Rurouni Kenshin: The Main Characters, Ranked By Power

Rurouni Kenshin: The Main Characters, Ranked By Power

The Rurouni Kenshin anime reboot launched a new trailer on Dec. 17, 2022, showcasing more of its amazing animation. The anime series is a highly anticipated project, especially for fans who felt the original series is outdated and difficult to watch.

There is no known release date for the new series yet, but it’s likely to premiere in 2023. This series will see the return of Himura Kenshin and the rest of the amazing characters of the anime series that fans have grown to love.

Kamiya Kaoru

Rurouni Kenshin: The Main Characters, Ranked By Power

Kaoru doesn’t get many opportunities to show off her skill with a blade, but she understands the fundamentals of swordsmanship and has helped train Yahiko, her only student.

She has defeated a few foes in the series in impressive battles, though she often wins her fights just barely. She is still no doubt one of the strongest main characters even though she falls on the weaker side of the main cast.

Myōjin Yahiko

Myōjin Yahiko in Rurouni Kenshin.

Yahiko undergoes more than just character development in Rurouni Kenshin, one of the best historical anime series. He constantly pushes himself as a swordsman and becomes a much stronger and more skilled fighter.

So much so that he’s able to fight against and defeat dangerous foes that would have normally killed him in seconds again. His character shines the most in the final arc of the series when he fights against several of the Six Comrades.

Makimachi Misao

Makimachi Misao with kunai knives in Rurouni Kenshin.

As a kunoichi, it’s a given that Misao would be skilled in battle. Fans don’t get too many opportunities to see her shine in Rurouni Kenshin, one of the best anime set in the distant past, however, she has proven herself to be a valuable asset in battle.

What makes Misao such a powerful ally isn’t raw strength but her skill and precision with guerilla warfare which comes in handy at several points like when she and the others head to Enishi’s island where Kaoru is being held.

Sagara Sanosuke

Sagara Sanosuke in Rurouni Kenshin reboot trailer.

In terms of raw strength, Sanosuke is easily one of the strongest characters around. Unfortunately, that can only get a character so far in a world like Rurouni Kenshin, even though he is still one of the most important characters in the story.

Sanosuke was formerly an opponent of Kenshin’s and has since then improved greatly as a warrior relying on pure physical power. He has overwhelmed many foes in the series using his bear hands and nothing else.

Shinomori Aoshi

Shinomori Aoshi unsheathing his sword in Rurouni Kenshin.

Aoshi has proven to be near Himura Kenshin’s own strength level, though he has never been able to defeat him. Despite this, Aoshi has performed admirably against Kenshin and even Shishio believed that Aoshi would have been able to kill Kenshin.

One benefit that Aoshi has over others is his great reliance on adapting his fighting style and using his surroundings to aid him. These gimmicks give him an advantage always and boosts his already phenomenal swordsmanship.

Saitō Hajime

Saitō Hajime attacking in Rurouni Kenshin.

Hajime is said to only be the second-best swordsman in the Shinsengumi, a historical police force also featured in one of the best action-comedy anime, Gintama. However, he is still by far one of the strongest characters around. Hajime has bested many foes and has even given Kenshin trouble.

In fact, many might argue that due to Hajime’s sheer strength and speed that he might be able to defeat Kenshin under the right circumstances. Regardless, Hajime is a dangerous man with powerful techniques.

Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto in Rurouni Kenshin.

Shishio is the first antagonist that really pushes Kenshin past his limits. The fight he has with Kenshin is legendary and is easily the most iconic in the series.

While he wasn’t able to surpass Kenshin, he proved that he is one of the strongest characters around, and had he been in his prime, the fight between him and Kenshin would have been even more heated. Even though Shishio serves as an antagonist about midway through the series, he remains the second-toughest opponent that Kenshin ever faces.

Yukishiro Enishi

Enishi in the Rurouni Kenshin manga.

Yukishiro Enishi was the perfect final antagonist for Rurouni Kenshin, one of the best Samurai anime of all time. Not only was it a great visit to Kenshin’s past, but it also helped propel Kenshin’s character development and wrap up the overall story.

Enishi’s fighting style is incredibly unique and is mostly derived from techniques he learned in China. Despite the difficult opponents that Kenshin has been up against in the series, Enishi is without a doubt the toughest villain that Kenshin fights.

Himura Kenshin

Himura Kenshin in Rurouni Kenshin reboot trailer.

Kenshin himself is easily one of the strongest main characters in the series, however, he isn’t quite the strongest. Throughout the series, he constantly adapts and evolves as a swordsman, pushing past even his prime as the Hitokiri Battosai.

He discovers himself on a deeper level, as inner strength is far more than just raw power or the skill with a blade. In the end, he’s able to overpower every enemy he goes against, even if it takes him a second attempt to fight them.

Hiko Seijūrō

Hiko Seijūrō in Rurouni Kenshin.

Hiko Seijūrō is without a doubt the strongest character featured within Rurouni Kenshin. He is the current successor of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū, the fighting style that he teaches to Kenshin.

While he does train Kenshin and helps him several times more in the series, he never takes on major threats despite him being capable of winning every fight. This is likely due to the lessons that Kenshin needs to learn for himself in his battles. Despite this, Seijūrō does lend his aid to several lesser threats in the larger battles in the story.