Riverdale: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Riverdale: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

Every week in Riverdale, something crazy and bizarre is going on in the titular town. If there are no serial killers and drug lords hanging about, there are cults that harvest organs or people filming themselves getting tickled.

Fans can’t help but come back for more because they want to see what other crazy hijinks the show can throw their way. But since it will be a while until Riverdale returns to the small screen, maybe now is the right time to do a deep dive into some Reddit fan pages. It may be surprising to learn, but some very unpopular opinions on there could spark some huge debates among fans.

Hiram Manipulating Teenagers Is Realistic

Riverdale: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

From the beginning, it was apparent that Hiram Lodge was not a man to be messed with. When the mob boss returned in season 2, he was quick to make enemies of the teens — including, Archie, Jughead, Ethel, and even his own daughter, Veronica.

While many fans are frustrated with Hiram since he continuously makes life hard for their favorite character, some on Reddit believe it is actually realistic and plausible. After all, they weren’t fully aware of his manipulative nature and were drawn to his wealth and status. Did their naivety make them easy targets?

The Parent Ships Have Better Chemistry Than The Teen Ships

Alice leans against lockers while FP talks to her.

For those who are familiar with the comics, it was pretty apparent that romance would be a strong element of the show. The relationships between Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead proved to be an integral part of several storylines.

While many people would say the teen romances are intriguing and impactful, there are quite a few people on Reddit who respectively disagree. For some users, they feel that the romances between the parents are far more interesting because of the chemistry and build-up. These fans feel like the parents’ love lives were much more developed in comparison to Bughead or Varchie.

FP & Archie Have A Better Bond Than FP & Jughead

Archie Andrews and FP Jones in Riverdale

Parent-child bonds also play an important theme in Riverdale. One relationship that has overcome leaps and bounds is Jughead and FP’s, which was strained at the beginning of the show. But with FP’s determination and Jughead’s faith, fans thoroughly enjoyed watching the father and son putting themselves on the straight and narrow.

But did they have the best bond? According to some on Reddit, FP has got a stronger bond with Archie than he has with Jughead. This is mainly because they are quite similar. They risk jail time to protect their loved ones as they are both impulsive hotheads who care about protecting the town’s reputation.

Choni Should Break Up And Date Other People

Riverdale Cheryl and Toni

Although Cheryl and Toni are deemed to be the most underrated characters of the show, some may be surprised to discover that not everyone likes Choni. Since many believe the pair got together pretty quick, fans can understand why some want them to break up and date other people.

However, the suggestions that were proposed on Reddit may cause the blood of the Bughead fandom to boil as someone thought that Jughead and Toni should date. Although Toni was initially introduced as the young writer’s love interest, other fans loved watching Jughead and Toni’s friendship blossom. It would be nice if Toni did have an independent storyline, though…

Veronica Should Have Gone To Stonewall Prep

Riverdale Veronica Lodge Cheerleader

In season 4, the viewers were gripped by Jughead and the Stonewall Prep drama after it was revealed that there was a murder conspiracy on campus. The storyline was tied up very well in the end as it saw Jughead repair the bond between his father and grandfather. However, some people believe the Stonewall plot went to the wrong person.

According to some on Reddit, they believe that it would have been more plausible if Veronica had gone instead. They believe it is a lot more realistic that Hiram and Hermione would want to get her out of Riverdale High after all the scandals. But would transferring to another school for a third time make sense?

Making Hal The Black Hood Was A Stepping Stone For Falice


In season 2, the town of Riverdale was seen to be plagued by a serial killer that was dubbed by residents as the Black Hood. After taking the lives of many characters, the fans were surprised to discover that Hal was the perpetrator behind it all. However, some were a little disappointed as they thought it was just a way to get rid of Hal.

According to Reddit, users saw it as a cop-out to make Hal the killer since he hardly featured on the show. It also seemed they were trying to get rid of him so Falice could happen. Unfortunately, this doesn’t make much sense since Falice already has history — and even a child together.

Betty Is Far From The Girl Next Door

Dark Betty in Riverdale

In terms of fan favorites, Betty would be one of the top contenders. Thought of as the quintessential girl next door, many characters have gravitated towards her because of her kind and compassionate nature. Everyone always seeks her out when they have an issue because she is strong-willed and mature.

However, there are some people on Reddit who think the characters are blinded to Betty’s faults and flaws. “Betty is not a queen,” they began. “She horrible for trying to drown Chuck and then got worse when she tried to blackmail Cheryl with Jason’s death.” It might be unpopular with Betty fans, but they may have a point. She doesn’t exactly face any repercussions for her actions.

Season 3 Was The Best

Molly Ringwald KJ Apa and Robin Givens in Riverdale season 3

Over the last four seasons, most fans will agree that the writing and storylines have changed dramatically. On several occasions, the viewers have taken to social media to complain about how the show has jumped the shark. Compared to how structured it was in season 1, the plots have become bizarre and cringey — even for a teen drama.

However, some believe the writing improved dramatically over time. One Reddit user even admitted the writers surpassed themselves with season 3 due to the “genuine emotion and seriousness” in the scripts. Do they have a point?

Betty’s Serial Killer Gene Storyline Was Fun

Betty in Riverdale

Season 4 also saw some very outlandish and unique storylines. Cheryl kept her dead brother’s corpse in her living room, Stonewall Prep students tried to kill everyone, Hermosa Lodge made an appearance, and Archie doled out some vigilante justice… again.

However, one of the strangest had to be the storyline that suggested Betty had inherited her father’s serial killer tendencies. While many viewers criticized the writers for coming up with such a ridiculous idea (and then forgetting it just as quickly), there were actually a few people on Reddit who thought this was fun and brought something new to the table.

Hiram Is A Better Father Than FP

Hiram and FP in Riverdale

Ever since Fred died, Riverdale has yet to find a strong and sensible paternal figure to replace him. Yet, if fans had to choose, the majority of people would either say FP or Tom Keller. After all, these two men have attempted to protect other kids as well as their own.

However, some Reddit users have thrown another contender in the mix by proposing that Hiram is a much better father than FP. They believe that FP has been far more abusive towards Jughead and Jellybean than Hiram ever has to Veronica, and that FP’s demons are worse than the mob boss’s. There can’t be anything more controversial than that, right?