Robin’s Grandfather Sent Him The Absolute Worst Birthday Gift

Robin’s Grandfather Sent Him The Absolute Worst Birthday Gift

Spoilers for Truth and Justice 16 ahead!

Robin’s grandfather, Ra’s al Ghul, just sent him a terrible birthday present—two immensely powerful beings who abduct him and bring him to his Ra’s, who has an offer for his wayward grandson.

Damian Wayne, the current Robin, is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, making Ra’s al Ghul his grandfather. Batman has tangled with Ra’s numerous times over the years; for a long time, Ra’s sought Batman to be his successor. Damian was raised without Bruce’s knowledge to be a ruthless assassin but renounced the League of Assassins to become Robin and fight by his father’s side. Under his father’s guidance, Damian has flourished as Robin, working past his upbringing and becoming just another cold-blooded killer; he has even become friends with Superman’s son Jonathan, creating a new riff on the Superman/Batman dynamic. But apparently, his grandfather is not done with him and approaches Damian on his birthday with a fantastic offer.

In Truth and Justice #16 by Andrew Aydin, Juni Ba, Nick Filardi, and Aditya Bidika, Batman is away on “errands,” but the rest of the Bat-Family, including Nightwing, Red Hood, and Batgirl, have prepared a surprise birthday party for Damian, who is unsure of how to react at first. Just as he is settling in and becoming comfortable, two powerful beings who describe themselves as “gods” descend on the party, overpowering the other members of the Bat-Family and whisking Damian away to an undisclosed location thousands of miles from Gotham. He awakens to find himself face-to-face with Ras ‘al Ghul, who tells him that Gotham has caused Robin’s mind to rot and that he has a special gift for him—immortality.

Robin’s Grandfather Sent Him The Absolute Worst Birthday Gift

The issue ends there, and readers must wait until the next installment to see exactly what Ra’s has in mind for Robin, but Ra’s crashed his grandson’s party, sending two powerful and destructive beings to abduct Damian and hurt the rest of the Bat-Family. In typical Ra’s al Ghul fashion, he does not see this as a problem—Nightwing and the rest were below him and thus they were acceptable losses. The question is: what exactly did he have in mind for Robin when he says “immortality?” Does it have something to do with the Lazarus Pits, the source of Ra’s’ own immortality? Or something else? And what of the two “gods” Ra’s dispatched to abduct Damian? Are there roles in the story done, or will readers see more of them?

Whatever the case, Ra’s al Ghul crashed Robin’s birthday in a horrible fashion, using powerful beings to abduct him and bring him across the world.