Road House Stars Prove Their Action Movie Cred & React To Jacked Jake Gyllenhaal [SXSW]

Road House Stars Prove Their Action Movie Cred & React To Jacked Jake Gyllenhaal [SXSW]

Road House follows Dalton, a former UFC fighter struggling to make ends meet as he attempts to escape the violence of his past. Frankie, the owner of a roadhouse in the Florida Keys, recruits him to protect her establishment from a violent gang as the new bouncer. When Dalton proves to be impossible to beat for the gang crime boss, Brandt brings gun-for-hire Knox into play, making Dalton’s life after his career in the Octagon more dangerous than he could have ever imagined.

Director Doug Liman (Mr. & Mrs. Smith, The Bourne Identity) brings his penchant for enthralling action to his reimagining of the 1989 cult classic of the same name. Jake Gyllenhaal shows his star power with dynamic action sequences that bring a whole new level of excitement and grit to the story. The new Road House offers darker and more gritty action as part of the story, further infusing the story with more emotionally heavy performances from the powerhouse cast.

Road House Stars Prove Their Action Movie Cred & React To Jacked Jake Gyllenhaal [SXSW]


Road House Remake Cast & Character Guide

The 2024 Road House remake takes some existing characters from the original, as well as introducing completely new players to the main story.

Road House had its world premiere at South By South West, where Screen Rant interviewed the phenomenal stars, including Jake Gyllenhaal, Conor McGregor, Daniela Melchior, Jessica Williams, and more. Gyllenhaal touched on his friendship with Patrick Swayze and why his excitement to work with Liman drew him to this project. Melchior explained how the new movie stands out from the original, McGregor praised Gyllenhaal’s performance, and every actor revealed how many times they’d seen the original.

Road House Star Jake Gyllenhaal Tips His Hat To Patrick Swayze & Doug Liman

Screen Rant: I saw you post a photo of yourself and Patrick Swayze with the sweetest caption on Instagram the other day, reminding us all that you guys were in Donnie Darko. How much did your personal history and friendship with him fuel you to do this? Was that part of it?

Jake Gyllenhaal: I loved Patrick and still do, and his wife Lisa is so lovely. They always have been supportive of me. They were at that time, and then after the movie. He’s had a really big heart, and I love these movies – so many of them. Point Break, Dirty Dancing – all of those films. I was raised by him in the cinema.

But the thing that really drove me to want to do the movie was my relationship with Doug Liman, and also the idea. Doug came to me, and we’ve been friends for 15 plus years, and he was like, “I have this crazy idea. I just read this reimagining of Road House.” Something in me, I don’t know what it is, from the depths of me was like, “I’m in!” It was really quick. I hem and haw, and there was no hemming or hawing because it’s just such a wonderful matchup in my mind of Doug and his skill with action and comedy, and then the idea.

Yes, Patrick is a significant part of it for me. But at the same time, it was my friendship with Doug and just the idea.

I just talked to Conor McGregor, who told me he could kick anyone in Hollywood’s ass. How intimidating was it to go up against him?

Jake Gyllenhaal: Oh, yeah. I don’t think I need to answer that question. [Laughs] I learned a lot from him, and it was interesting because I was intimidated when we first started. The first scene we ever shot together was the headbutt in the movie. We were face-to-face and he does his line, and then he headbutts me and the fight starts. I remember thinking, “Oh, my God. It’s Conor McGregor. Oh, God.”

But he said to me before we started, “I’m a white belt in this, and I’m here to learn.” And I thought that was so humble of him. I thought, “I’ve been doing this for a while. He’s also in my space, so I can put that out.” That’s what we have, and that’s what I think that two-shot shows; that feeling. But he can still kick my ass!

Jessica Williams Isn’t “Straight White Guys Fighting” Fan, But Road House Is An Exception

Screen Rant: I’m just gonna say you elevate every single thing you’re in. I’m gonna test your Road House cred. Had you even seen it?

Jessica Williams: Oh, zero. I had none. I have seen it, but I think I missed the straight white guys fighting memo. Unfortunately, I was watching other stuff, but I got to watch it before I agreed to do the movie. And it was great. So, I would be just awful.

[I’d seen it] one and a half times or two. I didn’t have that much time to prep before I went into shoot this.

What kind of juice does this one add to the canon?

Jessica Williams: I think as a movie, it’s doing a really good job of being respectful of the original and not trying to replicate it, but also being a really nice homage. It has a really good vibe; this nice tropical Florida Keys vibe with the sort of grittiness of the Roadhouse. I think it all comes together really well. I know Jake worked really hard on it, and Doug. I think it’s good.

How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Gyllenhaal?

Jessica Williams: I went [makes shocked face]. And I just did that for a long time. I think he’s down to 6% body fat in this movie. It’s really intense seeing muscles up close. I don’t even know how comfortable I am seeing muscles up close. You don’t realize it until you see it, and you’re like, “That’s just protein and veggies and exercise.” It’s just crazy.

After Road House, Can Conor McGregor Take On Hollywood?

Screen Rant: This movie proudly introduces Conor McGregor. Is it over for Hollywood? Are you here to stay?

Conor McGregor: Let’s see. Have you watched the movie yet? See what happens. I don’t know. Let’s see. It was a fun time. All of this is fun; all this is pretty cool. Late nights, early mornings, no sleeping. Throwing yourself off a speeding bow in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean at speed, and then holding on to an anchor as you get dragged under the sea. All that stuff is amazing, so let’s see.

I said to myself, “Let me see how it all shakes out. What the promo entails, and what their feedback is. If they want me back. I don’t know if they want me back. And then that’s it, just rock with it.

Could you see yourself carrying an action movie?

Conor McGregor: Oh, Jesus. Jake worked hard, man. I came in and was supposed to be there for five weeks, and it was 10 weeks in total. It’s double my work, but he was there for six months or something. It’s hard work, man, it ain’t no joke. So, let’s see. Maybe.

You guys square off. I think we can say that.

Conor McGregor: I tell you, any action star out there, I’d tie them up in a knot. I’d smoke any action star out there right now! I do it for real, so if you’re talking about that…

Jake’s great. He’s a great, big lad. 200 pounds, and I had to throw him over a bar and everything backwards. Tough guy, great skill, a consummate professional, and very helpful to me. Very patient with me, as were all the staff and team on the set. Because it was my first one, and I was a bit… Obviously, I’m a white belt in the game, you know? So. I was just absorbing it like a sponge and just doing my best. Trying to do them proud, and I think we done good.

Daniela Melchior Praises “More Contemporary” Road House Remake

Screen Rant: I’m testing everybody’s cred. How many times have you seen the original Road House?

Daniela Melchior: I’m gonna be honest, there weren’t that many. I watched more than once. I watched once many years ago, and then I watched to do this maybe three or four more [times].

How is this one most different from the original?

Daniela Melchior: It’s an updated and fresh take, I would say. More inspired in the reality nowadays. For example, I don’t want to spoil anything, but the romantic couple has an unconventional ending. That’s a big example. Then we have Jessica Williams’ character that is very independent as well. So, I think it’s more contemporary, for sure.

How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Jake Gyllenhaal?

Daniela Melchior: Aaah! How did I react to it? I couldn’t believe it. I was like, “Okay, he’s in Dalton mode already.” And I didn’t know what was at stake, because anyone can be a fighter and not be so jacked or bulky and everything. So, when I saw him for the first time in the Dominican Republic, he had a loose T-shirt. So, I I didn’t see anything. When we were shooting the scenes and he was supposed to be shirtless as everything, I was like, “Okay, good for you, man. Good for you!”

Lukas Gage Teases Smile 2 At Road House’s SXSW Premiere

Screen Rant: Congrats on this film. It is entertaining as hell. What was your Road House cred? How many times have you seen the original?

Lukas Gage: Prior to this? I’m not gonna lie, I saw it when I got the audition. I never saw it before, and I’m ashamed of it. I know everyone’s gonna give me s–t for it. But we’re all human. Now, I love the movie. I love it. It’s an iconic film.

This movie’s cool because it’s a reimagining. It’s not like we’re totally ripping it off. And it’s so different, but it’s also paying homage and respect to it.

How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Gyllenhaal?

Lukas Gage: I was like, “Godd–n.” God, he’s already so handsome, but now he’s even 10 times hotter. How is he at 3% body fat? It’s not fair.

He made the time every day to work out nonstop, eat so healthy, and I applaud him. Because it’s hard. It’s a lot of hard work. I had two weeks of fight training, and I was about to die. I don’t know how he did it.

Screen Rant: I cannot wait for Smile 2, by the way. Where are you guys with that? And updates?

Lukas Gage: I just wrapped. We finished in upstate New York, and it’s gonna be really good, man. I’m really excited for everyone to see that one. Yeah, I’m doing a lot of sequels it feels like, this year. The year the sequel. But I hope you like it.

Parker Finn, the director of that, it was crazy how much he knows this genre of movies and how he was able to recreate it and make it fresh. It was such a cool formula to follow, right? It’s like, how did nobody think to do that creepy smile face? My smile face is so good.

Billy Magnussen Reveals His Road House Cred At SXSW Premiere

Screen Rant: Great work in this.

Billy Magnussen: I think it’s the most non-Hollywood Hollywood movie. That’s what I love about it. It is just a good time. I think something happened, where the industry focused on coastal states or something. They forgot about middle [America]. The entertainment industry, a little bit, has forgotten about it.

It’s a meat and potatoes movie.

That’s what the original is. If you look at the story on paper, you’re like, “What?” But then you just go on a journey for two hours, and you have fun. That’s all it’s about.

Testing your Road House cred. How many times have you seen the first one?

Billy Magnussen: The original? Probably 12. You’ve gotta remember, when I discovered Road House, I was young enough to be like, “Oh, wow. They show this in movies?” And then… You know what I’m saying?

B.K. Cannon Praises Jake Gyllenhaal’s Road House Performance

Screen Rant: I’m checking some Road House cred tonight. How many times have you seen the original?

B.K. Cannon: I’ve seen it up 2.78 times. That third time, I was a little more interested in my wine. Just a tad.

How would you say this one departs from the original Road House?

B.K. Cannon: I think it is more violent. Which is really what we were going for when we were filming. I would say that I think it has just a little more heart. Jake’s performance is so charismatic and so likable. Not say Patrick Swayze is not all of those things. But in our new day and age, I think Jake brings that quality that we really need in an action movie and a hero.

Let’s talk about Jake for a second. How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Gyllenhaal?

B.K. Cannon: Oooh… I knew it was gonna be good, but I didn’t know he was gonna be that ripped. It was crazy. I didn’t see him eat one bite of food the entire film. He was in it. He was [eating] chicken – no rice, just chicken.

Dominique Columbus Highlights The Friendship In Road House

Screen Rant: Tell me a little bit, in your own words, about who you play and what excited you about this character.

Dominique Columbus: My character’s name is Reef. I am one that people that helps Dalton run the Road House alongside Billy, played by Lukas Gage. Me and Billy, we’re right hands. To make sure that everything is going smooth, you need to make sure you have a friend that has your back. Whenever Billy’s in a situation, or Dalton needs some extra help, Reef is stepping up to make sure the situation is good.

I’m sure you saw the original. How would you say that this one departs from it the most dramatically?

Dominique Columbus: It’s not a complete remake; it’s a fresh take on it. I feel like a lot of remakes have come out, and nowadays, people still want that freshness. It’s like, “Why are you giving us the exact same thing we already saw?”

We have something fresh, new, and exciting. The action and the way things were shot with these fight scenes are incredible on set. To see it play out was dope.

How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Gyllenhaal?

Dominique Columbus: Look, I’ve been blessed to work with A-listers for the past eight years of my life, so it wasn’t starstruck. It was more so like, “Wow, look at this energy.” This is someone who’s really transformed their body; has committed to a different level to execute this role. To me, it was more so about that Kobe and Michael Jordan mentality. Kobe was so inspired by Michael Jordan. He looked up to Michael, but he was like, “I still gotta get better.” He steps on set, and it’s like, “Alright, we’re gonna raise the bar. Let’s go! Jake’s on set.”

