a multitude of similar works, but it also introduced one of the most unconventional and relatable lead characters in the medium.

Strong, determined, dutiful and complicated, the Sailor Guardians faced a lot of enemies during the five seasons of the original ’90s Sailor Moon anime. From space aliens to deranged former Guardians, these girls went to hell and back, always taking on the challenges that came their way. The Hunger Games would be no exception. All of them would do their level best, and while some of them would not make it very far, their fight would certainly provide the Capitol with all the sick thrills they so cherish.

Sailor Chibi-Moon

Sailor Moon Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Similarly to her mother, Sailor Chibi-Moon doesn’t last very long, not even with her father protecting her. She is, after all, just a child, and the Games are particularly merciless to the young ones.

Chibi-Usa is a spirited girl and she, unlike her mother, is willing to fight and win. While it’s unlikely the Gamemaker would allow Luna-P into the arena, Chibi-Moon, cunning as she is, would find a way to sneak it in, which might give her an advantage. In the end, however, not even her magical, self-aware ball is enough to make her win against such tough competition.

Tuxedo Mask

sailor moon episode 135 tigers eye tuxedo mask

Tuxedo Mask is essentially Sailor Earth, the only man among the Sailor Guardians. While his powers are static and minimal in the ’90s anime, they are greater in both the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal.

His abilities, which include the powerful attack Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber, psychometry and healing, certainly come in handy, and even give him a certain edge. Still, if either or both of his family (Usagi and Chibi-Usa) were to perish before him, he might be in too much of a vulnerable state to be any threat for any of the remaining tributes, who use this to strike him down rather quickly.

Sailor Pluto

sailor moon s movie pluto

The most mysterious of all the Sailor Guardians, Sailor Pluto lives in complete loneliness, guarding the Door of Space-Time. Melancholic, quiet and generally more demure than any of the other Sailors, Pluto has powers relating to time, space and darkness, including her trademark Dead Scream.

Pluto can do some pretty impressive things, such as stopping time altogether. However, she is “forbidden” to do so, and making use of this ability would mean her death. So, while powerful in her own right, she’s unable to take full advantage of some of her most impressive abilities, something the other tributes would use to their advantage.

Sailor Neptune

Sailor Neptune battles Germatoid in Sailor Moon episode 124

One of the new characters introduced during the third story arc, Neptune has powers over the sea. The most sophisticated and elegant of all the Sailor Guardians, she is talented, at times cold, capable of considerable cruelty and willing to go to great lengths to fulfill her duty.

Her attitude makes her a prime candidate to win. She would certainly come from District 1, an instant star, the favorite to win the entire thing. Her powers are considerable, however she seems to rely on Uranus more than she should. And while she does a fine job during her time in the arena, she’s ultimately defeated, to the great disappointment of everyone watching.

Sailor Mercury

Sailor Mercury attacks with Shine Aqua Illusion in Sailor Moon episode 124

Ami’s greatest strength was always her intelligence. She was never the best fighter, or even the most adequate. Her intellect, however, was so great, it got the Sailor Guardians out trouble more often and effectively than brute strength ever could.

If Beetee could build a trap that killed six tributes at once, surely Ami can do something similar. She is a gifted inventor, and can even use her Bubble Spray to impair vision or Shine Aqua Illusion to encase a foe in ice while she executes her final plot. While her chances of winning are quite high, she first needs to survive long enough to build her device. Knowing about her intelligence, the other tributes would want to take her out as soon as possible. And with such a huge target on her back, she most likely falls before she manages to put her plan into action.

Sailor Venus

sailor moon episode 120 venus love me chain

Using her powers to fight crime under the identity of Sailor V before appearing as Sailor Venus, Minako is the most accomplished Sailor in the group. Highly athletic, resistant and fierce, Venus could even be considered a career tribute.

For all her powers and abilities, Venus is neither the physically strongest nor the most powerful of the Sailor Guardians. And while she has more experience than her four best friends, both Neptune and Uranus outrank her when it comes to knowledge in being a Sailor Guardian. Venus makes it past the middle of the competition, but no further.

Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter versus her first daimon in Sailor Moon

Physically impressive, Jupiter has less trouble than her friends when it came to adapting to the arena’s conditions. A gifted fighter with considerable strength, she also possesses one of the most agressive powers of all the Guardians. Her Supreme Thunder strikes all kinds of fear in her opponents hearts.

Jupiter indeed has all the elements necessary to win the Games, and she very well could. Three tributes stand before her and victory, but they are three of the most powerful characters in all of Sailor Moon lore. Jupiter would put on a good fight, landing blow after blow to each one of them and certainly wearing them down. In the end, though, she’s be the one to tire first.

Sailor Uranus

sailor moon episode 167 uranus mirror paredri

With Jupiter gone, it’s a fight to the death between two of the fiercest Sailor Guardians, and one of the, if not the most dangerous. Uranus, at first, seems like the obvious choice to win. She’s strong, resilient, completely fierce even. With her sword and devastating attack, World Shaking, she makes the entire arena tremble, bringing it to its knees.

If the anime proved something, though, is that Uranus is a lot more vulnerable than she seems. She fights hard, but not with the same strength she would if her partner Neptune was still with her. This, coupled with the sheer strength of her two opponents, means she only claims fourth place.

Sailor Mars

sailor moon episode 171 mars flame sniper

Considerably different in the ’90s anime than in the manga and in Crystal, her personality is a lot more passionate, fiery like her powers. However, one thing stays consistent, and that’s her immense power.

A clairvoyant with a deep connection to the spiritual world, Rei is disciplined and imperial, She approaches the Games with a cold head, and no sentimentality whatsoever. Her fire powers, including Burning Mandala and Mars Flame Sniper, are among the most impressive, but it’s the strength of her heart that gives her all the edge. In normal circumstances, she’d be the victor of the Hunger Games. But not even her flaming power is a match for the ultimate destruction in store.

Sailor Saturn

Sailor Saturn holds the Silence Glaive to Nehalennia's throat

With powers associated with ruin, destruction, silence and nothingness, Sailor Saturn is the destroyer of worlds. The harbinger of death. The Forbidden Guardian. Capable of wiping out a whole planet, and even an entire galaxy, Saturn’s abilities are beyond anyone’s imagination.

The Sailor Guardians Hunger Games would be unique, in that there is no actual victor. Saturn’s powers are indeed great and vast, but they come at a high price. Such is the destruction she’s capable of, that she immediately dies after executing them, leaving behind only death and the chance to start all over again. In the end, these Games would too much, even for the Capitol’s morbid taste.

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is simply too vulnerable and kind to ever win the Hunger Games. As a matter of fact, she wouldn’t even try to. She opposes the carnage and cruelty, and would prefer to die rather than hurt one of her friends. She certainly earns the audience’s favor with her sweet persona, and kills it in the interviews that predate the Games, fascinated by all the attention and glamor.

Sailor Moon’s immense love for others is her greatest weapon besides the Legendary Silver Crystal. If she wanted to, Sailor Moon could easily purge everyone of hatred and evil using the ancient gem. Not to mention, the Silver Crystal is so powerful, it can destroy as well as rebuild an entire planet. After all, it was used to create Crystal Tokyo and wipe out the Dark Kingdom in the past.

Despite her hesitance to take lives, Sailor Moon can still reach the source of the problem using her heart. If that fails, she always has the Silver Crystal at her disposal.