Rocky’s Drago Spin-Off Is Telling The Wrong Story

Rocky’s Drago Spin-Off Is Telling The Wrong Story

Rocky‘s controversial Drago spin-off is not only attracting the ire of creator Sylvester Stallone, but is also focusing on the wrong aspects of its main character. Set to involve veteran action star Dolph Lundgren (seemingly without Stallone’s blessing, judging by an explosive social media rant [via Instagram]), the movie will purportedly follow Drago and his son Viktor after their defeat at the end of Creed II. This approach, however, ultimately wastes the potential of one of the Rocky series’ most iconic characters.

Ivan Drago first made his debut in 1985’s Rocky IV. An unequivocal villain, the cold and ruthless fighter was responsible for killing Carl Weathers’ Apollo Creed in the ring, sparking a request for vengeance that first fuelled Rocky Balboa and then Apollo’s son Adonis. However, despite his terrifying physical presence, Drago has tasted two humiliating defeats in the Rocky series, establishing the character as one of the films’ most-recognizable and popular villains.

Thanks to the purported presence of Ivan’s son Viktor, it seems clear that the Drago movie spin-off will take place after the climactic fight in Creed II. However, this timeline actually means that the proposed project misses out on what is potentially the most interesting aspect of Drago’s story – the aftermath of his Rocky IV defeat. Creed II makes it clear that the disgraced fighter faced years in the wilderness and ostracization after his humiliation. The drama of this arc would not only make a compelling story, but also inform many of the themes explored in Creed II.

Drago’s Spin-Off Should Have Been A Prequel

Rocky’s Drago Spin-Off Is Telling The Wrong Story

Creed II established that Drago lost everything following his defeat to Rocky. Such was the fallout that the former Olympian lost his wife and even his country – being forced to move to Ukraine to raise and train his son. The descriptions of this turmoil provided in Creed II are traumatic and harrowing, yet provide fertile potential plot points for any spin-off. Focusing on Drago’s hardship after his Rocky defeat could help explain his growth and development between the two movies, further fleshing out a character who has previously been described as overly robotic and almost inhuman.

Examining the breakdown of Drago’s marriage, as well as the early years of Viktor’s training could make the spin-off a more personal and nuanced character drama, rather than the action-focused approach of a typical “fighting” movie. This would not only help the film stand out but would also allow it to strike a distinct tone away from the main Rocky series. As such, the project could avoid the potential pitfall of repeating aspects of the Rocky and Creed stories and add something genuinely original to the saga.

Admittedly, exploring Viktor and Ivan’s relationship after the Apollo fight could also provide an interesting backdrop for a Drago spin-off. However, there’s no doubt that the tantalizing plot points about Drago’s story already revealed in Creed II would make for an even more compelling story. The iconic Rocky character clearly changed significantly between his first and second appearances. Examining the moments that shaped this transformation would allow the saga to potentially tell what could its most personal and emotional story yet.