Ryan Murphy Characters: 5 Friendships That Would Work (& 5 That Would Turn Ugly)

Ryan Murphy Characters: 5 Friendships That Would Work (& 5 That Would Turn Ugly)

Ryan Murphy is a talented writer, director, and producer, who has created some of the most beloved television shows in modern history. Whether it be Glee or American Horror Story, his shows are always vibrant, full of color, and jam-packed with memorable characters who have huge personalities and differing traits.

Whether it be the hilariously sarcastic Sue Sylvester, the cunning Mildred Ratched, or a serial killer like Twisty The Clown, Ryan Murphy’s imagination truly knows no bounds. While the shows he creates are often vastly different, with the high school musical vibes of Glee not being the same as the Golden Age of Hollywood, that doesn’t mean that the characters couldn’t co-exist. So, which friendships could potentially blossom from Ryan Murphy’s amazing library of characters, and which would be a true nightmare?

Would Work: Mildred Ratched & Lana Winters

Ryan Murphy Characters: 5 Friendships That Would Work (& 5 That Would Turn Ugly)

Both of these characters are portrayed by the talented Sarah Paulson, who has been involved in a lot of Ryan Murphy’s projects, and they’re two very headstrong characters. Both are intelligent and able to analyze a situation to work out how to get what they want.

They each end up taking down very corrupt leaders of major mental institutions and despite the fact that Lana almost ends up trapped within the Asylum, she manages to get her way out. Both characters are put through serious ordeals, but only come out the other end even stronger because of it, which is why they’d work well as friends.

Would Turn Ugly: Sue Sylvester & The Butcher

Sue Sylvester from Glee and The Butcher from American Horror Story

Sue Sylvester is one of the greatest characters that Ryan Murphy has ever created, as she brings tons of humor throughout Glee. She’s a very strong character who wants to be the best and have things her own way, but she typically deals with all situations via a sarcastic comment.

While that might work for her in the school environment, where all the other teachers are scared of her, it would not fly with The Butcher. She was one of American Horror Story’s most savage villains and someone who simply wouldn’t stand for any quick wit, and would happily just torture her to show who is the boss.

Would Work: Henry Willson & Kai Anderson

Henry Willson in Hollywood and Kai Anderson in American Horror Story

Two characters who are very twisted and great at manipulating people are Henry Willson and Kai Anderson, and they would work very well as friends. Henry is an agent in the Hollywood industry who abuses many of his clients, using his name and status to take advantage of young hopeful actors.

Meanwhile, Kai is able to build his very own cult following who also uses other people’s insecurities for his own advantage. Together, the two of them would likely be very good friends, and while it wouldn’t be good for others around them, they would certainly be out to become a powerful pairing.

Would Turn Ugly: Will Schuester & Twisty

Will from Glee and Twisty from American Horror Story

Will Schuester is someone who is always trying to help others out no matter what he does. Overall, he’s one of the nicest characters that Ryan Murphy has ever created, and he truly does go above and beyond for all of his students in the Glee Club.

However, one person he couldn’t change is Twisty. While Will is normally good at finding the positives in any situation, it’s unlikely he’d think of one if he bumped into this killer clown, who would be out to cause havoc, with this friendship only ever ending one way…murder.

Would Work: McAfee Westbrook & Rachel Berry

McAfee Westbrook from The Politician and Rachel Berry from Glee

McAfee Westbrook and Rachel Berry are two lead characters from their respective shows, and while they both have their positives, they can also be very annoying at times. The two women have no issues in expressing their opinion when needed, even if Rachel sometimes takes a little longer than McAfee.

However, the reason they’d be good friends is simply because of how career orientated they both are. Everything they do is focused on achieving what they want, and it doesn’t matter how many relationships or friendships get damaged along the journey. Because of that, it’s easy to see how they would work well together because they wouldn’t distract one another from their ultimate ambition, as they’d understand what the other is going through.

Would Turn Ugly: Cathy Munsch & Robert Nash

Cathy Munsch from Scream Queens and Robert Nash from 911

Cathy Munsch is a selfish person who puts herself above the needs of anybody else, which would instantly make a friendship with Robert Nash a disaster. As a firefighter, he is the complete opposite of selfish, as he literally spends his time putting his life on the line for other people.

He’s a kind person who is fairly introverted, preferring to just live a quiet and simple life, while he is also an intelligent person too. While Cathy is also smart, she likes to be vindictive, putting her brains to things that Robert would simply have no interest in, and would likely find questionable.

Would Work: The Countess & Edmund Tolleson

The Countess from American Horror Story and Edmund Tolleson from Ratched

The pairing of The Countess and Edmund Tolleson would certainly be a very dangerous one, given that they’re two characters who have no problem in killing anyone that gets in their path. Each of them is slightly unhinged and makes snap judgments, but they would likely get a kick out of being together.

Both characters are very sexually active and that would likely stimulate them as more than just friends for a while. Plus, the fact that they could both kill together, taking down anybody who got in their way would likely lead to a successful, albeit dangerous, friendship.

Would Turn Ugly: Chanel Oberlin & Kurt Hummel

Chanel Oberlin from Scream Queens and Kurt Hummel from Glee

Chanel Oberlin is the leader of the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority, and she falls into the stereotype of being rude and nasty to everyone that isn’t within her inner circle. She’s cruel and despite the fact that she is popular, a lot of those friendships are very false, as people simply want to be seen within her circle, and don’t want to be on her bad side.

She is the total opposite of Kurt Hummel, which is why their possible friendship would end in disaster. He’s someone who always tries to look out for others, hoping to help people where he can. Kurt is kind and sympathetic, and a friendship between this pair would lead to Chanel turning everyone against him.

Would Work: Blaine Anderson & Camille Washington

Blaine Anderson from Glee and Camille Washington from Hollywood

Both Blaine Anderson and Camille Washington face adversity within their individual shows, with Blaine having to deal with homophobia, while Camille battles with racism. Both characters showcase real strength in how they do that, coming out stronger on the other side because of it.

While they do have moments of self-doubt, for the most part, they’re positive people who push to be themselves and prove that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. They’re both extremely talented at their chosen crafts and together, they would be a fun pairing with a ton of energy that would make them good friends.

Would Turn Ugly: Jack Castello & Stanley

Jack Castello from Hollywood and Stanley from American Horror Story

Jack Castello is very eager and full of passion as he attempts to make it in the world of show business, but if he was to run into Stanley, it would likely end up in a disaster for him. While Stanley is typically looking for people with differences that he can exploit to sell at the museum, he is always trying to con young hopefuls like Jack.

Because of how desperate Jack is to make a name for himself, he would likely fall into whatever lies or plans Stanley was cooking up at the time. Things would turn ugly here because Stanley is cunning and always looking to take advantage of people just like Jack.