Robin’s New Status Quo: Not Even Batman Is This Dedicated to Crime-Fighting

Robin’s New Status Quo: Not Even Batman Is This Dedicated to Crime-Fighting

Warning: Spoilers for Batman and Robin #5!Damian Wayne just proved how Robin can be more dedicated to Batman’s mission than even Batman himself, potentially to a fault. For years, Batman has been obsessed with carrying out his war on crime, but due to his duties as Bruce Wayne, he can realistically only dedicate so much time to fighting crime.

His son, however, shows just how overly dedicated he himself is to crime-fighting in Batman and Robin #5 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Cizmesija, Rex Lokus, and Steve Wands. The titular tag team are currently investigating the mysterious Shush, who is working for a new and improved version of Man-Bat helming his own master plan.

Robin’s New Status Quo: Not Even Batman Is This Dedicated to Crime-Fighting

In the midst of their extracurricular hero activities, Bruce enrolls Damian in Gotham City High School, much to Damian’s chagrin. It isn’t until his father assures him that his schooling will benefit their latest mission that Damian becomes more receptive to attending high school.

Batman Tricks Robin Into Going to School

Damian Wayne school

In the last issue, Damian expresses how he thinks it’s a waste of time for him to attend high school while Shush and Man-Bat are still out there. Bruce admits how much it would mean to him if Damian tried to have a normal life outside of their superhero nightlife. Damian isn’t happy with that answer, but in issue #5, Damian starts to change his tune when Bruce starts to change his own. Batman begins suggesting that he actually sent Robin to school as part of an undercover mission.

With Damian’s high school principal, Principal Stone, being a suspect for Shush’s identity, Batman has urged Robin to go undercover and look for clues to connect the two. Bruce even volunteers at the school’s soccer tryouts, insisting he’s there to assist Damian in his search. However, it quickly becomes evident that Bruce might be more interested in supporting his boy’s soccer pursuits. Furthermore, when one of Damian’s teachers suggests that Damian advance to the college level, Bruce admits his sole desire is to see his son make friends his own age.

Batman Knows the Mission Isn’t Everything

Bruce Wayne Batman wants a normal life Robin Damian Wayne

Batman has learned in the past already – most notably during the Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive storyline – that dedicating too much time to his mission can only end disastrously, and that his obsessive behavior will hurt his relationship with his family in the long run. One has to think that Batman sees Damian going down that same obsessive path and wants to stop it early. Damian has never indulged in basic things like dating, jobs, or school. It seems the only reason he’d be remotely interested in such things is if Batman convinces him that doing so benefits a bigger mission.

At least Batman makes time for downtime by exercising his socialite lifestyle as Bruce Wayne. He can be found going on dates, partying at clubs, eating out in fancy restaurants, and meeting with friends and potential lovers. Even if it is for show in an attempt to sell this playboy persona to the public, it is still a life away from Batman that Bruce can hold close to him. Such a normal life is something that Bruce thinks his son desperately needs. Attending high school is a good start for Robin, now he just needs to genuinely aspire to have a normal life.