Reverse 1999: The Best X Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)


X’s best builds in Reverse 1999 help him keep control of the field, so his enemies can’t buff one another. Whenever he gets rid of an enemy buff, he’ll cast Silence, preventing them from buffing, debuffing, healing, or countering. Later on, with Insight 3, he can prevent enemies from gaining Moxie for a round.

X takes some time to build, as the debuffs in his Incantations don’t apply until you start leveling them up. Coffee Or Tea can dispel Counters while Anode And Cathode gets rid of positive statuses and stat boosts. His Ultimate, Minimalism And Maximalism, gets rid of 2 Moxie for each enemy. X works well in a team requiring weakened enemies and with a Psychube that boosts his DMG.

The Best Psychubes For X

X is tagged as Dispeller, DPS, and Control. His dispel and control abilities grow stronger the more you level him up, but his DPS skills could use some work. If you struggle to get high-ranking Psychubes, you’ll probably want to save them for your main DPS characters. However, if you’ve got the Psychubes to spare, there are four top-tier options that can greatly improve X’s DPS capabilities.

The best Psychube available for X as of Reverse 1999‘s global launch has to be Blasphemer of Night. This Psychube plays with X’s Insight passives and requires him to be properly leveled up. If X can give his enemies Silence and Disconcert (or Silence and a negative status from a member of his team), his attacks against those enemies get up to a 24% DMG bonus. He can also get an 18% Incantation Might bonus, encouraging you to apply Silence as much as possible.

If you have a copy of Brave New World to spare and want X to be a steady sub-DPS, give him this 6-Star Psychube. When fully advanced, Brave New World gives X an 18% Ultimate Might bonus. Then, once X casts his Ultimate, his next Incantation gets up to a 40% Incantation Might bonus. This Amplification is great for when you want to riddle the enemy line with debuffs and dispel anything that could help them. Brave New World pairs well with X’s Insight 1, which allows him to cast Silence following his Incantations.

Do you want to save Brave New World for a bigger DPS? His Bounden Duty is another strong fit for X in Reverse 1999. This Psychube is both an ATK and Heal Psychube. His Bounden Duty provides up to a 12% general DPS bonus for both Incantations and X’s Ultimate. If you want to trigger His Bounden Duty’s Amplification, you’ll need to be strategic in using X. If he needs to heal, let him take down a low-health enemy, rather than leaving it to the DPS. When he does, he can heal by up to 120% of his ATK.

Lastly, if you’re searching for a 5-star Psychube option, it’s hard to go wrong with The Footloose. This Psychube has a great Ultimate Might bonus of 15% at Level 60. The Footloose’s Amplification hinges on keeping X’s HP up. When he attacks with more than 50% HP, he can get up to a 16% DMG bonus. Considering his low DMG output, this bonus is sorely needed.

The Best Team Comps For X

If you want to fit X into a team that truly needs him, rather than putting him in for the sake of using him, keep an eye out for DPS characters in Reverse 1999 like Centurion who need to keep enemies off their backs while they fight. You’ll also need a steady healer, as X possesses no healing capabilities of his own. He may be able to dispel buffs from enemies, but he can’t stop them from hurting him.

Since X will always be partnered up with a healer and works well with more fragile DPS characters, Eternity is a wonderful companion for him. Her mechanics are similar to those of Hu Tao from Genshin Impact. Her attacks drain a portion of her HP to boost her Reality DMG against 2 enemies at a time. Meanwhile, she has a single-target attack that casts Nasty Wound on the enemy, weakening their ability to heal. X can help protect her from extra DMG by making sure her enemies can’t gain strength.

If you aren’t a fan of Eternity’s HP drain, you could pair X with Regulus, a powerful DPS who can drain enemy Moxie and deal Mental DMG. When she uses her Ultimate, she can give X Riot and Roll for the next round, letting him dodge any non-Ultimate attacks until he does something.

You can also have X accompany A Knight from Reverse 1999 and keep him safe as he builds up to his Ultimate. If you want X to help A Knight, avoid His Bounden Duty, as A Knight needs to be the one to defeat enemies to gain his extra Moxie. A Knight’s kit is completely centered around cutting down enemies and reaping the rewards of their injury. X can keep him safe by preventing enemies from rising against him.

When you’re looking for a healer, you’ll want to try and find a good old Medicine Pocket, the best healer in Reverse 1999. Her mass heals and DMG Taken buffs/debuffs keep everyone safe and adjust the effectiveness of DMG on both sides. Her Ultimate can apply Daze, which furthers the 2 negative status requirements of Blasphemer of Night if you’re going for that build. Most team comps benefit from having Medicine Pocket, so her inclusion here is a no-brainer.

Still, if you don’t have Medicine Pocket, Sotheby has great synergy with X. After she casts her mass heal, she gives her allies a Cure status that applies more healing at the start of a round. Meanwhile, her attacks inflict Poison on enemies, draining HP at the end of the round. Her Ultimate, finally, activates all Cure and Poison statuses on the field. By combining Poison with X’s Silence and Disconcert, this team comp leaves the field open for the team’s DPS unit.

With these characters supporting X and his best Psychubes, this 5-Star Intellect character can be a great asset in Reverse 1999.