JD Pardo Gives An Exciting The Terminal List Update

Screen Rant: What’s your Road House cred? How many times did you see the original?

J.D. Pardo: Oh, countless. I’m a huge Patrick Swayze fan, and I grew up watching movies. That movie is a classic; so much was pulled from that movie. And I’m just thankful that we get to honor it, in a way, even though this is a complete reimagining and allows Patrick’s Road House to stand alone. It doesn’t go into it too much, we just pull out some of the fun and amplify it in our own way.

How would you say it departs most dramatically from that version?

J.D. Pardo: I think there’s a lot of focus on the fights in this one, and there’s the extreme characters. The original had some extreme characters, but this one…? I mean, we got some personalities. I’m sure you’ve heard we got some personalities on this one. Everyone just brings their stuff. It was very loose, very fun, and we had Doug Liman directing. That guy’s a genius.

You’re a guy who has put on weight for roles over the years. How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Gyllenhaal?

J.D. Pardo: Oh, yeah, it was impressive. I was like, “Eh, you’re not that big, bro.” [Laughs]

No, it was really good. And, listen, that’s what we do. When you get a character, you change physically, so that you can really bring the audience in. That’s what it’s all about. It’s not even necessarily an ego thing, but we’re magicians in a way, and we have to be honest. Anything can pull the audience out, so I’m all about, “How can we make them feel like they’re like watching something that’s real?”

Last time we talked, it was for The Terminal List. I think you guys are doing season 2. Are there any updates?

J.D. Pardo: They are, but it’s a prequel. They’ve already started that, and it goes into an area in the books where it’s before my character comes on. But I’m still in touch with all those guys. We’ve got some future plans that I’m not gonna mention right now, but it’s all great. Absolutely.

Road House Bears An Unfortunate Resemblance To Breland’s Time In Country Music

Screen Rant: Tell us a little bit about who you play and what excited you about this character in Road House?

Breland: I’m kind of playing myself. I’m singing an original song in the bar. It’s kind of an iconic scene from the original film, where a fight breaks out [when] someone doesn’t like my song. I’m a Black dude in country music, so I deal with that in real life from time to time. I didn’t really have to step outside of myself too much to play the role.

All I’ve actually seen so far is the scene that I was in, so I’m really excited to see how it fits into the larger context of the film. Really excited to be here. I feel like they’ve definitely done some things to beef up the script a little bit. Obviously, they’ve got a lot of big names and guys that know what they’re doing. There’s gonna be a lot of high-flying action. The technology has evolved a lot. But I’m seeing it for the first time tonight, so we’ll see how it goes. Everyone feels really confident that this is a smash.

How did you respond the first time you saw Jacked Gyllenhaal on set?

Breland: Honestly, I was pretty geeked out. We were shooting my scene, and he just showed up. Like, “Hey, man. Nice to meet you, I’m Jake.” I was like, “I know who you are.” He was in incredible shape. It’s wild what it is that actors can do to prepare for these types of roles.

We’ve been able to stay in touch since shooting this a year and a half ago, so congratulations to him and everybody that poured a lot of blood, sweat and tears into this project.

Road House 2024 Official Amazon Movie Poster

Road House (2024)


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Road House is a remake of the original 1989 film, which followed protagonist Dalton, a Ph.D. educated bouncer at the roughest bar in the south known as the Double Deuce. Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Dalton, with two major changes including Dalton being a retired UFC fighter and the bar locale being in the Florida Keys.


Doug Liman

Release Date

March 21, 2024


, Silver Pictures


Prime Video


Anthony Bagarozzi
, Charles Mondry
, David Lee Henry


Jake Gyllenhaal
, Daniela Melchior
, Billy Magnussen
, Jessica Williams
, Joaquim De Almeida
, Conor McGregor
, Lukas Gage
, Arturo Castro
, B.K. Cannon
, Beau Knapp
, Darren Barnet
, Dominique Columbus
, Bob Menery