Rutger Hauer Surprised Blade Runner 2049 Was Made

Rutger Hauer Surprised Blade Runner 2049 Was Made

The release date for the long-awaited sequel Blade Runner 2049 is approaching fast; though one star from the original isn’t so sure it needed to happen. Rutger Hauer memorably played Roy Batty in Blade Runner, the leader of a gang of fugitive replicants who seek to extend their lifespan.

Hauer was both sympathetic and terrifying in the role, with some fans even feeling he was the real protagonist of the story. Batty’s “Tears in rain” speech – which Hauer had a hand in writing – is the most quoted line of dialogue from Blade Runner, and has helped make the character iconic in the years since release.

Given the character’s fate, it was a given Hauer probably wouldn’t be appearing in Blade Runner 2049, and he recently told Digital Spy he’s surprised a sequel is even happening. While he’s not necessarily against the idea, he’s not sure it’s really needed.

“It surprises me that they revisited it at all. It doesn’t matter if it’s right after or 10 years later… I don’t know what that’s about. I’ll see the movie and see what it is. I think I know what [the story] is and I’ll be surprised if it wasn’t…and it would be probably a nice surprise!”

Rutger Hauer Surprised Blade Runner 2049 Was Made

The actor went on to elaborate he’s not into the idea of remaking or rebooting something that worked so well the first time around – especially if it’s based on one of his films.

“You can look at it as a complement, but I still have a hard time [with it]. Do I need a complement like that? I don’t think I do. It’s a free market – people can do it if they buy the rights. But if something is really good, I would never try it, because it’s like you’re digging a hole for yourself, and why would you want to do that?”

While Hauer’s viewpoint on Blade Runner 2049 is understandable, it feels like this belated sequel stands a good chance of living up its predecessor. It’s got a quality cast, and new director Denis Villeneuve is on a hot streak of quality movies, from Arrival to Sicario and Enemy. It’s also worth remembering the original took some time to be considered a classic, with reviews and box office being lukewarm back in the day. Now, however, Blade Runner has a wide following with many interested in seeing the story continue.

Hauer’s comments seem to rule out any sort of surprise cameo in the film. Fans were somewhat hopeful Batty might reappear in some form, following a report back in January a replicant character from the original was reappearing, with the unnamed actor being de-aged digitally for the role. Based on the actor’s comments on Blade Runner 2049, the smart money would be on Sean Young’s Rachel; assuming the rumor is even true.

MORE: Watch The Preview for the Blade Runner 2049 Anime Prequel

Key Release Dates

  • Blade Runner 2
    Release Date:
