Road House Remake Rating Continues A Franchise Tradition & Promises “Violence Throughout”

Road House Remake Rating Continues A Franchise Tradition & Promises “Violence Throughout”

The Road House remake’s rating has been revealed, promising lots of violence and a continuation of a franchise tradition. Released in 1989, the original film stars Patrick Swayze as a bouncer hired to maintain order in a very rowdy bar. After a direct-to-video sequel in 2006, Jake Gyllenhaal is now set to star in a remake from director Doug Liman, which follows a former UFC champion who becomes a bouncer.

While the Road House remake’s release date hasn’t yet been announced, now reveals that the film has officially been rated R, which is in keeping with both of its predecessors. The film earned the rating for “violence throughout, pervasive language and some nudity.” With some variations, these same elements are mostly responsible for both earlier Road House movies’ ratings.

What Road House’s R Rating Means For The Movie

Road House Remake Rating Continues A Franchise Tradition & Promises “Violence Throughout”

Many questions remain about Gyllenhaal’s upcoming Road House remake, but the R rating does confirm that the new movie won’t be toning down the violence of earlier installments. The original movie has many moments that are outright silly and over-the-top in true ’80s fashion, but it does feature some scenes of surprising violence. The bar fights, in particular, feature an array of bloody injuries, with the clientele of the establishment not taking kindly to Swayze’s Dalton trying to maintain order.

The first movie also features several instances of fairly graphic sexuality and nudity, and it appears that this may be getting toned down for the Road House remake. Sexuality isn’t mentioned in the film’s rating, but it does say there will be “some nudity“. This could mean that the nudity in the movie won’t be sexual in nature like it was in the 1989 original.

While some finer details of the rating may be different, the fact that it got an R suggests that the upcoming remake will try to honor the original instead of aiming for mass audience appeal with a PG-13. Images and videos of Gyllenhaal from the Road House remake’s filming have already been revealed, including one in which he participates in a UFC fight. While the videos and images have made it difficult to determine just how brutal the film’s violence will be, the new rating confirms that the movie won’t be pulling any punches.