Riverdale: The 8 Best Mysteries From The Show, According To Reddit

Riverdale: The 8 Best Mysteries From The Show, According To Reddit

The CW’s drama series Riverdale presents one or two new mysteries each season. And with Betty, Jughead, Archie, and Veronica on the case, the mysteries never seem to last too long.

Ranging from Jason’s untimely murder to the Auteur leaving creepy videotapes around town, the mysteries in Riverdale are a hot topic of debate amongst fans and have had them on the edge of their seats for months. However, that doesn’t mean that they all have proven to be popular among fans. If fans take a closer look at the threads on Reddit, they will see that there were a few mysteries that were a lot more memorable in comparison to others.

Where Is Polly?

Riverdale: The 8 Best Mysteries From The Show, According To Reddit

A part of season 5’s larger plotline is Polly’s disappearance. After the show’s time jump, she moves back in with her mother and ends up getting mixed up with the Ghoulies as a working girl along the Lonely Highway. Unfortunately, this makes her an easy victim for a family of killers targeting young girls on the highway. Until the end of the season, no one knew that she winds up dead. Once Betty and Jughead track down the killers, fans were shocked to discover that Polly’s body was in the trunk of an abandoned car.

Being an on-and-off character in the show, Polly isn’t too well developed. Also, her lack of interactions with her sister makes her character unimportant to the audience and too unattached for fans to gain a liking. All of this adds up to her disappearance not really being cared for. The plotline is drawn out throughout the season, leading viewers to believe she’s still alive. However, her death is surprising and unsatisfying. Redditor Lurd67 emphasizes this, saying, “I hope that’s finally the end of that plotline because boy was it painful.”

Who Is The Auteur?

An image of Jellybean working on a car in Riverdale

The Auteur comes into play during season 4, leaving a videotape at the Cooper’s doorstep. This tape shows footage of the Cooper household that was recorded for 6 hours. As the season went on, the videos then spread across town and go on to get more gruesome (reenacting some of Riverdale’s brutal murder scenes). After digging around for nearly two seasons, it’s revealed that Jellybean created the tapes to prevent Jughead from leaving Riverdale.

This reveal is probably one of the show’s biggest letdowns. The plot was promising, dark, and mischievous as many fans were curious as to see why this person wanted to expose their worst secrets. As Redditor heyoitsyaboii says, “It could have been such a good plot and villain if they had continued and intensify it, rather than having JB being the author just for preventing her brother from going to college.” Not only is Jellybean being the Auteur a disappointment, but the sudden conclusion to the lengthy mystery was also underwhelming.

Who Are The Mothmen?

An image of Jughead looking concerned in Riverdale

The Mothmen are, at first, believed to be an extraterrestrial species of frightening humanoid creatures that took refuge along the Lonely Highway in Riverdale since the late 1970s. Directed to Old Man Dreyfus after believing he sees them, Jughead learns more about the so-called aliens. After some sleuthing, Betty and Jughead discover Old Man Dreyfus and his family are the Mothmen, acting as a cover-up to keep people from looking into the Lonely Highway disappearances.

Although the mystery is intriguing and unexpectedly solves two mysteries at once, it’s not presented very clearly. The alien encounters are especially vague. As Redditor -GreyWatcher- states, “The whole spaceship light in the sky that Jughead and other characters saw was not explained. Nor the whole things shaking and technology going crazy when it appeared.” Other Redditors agree that while the Mothmen receive an explanation, the rest of this plot is left open-ended.

Is Jughead Dead?

Jughead at Stonewall Prep Riverdale

As part of some twisted Baxter Brothers tradition, DuPont orders the Stonies to commit the perfect murder of Jughead. However, after a failed attempt, they try to frame Betty for his death. Jughead devises a plan with the gang to fake his death and expose Stonewall Prep for numerous murders going decades back.

Many fans liked this mystery. The Stonewall Prep arc is intriguing, and Brett and Donna are relatively good antagonists. The only issue was that it was pretty obvious that Jughead isn’t dead based on the gang’s lack of emotion. As an anonymous Redditor says “The Who Killed Jughead actually had me for a minute, but the entire time I was like: “cmon. . .They’re not REALLY gonna kill Jughead.”

Who Is The Gargoyle King?

An image of the Gargoyle King standing in the woods in Riverdale

Season 3 of Riverdale mostly centers around the Gargoyle King. In a flashback episode, young Penelope originally brings Gryphons and Gargoyles to the town. This caused a loathing for Riverdale, and she decides to use Chic as the Gargoyle King to wreak havoc on the town.

The Gargoyle King mystery is intriguing for most viewers, but it gets lost in the numerous storylines of season 3. The show was all over the place with Archie’s juvenile detention plotline, Hiram’s criminal takeover of Riverdale, the forming of the Pretty Poisons, and the shenanigans at the Farm. Therefore, it’s not surprising that fans, such as Redditor _dramafairy “feels like they almost forgot about g&g until the last ep of s3…”

What’s Really Going At The Farm?

Alice standing in front of the other members on The Farm in Riverdale

The Farm is initially believed to be a safe haven. However, despite Polly’s persistent claims that it’s not a cult and that the Farm has healed her, Betty’s intuition was right. Edgar Evernever leads this cult to manipulate vulnerable individuals and harvest their organs.

There is a hit-or-miss reaction among Redditors when it comes to this mystery. Although some fans didn’t like it because it didn’t make much sense, there are actually a few who enjoy it because of how eccentric the ending is. As Redditor thisisabearrr says, “The wrap-up to the Betty/Farm storyline is my absolute favorite for how off the wall it all is” – especially since it saw Edgar Evernever try to fly off in a giant rocket while dressed as Evel Knievel.

Who Is The Black Hood?

An image of the Black Hood holding a gun in Riverdale

Inspired by Betty’s speech at the Riverdale Jubilee, where she says he says that the town must do better, the Black Hood arose to fulfill his path of moral justice by ridding the town of its sinners. When Hal reveals he is the first and true Black Hood, he claims the Betty’s speech reminded him of a promise he made to his mother, that Riverdale would do better. And so he followed in his father’s footsteps as a serial killer.

Many fans of the show vote the Black Hood mystery itself as the best, but the reveal lacks luster. The show gets more into Betty’s character during this arc, making the reveal of the serial killer as her father a one of Riverdale’s better twists. However, his motives are a little lack-luster. One anonymous Redditor says, “The Black Hood was SUCH a good mystery and then Hal Cooper started opening his mouth.”

Who Killed Jason Blossom?

An image of Jason Blossom smiling in Riverdale

Jason initially fakes his own death to run away with Polly, who’s pregnant with his children. However, he never makes it to their meeting point. After some typical detective work, the gang finds security camera footage where Clifford Blossom shoots him in the head. His father claims his motives to be fear of Jason going to the cops about the family maple syrup business being a cover-up for drug dealing and therefore, sending Clifford to jail.

The murder mystery that kicked off the show seems to remain a fan favorite for Riverdale viewers on Reddit. An anonymous Redditor says “Season 1 is also pretty great. This season had the best mystery and felt the most realistic.” Many viewers long for a season similar to the first, where the plot is clear and concise and it’s a classic murder mystery. The most commented-upon thing about the mystery is that there it’s fully developed with little to no plot holes. And viewers also love a good family murder twist.