Reverse-Flash Cosplay Recreates the Impossible Speed of DC’s Scariest Villain

Reverse-Flash Cosplay Recreates the Impossible Speed of DC’s Scariest Villain

While he may not be as famous as Joker or Darkseid, Reverse-Flash is easily DC’s most terrifying villain. Obsessed with the Flash, Reverse-Flash uses his speed powers to rewrite time, often in devastatingly personal ways. Reverse-Flash erased Barry Allen’s only childhood friend from reality, framed his father for murder during his childhood, and even manipulated his children into becoming villains. What’s worse, Reverse-Flash is always editing his own life, making him truly unpredictable – even removing his own sibling from DC’s timeline. Now, an awesome cosplay captures just how chilling Reverse-Flash actually is.

In a photo shoot shared to Instagram, cosplayer cosworthmayfair brings Reverse-Flash to life with photography from mikeattingerphoto. Reverse-Flash has all the powers of Flash, but none of the moral restrictions. With his obsession over the Flash driving him, Eobard Thawne will do everything he can to ruin Barry Allen’s life and reputation, with cosworthmayfair bringing to life the gleeful malice that drives the villain.

With his signature yellow suit and red lightning, Eobard is instantly recognizable in any cosplay. His terrifying speed is brought to life with some clever photography, emphasizing just how inhuman Reverse-Flash has become. Eobard Thawne isn’t a mere supervillain speedster – he’s a murderous stalker with access to the fundamental forces of reality.

Reverse-Flash Cosplay Recreates the Impossible Speed of DC’s Scariest Villain


DC’s Ultimate Time Traveler Admits Flash Could Be His Equal With 1 Change

Time travel is beyond dangerous in the DC Universe, but one villain proves that the Flash could be an even more amazing hero if he mastered it.

Eobard’s Obsession With Barry Allen Makes Him A Relentless Villain

Cosplay by cosworthmayfair & Photography by mikeattingerphoto

flash vs reverse-flash eobard thawne

Eobard Thawne started as a low-level criminal in the far future. One day, he was able to get ahold of Flash’s now-ancient iconic red outfit. Dying it yellow, Eobard was able to draw out the latent speed energy inside of it, granting him speed powers equal to Barry’s. He then went on a crime spree in the future, only stopped when Flash traveled to the future himself and defeated him. This origin has changed several times over the years, with Eobard eventually being retconned into an obsessed fan in the far future who accidentally learns he’s destined to become Flash’s nemesis, creating a twisted sense of duty to live up to his role.

In each case, Reverse-Flash’s powers are inherently bound to a version of the past where Barry Allen became the Flash, meaning that Eobard is limited in how directly he can hurt his nemesis without rewriting his own life. However, rather than limiting the threat he poses, this fact has pushed Reverse-Flash to obsessively pursue everyone else in Barry’s life, and to hurt him whenever the opportunity arises – including darkly petty moments like traveling back in time to push a teen Barry down the stairs. Flash’s entire life is constantly under attack from a villain who it’s almost impossible to see coming.

Eobard Will Never Let Barry Be Happy

Joker Has His Own Philosophy, But Reverse-Flash Only Cares About Barry

Reverse Flash DC Comics running through the speed force

Reverse-Flash is responsible for the darkest moments in Barry Allen’s life, obsessing over his idol in a way that’s only become more insightful and relevant as time has passed, and the dark side of fame has become more well-understood by fans and creators. Indeed, Reverse-Flash has admitted in the past that he tortures Barry as a way of spending time with him. cosworthmayfair’s cosplay perfectly captures the spine-chilling obsession and rage of Reverse-Flash, showing what makes him so terrifying