Rogue One Theory Makes One Star Wars Death Even More Tragic

Rogue One Theory Makes One Star Wars Death Even More Tragic

Cassian Andor and his droid K-2SO are both introduced to audiences in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but one new theory makes their deaths at the end of the movie even more tragic. Going into Andor, the Star Wars live-action Disney+ TV show, it was always destined that Cassian’s story would lead directly into the events of Rogue One, but Andor season 1 still introduced audiences to new worlds and characters. These new Andor characters, along with interesting story arcs, have helped make the show beloved and heavily favored by many Star Wars viewers – including one absolutely adorable addition.

Andor introduces the droid B2EMO, an older droid who doesn’t keep his charge long and stutters when he speaks. B2EMO, or Bee, had been with Cassian and his mother Maarva since before the two met on Cassian’s home planet of Kenari, causing his dedication to both Cassian and Maarva to be one of the most heartwarming parts of the show. Bee, however, isn’t the only droid Cassian’s been known to have, as K-2SO is easily Cassian’s most recognizable partner-in-crime. Despite this, K-2SO hasn’t yet appeared in Andor, though season 2 is expected to bring the beloved character back. It could also, however, set up a connecting thread between Cassian’s droids that would make one Rogue One death even more tragic.

K-2SO Had To Be Heavily Reprogrammed By Cassian

Rogue One Theory Makes One Star Wars Death Even More Tragic

K-2SO was originally an Imperial KX-series security droid built in 12 BBY, but he was reprogrammed by Cassian, which led to him being the comedic droid seen in Rogue One. It’s never been shown, however, how much reprogramming Cassian did to create such an independent and loyal droid. Cassian ran into K-2SO on Wecacoe, where – with the help of two other Rebels – he was able to wipe Kaytoo’s memory. In fact, it took three times for Cassian to properly erase K-2SO’s memory, as he kept trying to kill or arrest Andor and his Rebel friends.

While audiences know Cassian wiped K-2SO’s memory multiple times before reprogramming him, it’s not clear what his reprogramming process actually was. Not only that, but it’s also unclear what exactly went into making the droid the version audiences were familiar with in Rogue One. The Rebels weren’t exactly well off, thus it’s likely that to reprogram K-2SO, Cassian had to use something that was available to him and was in good shape – which could mean recycling old parts from other droids in the Rebellion. While K-2SO hasn’t appeared in Andor yet, it’s possible the droid will appear in Andor season 2 in a very unexpected way.

Cassian May Have Used B2EMO’s Programming

When reprogramming K-2SO, Cassian may have used his old droid’s memory and programming. B2EMO was an old droid when he was seen in Andor season 1. This story takes place in 5 BBY, which means there are still a couple of years until the events of Rogue One during which B2EMO may have shut down for good. While his red droid body couldn’t be saved, his programming could have been repurposed into K-2SO. It’s unlikely that B2EMO would’ve been much use to the Rebellion in the shape he was in, but if his memories and programming were still intact, his parts would have been vitally important to the Rebels.

Taking programming from one droid and putting it into something else isn’t anything new in Star Wars. In fact, it was done in Solo: A Star Wars story with L3-37. After the droid was damaged on Kessel, Lando Calrissian put L3’s programming and memory into the Millenium Falcon. It wouldn’t be surprising, then, if the Rebels also preserved the useful parts of B2EMO – and for Cassian, it would keep a part of his family with him. It could also explain why K-2SO is so loyal to Cassian during Rogue One, as it could be a trait he had left over from his days as B2EMO, who was similarly very loyal to the Andor family.

K-2SO’s Fate Would Also Mark The Fate Of B2EMO

K-2SO death in Rogue One
K-2SO death in Rogue One

In one of the first deaths audiences see during the Battle of Scarif in Rogue One, K-2SO dies protecting Cassian and Jyn Erso. If B2EMO’s programming had in fact gone into K-2SO, then it would make this loss even more tragic for Cassian, who would have lost the last surviving member of his family. Kaytoo has already become like family to Cassian in his own regard, and tying in B2EMO would only raise the emotional stakes of this scene even more. The events of Rogue One are already tragic enough, and the thought of Cassian losing the last of his family with K-2SO’s death would only it even more devastating – and more of a sacrifice to the greater Rebellion cause.