Reed Richards Has A Surprising Answer For Marvel’s Most Important Mystery

Reed Richards Has A Surprising Answer For Marvel’s Most Important Mystery

Warning! Contains spoilers for Daredevil #14!The Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards gives an important answer to a question fans have had about a notable superhero trend. While debating the final fate of Daredevil, Mister Fantastic posits a surprising theory about superhero kind and the almighty.

In Daredevil #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, and Matt Wilson, it’s been six months since Daredevil went to Hell to free the souls that the Hand had trapped in Hell. Since then, Matt Murdock’s friends and allies have moved on with their lives. Elektra keeps Hell’s Kitchen safe as Daredevil while Foggy Nelson and Cole North start a new legal service.

Reed Richards Has A Surprising Answer For Marvel’s Most Important Mystery

After work, Foggy meets with Reed Richards in the park to give him a gift that Nelson feels Matt would have wanted Reed to have: a chessboard that belonged to Matt. Foggy confides in the hero that he keeps seeing Matt’s image everywhere and wonders if, as a hero, Daredevil could come back to life like most heroes do. Reed agrees the logic of resurrections don’t often make sense. But contends that heroes’ ability to return to life could be evidence of a higher power and that Matt would be a worthy candidate for such a power to revive.

Mister Fantastic Believes Marvel’s God is Behind Superhero Revivals

Mister Fantastic on Superhero Resurrections Marvel

After Mike Murdock, Daredevil’s twin brother was killed, Matt used the incident as an opportunity to fake his death to join Elektra in her mission to destroy the Hand. Unfortunately, the two’s mission to stop the Hand didn’t stop the evil organization from trapping numerous souls in Hell, including Foggy and the duo’s former trainer, Stick. Daredevil went to Hell to free the souls but wound up in a battle with the Hand’s demonic Beast and his sister, the Wild. Matt achieved his goal but wound up stuck in the afterlife.

And yes, as Mister Fantastic believed, Daredevil did make his way back to the land of the living with Matt taking on a new life as a priest in Hell’s Kitchen. While fans don’t exactly see how Matt made it out of Hell, it would make sense if God (or the One Above All) helped Matt out. While trapped in Hell fighting the Beast and the Wild, Daredevil’s soul gained enhanced weaponry to defeat the monsters, undoubtedly an assist from high above. Perhaps Matt’s new life was his reward for his faithful service, or Marvel’s God needs Daredevil back to, as Reed puts it “fight the good fight“.

Daredevil’s Resurrection Explains Why Superheroes Keep Coming Back

Daredevil Resurrected Life Marvel

Though Daredevil’s revival brought him back as a priest, it wasn’t long before Matt was back on the streets fighting criminals in the name of justice. By now, comic book readers have gotten used to death being more of a temporary inconvenience for superheroes rather than a lasting consequence. But Reed’s postulation that the One Above All brings heroes back to keep fighting evil makes sense. After all, there are always greater, more powerful evils just around the corner, and who better to fight it than Marvel’s greatest warriors? It isn’t fair for average citizens, but in a world where evil never seems to die, resurrecting heroes to fight it is the only real way of keeping things balanced. Fans can see Reed Richards’ speculation in Daredevil #14, on sale now.