Reverse 1999: The Best Tennant Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)

Reverse 1999: The Best Tennant Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)

Tennant’s build in Reverse: 1999 acts as both a shielder and a sub-DPS, giving her some good versatility in various team comps. Tennant can cast a sturdy Shield over all allies for one round, lowering their DMG Taken. Meanwhile, she has a useful attack Incantation and an Ultimate that helps reduce enemy Reality DEF.

Tennant can be quite AP-greedy as she gains enough Moxie for her Ultimate and then takes advantage of its special status, Diamond Bullet, for two more actions. When she spends a stack of Diamond Bullet to attack an enemy, that enemy gets a Reality DEF debuff, opening them to more Reality attacks. Tennant can be the best shielder in the game if you balance her AP needs.

The Best Psychubes For Tennant

Reverse 1999: The Best Tennant Build (Psychubes & Team Comp)

Like most survival characters in Reverse: 1999, Tennant’s shield scales off her ATK. When you take this into consideration with her sub-DPS position, it’s clear that Tennant needs a solid ATK Psychube.

His Bounden Duty is everything you would want out of a Psychube for Tennant. It has a high ATK bonus and a useful general DMG bonus of 12% at Level 60. Most importantly, however, its Amplification gives Tennant some much-needed healing abilities. When Tennant defeats an enemy, she can heal the entire team by up to 120% of her ATK. This can be difficult to trigger since Tennant is not the main DPS, but this Psychube is worth the investment in the right team comps.

If you want to boost Tennant’s Ultimate in Reverse: 1999, A Sincere Heart, you may give her Luxurious Leisure, an ATK Psychube dedicated to single-target Ultimates such as Tennant’s. When Tennant casts A Sincere Heart with Luxurious Leisure, her DMG Dealt increases by up to 9%. She can stack this bonus up to three times. When combined with its 18% Ultimate Might bonus, Luxurious Leisure becomes an excellent choice for Tennant.

For a stronger sub-DPS build, Thunderous Applause may suit Tennant well. This is another single-target Psychube with a focus on critical hits. The Psychube boosts Tennant’s Crit Rate by 16% at Level 60 to trigger its Amplification more often. If Tennant makes a critical hit with her single-target attacks, the attack gets up to 32% more Crit DMG.

If you are still searching for a good Psychube out of your existing collection, Tennant can make do with Brave New World. This is a go-to Psychube for main DPS characters in Reverse: 1999, so it can support Tennant’s sub-DPS skills well. It provides up to 18% more Ultimate Might. When Tennant casts her Ultimate, her next attack will have up to 40% more Incantation Might behind it. This pairs well with Tennant’s use of Diamond Bullet for an impactful use of her attack Incantation, A Shiny Diamond.

The Best Team Composition For Tennant

Tennant’s best team comps in Reverse: 1999 center around Reality-centric DMG dealers. Each character can take advantage of Tennant’s Diamond Bullet to further their attacks. At the same time, they are sturdy characters who can work with a shielder rather than a healer. They each have diverse uses in a team composition but need Tennant’s strong defenses to attack with confidence.




Damage Type

Team Role





Main DPS

A Knight




Main DPS











An-an Lee





When picking a main DPS to pair with Tennant, Centurion will be your best choice if you’re lucky enough to have her in your collection of characters. Centurion is a powerful character who uses her Moxie to boost the strength of her attacks. Unlike Tennant, she doesn’t need to spend a ton of AP to get the job done. Tennant’s Diamond Bullets, combined with the Weakness status Centurion bestows on enemies with her Ultimate, make the battlefield weak to Centurion’s significant attacks.

A Knight from Reverse: 1999 is another high-ranking, Reality-DMG dealing, main DPS for Tennant to partner with. You can’t use His Bounden Duty with Tennant if you pair her with A Knight, as he needs to be the one to defeat enemies to rake up Moxie and help his team. The less HP an enemy has, the more damage A Knight can inflict. This makes Tennant’s attacks useful, as she can soften enemies up for A Knight to come in swinging.

Moving onto support characters, since both Tennant and Bkornblume need Reality-centric teams, it would make sense to pair the duo together. Bkornblume’s debuffs open enemies up to Reality DMG, helping out Tennant when she can’t cast her Ultimate. Bkornblume can use an enemy’s Diamond Bullet status to trigger the DMG bonus in her Incantation, Watch Your Sleeves attack. Meanwhile, Tennant helps Bkornblume out regarding DPS potential since Bkornblume mostly focuses on spreading her debuff.

If you want an excellent F2P support option for Tennant, pair her with Sonetto from Reverse: 1999. Sonetto focuses on buffs and debuffs, leaving Tennant to fulfill the usual sub-DPS role of a supporting character. Sonetto buffs her team by increasing DMG Dealt and decreasing DMG Taken. Once her attack Incantation is at two stars, she can Disarm enemies, preventing them from using attack Incantations. This gives Tennant time to forget her shield and focus on beating up bad guys.

An-an Lee is Tennant’s last great support choice in Reverse: 1999. This 6-Star ghostbuster has the same buffs as Sonetto but stronger sub-DPS skills. An-an has two different combat modes that work well with Tennant’s shield and attack. When An-an is on Exorcism Time, Tennant can use her shield. When An-an is on Break Time, Tennant can attack. Each can support the other by clocking in while the other takes a backseat.


Tennant’s team comp options can feel limited due to the Reality focus and the need to keep going without a dedicated healing Incantation available. However, once Tennant is properly built, she can be a great asset in several combat scenarios. Other survival characters may have her beat with their healing skills, but Tennant takes the cake as the best shielder in Reverse: 1999.

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