10 Most Romantic Gestures In Disney Animated Movies, Ranked

10 Most Romantic Gestures In Disney Animated Movies, Ranked

When it comes to Disney animated movies there are several obvious things audiences have come to expect. For starters, everyone assumes that Disney animated movies will be family-friendly. Most audiences also know that the characters will be adorable and that there will some sort of bigger lesson that ties the whole movie together. Some fans might even expect Disney Animated movies to include Princesses and characters breaking into song, something that happens quite a lot.

However, what audiences sometimes overlook in Disney animated movies is the staple romantic gesture scene that occurs in nearly every animated movie Disney has released since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. In fact, some Disney animated movies have more than one romantic gesture that often leaves audiences swooning. And then there are those that are more subtle and underrated but still purely romantic.

Tiana Teaching Naveen How To Mince Mushrooms

10 Most Romantic Gestures In Disney Animated Movies, Ranked

There is no denying that Disney’s 2009 classic The Princess and the Frog has a ton of romantic moments in it. From Ray serenading Evangeline to Tiana and Naveen agreeing to be frogs forever as long as they get to have each other in their lives. However, many romantics and Disney fans often overlook a very simple scene that carries a whole lot of heart.

In the scene, Tiana is determined to cook them up something that isn’t a bug. Naveen offers to help but has not had to cook anything in his life, he needs a little assistance. Tiana jumps to his aid and she tenderly teaches him how to hold and mince the mushrooms to perfection. Tiana could have minced them herself but the fact that she took time out to teach him shows that she might actually care for Naveen more than she actually knows.

Robin Hood’s Moonlight Stoll With Maid Marian

Robin Hood proposing to Maid Marian

Disney’s Robin Hood isn’t often considered as being a romantic Disney animated movie. In fact, the 1973 movie is often underrated when it comes to Disney fans ranking their favorite movies. And yet, despite its lesser popularity, the movie is home to one of the most romantic gestures of all time.

Robin Hood spends much of the film trying to win over Maid Marian who is being pursued by several of the other men in Nottingham. He goes to great lengths to win her over, including dressing like a stork, and eventually, it works out. Towards the end of the film, Robin Hood takes Maid Marian on a romantic moonlight stroll where he places a flower ring on her finger.

Tramp Taking Lady Out To Dinner

Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti

The spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp is arguably the most memorable and iconic scene of the entire 1955 movie and it’s also the most romantic without a doubt.

Nothing says romantic gesture more than taking the special person in your life out for a candlelight dinner. With a little help from his human friends, Tramp manages to do just that when he takes Lady to Tony’s Town Square. The two end up sharing a plate of spaghetti in the alleyway while “Bella Notte” is sung to them. Lady might be missing her home but it’s in this moment that she realizes how special Tramp might actually be.

Simba And Nala Reunite

Simba and Nala Reunite in The Lion King

While The Lion King is home to one of the most romantic Disney original songs of all time, “Can You Feel The Love Tonight,” the movie isn’t always thought of as one of Disney’s most romantic films.

However, that doesn’t stop the “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” scene from landing amongst the most romantic gestures of all time in Disney movies. After all, what’s more romantic than two childhood best friends reconnecting after years of being apart and for things to feel like they never left each other’s side?

Jane Deciding To Stay In The Jungle With Tarzan

Jane on the beach with Tarzan and Kala

If audiences look hard enough, they will find that Disney’s Tarzan has a lot of small romantic gestures peppered in throughout the entire movie. From Tarzan holding out his hand to Jane when they first meet to Tarzan sacrificing his family’s safety to bring Jane to the gorillas so she will be happy. There’s romance found around every corner.

However, the moment Jane jumps ship in her iconic yellow dress and swims to the shore where Tarzan is waiting, tops the list of most romantic gestures. Jane is giving up more than just her lavish life in England when she jumps ship buts it’s all worth it in the name of love.

Prince Charming Searching For The Owner Of The Lost Shoe

Cinderella Shoe Fitting Scene

Cinderella was never after romance when she attended the Prince’s ball, romance just happened to fall into her lap. The fact that Cinderella wasn’t looking for love makes it all the more ironic that her 1950s animated classic is home to one of the most iconic Disney romantic gestures of all time.

Prince Charming could literally have had any woman he wanted and yet, the small amount of time he spent with Cinderella was enough to get him to send everyone he knew from the palace out to try and find the girl with the missing glass slipper. Sure, some might have found Prince Charming’s tireless efforts slightly stalkerish, but all the romantics out there know it’s the most swoon-worthy thing ever.

Eric Taking Ariel Out For A Boat Ride

Kiss the Girl Scene from The Little Mermaid featuring all sorts of animals and fish

Ariel giving up her voice in the hopes of finding love on land might have been romantic, but it doesn’t even come close to being the most romantic gesture made in The Little Mermaid.

In fact, that honor goes to Prince Eric himself. While Eric might not have intended it to be a romantic gesture, it certainly became one when Ariel and Eric float deeper into the lagoon and get serenaded by Sebastian who sings “Kiss the Girl” as an attempt to get Eric to do just that. The scene is not only romantic but it the reason Eric starts to understand he has feelings for Ariel who is already in love with him.

The Beast Showing Belle The Library

Beauty and the Beast_ Library Scene

The jury is still out on whether or not Belle and the Beast have a truly romantic love story or if it’s a weird tale of a girl experiencing Stockholm syndrome. Regardless, there is no denying that the Academy Award-nominated Beauty and the Beast is home to some of the most romantic scenes of any Disney movie.

While many fans would argue that the most romantic moment happens during the “Beauty and the Beast” ballroom scene, the most romantic gesture actually occurs early on in the film. As Beast starts to warm up to Belle he decides to get to know her better which in turn leads him to learn that she’s a huge bookworm. With this new piece of knowledge, the Beast takes Belle to his massive library in an attempt to make her feel happy and more at home. This selfless gesture is the tell-tale sign that the coldhearted Beast has started to fall in love making him and Belle one of the best Disney couples of all time.

Eugene Giving Rapunzel A Lantern To Send-Off

Tangled Lantern Scene

If Disney fans watch closely, they’ll find that Tangled is really the story of Eugune, or Flynn Rider, falling in love with Rapunzel. That’s why it should come as no surprise that Eugene manages to deliver one of the best romantic gestures in any Disney movie.

Rapunzel’s only wish was to go see the floating lights and Eugene definitely takes her there. But he makes the evening even more special by acquiring two lanterns of their own so that Rapunzel can actually participate in the ceremony instead of just being a bystander for another year. This tiny gesture proves that Eugene actually cares for Rapunzel a lot more than he has previously let on.

Aladdin Taking Jasmine On A Magic Carpet Ride

Magic Carpet Ride Scene in Aladdin

Aladdin may not have been able to wish for Jasmine to love him back, but he certainly made do with what little magic Genie did give him to show Jasmine just how in love with her he was.

Of course, the magic carpet ride scene in Aladdin is one of the most romantic moments of any Disney movie, and as such it’s also one of the best romantic gestures found in Disney films. While Aladdin hoped the ride would help Jasmine come around to Prince Ali, he also did it because he could sense that Jasmine had been growing restless being tucked away in her palace for so long. By showing Jasmine the world, Aladdin proved to Jasmine that she has so much more to give to the world. It also proved that Prince Ali wasn’t another selfish Prince who wanted Jasmine for her title.