Reverse 1999: The Best Voyager Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)

Reverse 1999: The Best Voyager Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)

Voyager is a beautiful violinist in Reverse 1999 whose build centers around controlling the battlefield with debuffs. Her debuff attack, Stellar Symphony, inflicts Confusion on enemies when at least partially leveled up, reducing their Critical Resist. Meanwhile, her Counter, Mending Sonata, buffs allies with extra DMG and lowered DMG Taken. Stellar Symphony may have a low attack, but it provides a DMG bonus for Voyager’s Ultimate, Galatic On Strings.

Voyager’s Insight One is highly useful, as after three actions, she gets Chorus Ensemble. With this status, if an enemy takes action after Voyager acts, she gives all enemies a round of Silence, which prevents them from buffing, debuffing, countering, or healing. If she gets to Insight Three, she also inflicts Seal during Chorus Ensemble, so enemies can’t use their Ultimates. This encourages an active, constant play style.

The Best Psychubes For Voyager

One of the few ATK Psychubes available in Reverse 1999‘s global launch with a focus on Negative Statuses is Yearning Desire, a 5-Star Psychube that works with Voyager’s Insight. With this Psychube, when Voyager attacks an enemy with lowered stats or a Negative Status, she deals up to 16% more DMG.

Once she can inflict Confusion on enemies with Stellar Symphony, Yearning Desire improves her Incantation’s combat ability. Better yet, this Psychube provides up to 15% extra Incantation Might, further strengthening Voyager’s abilities.

Blasphemer of Night is similarly effective with Voyager, but requires extra work to utilize fully. Blasphemer of Night can provide up to a 24% DMG bonus, so long as the enemy Voyager attacks has two Negative Statuses already inflicted. If Voyager has Insight One, she can inflict Silence through Chorus Ensemble and Confusion through Stellar Symphony. However, without Insight One or an upgraded Stellar Symphony, Voyager will need another debuffer on her team to activate her Amplification. Luckily, she can use her Incantation Might bonus of 18% even without all the debuffs.

If you want to ignore Voyager’s status and simply boost her DMG, try giving her Brave New World, if you’ve got a copy to spare. This 6-Star Psychube boosts Voyager’s Ultimate Might by 18% at Level 60, adding to an already effective ability. Once Voyager uses her Ultimate with Brave New World, her next Incantation gets up to 40% more Incantation Might. Considering Stellar Symphony, when fully advanced, only deals less than half of the Ultimate’s base ATK%, this boost is well-needed.

The Footloose is a good fall-back option for Voyager if you don’t have any of her better Psychubes at hand. This Psychube improves Voyager’s DMG in the first half of combat. If she attacks an enemy with more than 50% HP left, she gets up to a 16% DMG bonus. This becomes useless once enemies are sufficiently weakened, but The Footloose also provides up to a 15% Ultimate Might bonus. As such, if you want Voyager to use this Psychube, enjoy the early bonus and celebrate the stronger Ultimate.

The Best Team Comps For Voyager

It won’t come as a surprise to most players that one of the best main DPS characters to pair with Voyager is Centurion, the powerhouse of Reverse 1999. Her Ultimate, Reality Show Premier, applies Weakness to all enemies. This Negative Status reduces the DMG of the affected enemy’s next attack, so Voyager will need to act fast if she wants to trigger Yearning Desire or Blasphemer of Night with Centurion’s Weakness. Centurion’s ultra-powerful attacks make her a must-have character who could benefit from Voyager’s debuffs.

Meanwhile, Eternity is a unique main DPS because she has a debuff Incantation rather than two attack Incantations like Centurion or A Knight, another great DPS in Reverse 1999. She can give one target Nasty Wound for a round, reducing how much Healing they can absorb. Eternity works better with Voyager if Voyager has Yearning Desire, as the short duration of Nasty Wound may not give Voyager enough time to trigger Blasphemer of Night.

If you want a DPS that provides longer, more consistent debuffs than Eternity or Centurion, look no further than Druvis III, the petrifying main DPS. Her Ultimate and one of her Incantations (once leveled up) can apply Petrify, which prevents enemies from acting either until they receive Reality DMG or until the round counter runs out. Since Voyager deals Mental DMG, she won’t cancel Petrify earlier than intended with her attacks. Voyager’s buffs can also trigger Druvis III’s Insight One, where she gets a DMG bonus for having boosted stats or a Positive Status.

Voyager can proudly synergize well with Medicine Pocket, the best healer in Reverse 1999. Their healing capabilities are unmatched among healers as they reduce DMG Taken from the next attack against their allies after they cast Alchemy Ware. They can increase DMG Taken by enemies and give the target their Ultimate Daze, preventing them from acting. Both of these abilities can trigger Yearning Desire’s Amplification, while Daze counts toward Blasphemer of Night.

If you don’t have Medicine Pocket or want a healer who provides more debuffs, bring Sotheby along and have her Poison the enemy lines. Her debuff two-target attack, when fully advanced, inflicts Poison on Sotheby’s targets for five rounds, eating at their HP whenever a round ends. This gives Voyager plenty of time to trigger Yearning Desire or Blasphemer of Night. Her healing may not be as strong as Medicine Pocket’s, but she’s worth it if you want to help out Voyager and build her perfect team in Reverse 1999.

  • Reverse 1999: The Best Voyager Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)

    Reverse: 1999
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