Riker & Q’s History Means They Must Meet Again In Star Trek: Legacy

Riker & Q’s History Means They Must Meet Again In Star Trek: Legacy

Commander William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and the omnipotent being known as Q (John de Lancie) have quite an interesting history in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Star Trek: Legacy should give them the opportunity to meet again. Since his introduction in TNG’s pilot episode, Q has been a thorn in the side of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), but he once had a particular fascination with Commander Riker. In TNG season 1, episode 10, “Hide and Q,” Q makes his second visit to the USS Enterprise-D after putting humanity on trial in the series premiere. This time, Q sets his sights on Riker and offers him the opportunity of a lifetime.

After appearing on the Enterprise bridge, Q sends most of the senior officers to a strange planet, leaving Captain Picard alone on the ship. Q then forces the senior officers to play his game, which is all meant as a test for Commander Riker. When Picard figures out that it’s Riker Q has his eye on, he expresses confidence that his first officer with defeat Q. Q and Picard then make a wager: if Q wins, he gets command of the Enterprise, if Riker wins, Q leaves humanity alone forever. Down on the planet, the away team is attacked by strange beasts with energy weapons, and Q reveals that Riker has been granted the powers of the Q.

Riker’s Unique History With Q Is Different From Picard’s

Riker & Q’s History Means They Must Meet Again In Star Trek: Legacy

Since Q’s appearance in the premiere of TNG, the Q Continuum has become intrigued by humanity, and they want a human representative to experience life in the Continuum. Q chooses Commander Riker for this and grants him the power of the Q. The power almost immediately goes to Riker’s head, making him arrogant and confrontational. Q suggests that Riker grant gifts to the other bridge crew officers, and Riker offers them whatever he thinks they want most. Every officer refuses Riker’s gifts, just as Captain Picard knew they would. Picard clearly has a better understanding not only of his crew members, but also of humanity in general.

Comparing the scene in which Riker and Q verbally spare with the scene between Picard and Q reveals one reason why Q may have been paired with Picard for his subsequent appearances. John de Lancie and Patrick Stewart’s scenes have a particular sparkle to them that the one between de Lancie and Jonathan Frakes lack. Q’s Shakespeare back and forth with Picard is one of the best scenes in the episode, while his conversation with Riker is largely forgettable. Still, Riker temporarily gaining Q’s powers seems like a pretty big deal, although it’s hardly mentioned again.

Riker Needs To Meet Q Again In Star Trek: Legacy

Star trek captain riker jonathan frakes

William Riker has grown tremendously as a character since TNG season 1, and it would be nice to see Q’s reaction to the Captain Riker of Star Trek: Picard and its proposed spinoff, Star Trek: Legacy. The Captain Riker seen in Picard season 3 is the best version of the character and could more than hold his own against Q. Jonathan Frakes, too, has grown as an actor since those early episodes of TNG, and he should get the chance to spar with de Lancie’s Q. After the events of TNG season 1, episode 10, Q seemed to lose interest in Riker, but he must have seen something in him to offer him the powers of Q.

Based on the after-credits scene that followed the finale of Picard season 3, Q will have a presence on Legacy if and when it happens. Although Legacy will likely focus on the up-and-coming generation of Starfleet officers, including Picard’s son Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), the older generation of Trek characters could still make an appearance. Riker stands poised to be promoted to Admiral and he needs to share a scene with Q. William Riker may not have been able to handle the powers of Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 1, but even Q would likely be impressed by the man Riker has become by the end of Star Trek: Picard.