Red Hood’s Superman-Like Sacrifice Proves Batman Was Wrong About Jason Todd

Red Hood’s Superman-Like Sacrifice Proves Batman Was Wrong About Jason Todd

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Scorched Earth #1!Despite Batman’s concern about Jason Todd, an unexpected sacrifice on Red Hood’s part reveals his true heroic spirit. No one in the Bat-Family suffered more during “Gotham War” than Red Hood. But even when racked with fear, Jason has once and for all proven to Batman that he’s a hero through and through.

In Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War – Scorched Earth #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Tini Howard, Mike Hawthorne, and Nikola Cizmesija, the Bat-Family rallies to defeat Vandal Savage. Unfortunately, Red Hood has to sit out thanks to his recent reconditioning by Batman.

Red Hood’s Superman-Like Sacrifice Proves Batman Was Wrong About Jason Todd

Savage is bringing a meteor to Gotham in a mad attempt to extend his immortality. Batman can’t stop it and the Justice League isn’t responding. But Jason pushes through his fear and steals the Batwing, piloting towards the meteor. As Red Hood crashes into the meteor, he smirks and brags that Batman has always been wrong about him.

Red Hood Was Willing to Give His Life to Save Gotham

Red Hood Stops Meteor DC

Batman and Red Hood have had their issues in the past, but things came to a head during “Gotham War”. After Red Hood teamed up with Catwoman to help train Gotham’s criminals to be cat burglars, Batman kidnapped Jason and essentially brainwashed him. Bruce made it so his former sidekick felt intense levels of fear anytime his adrenaline levels got too high, making Jason unable to fight or even run without feeling strong anxiety. Batman believed that this would finally correct his mistake of training Red Hood and aiding his murderous impulses by forcing Jason to retire from the life of vigilantism.

Granted, Red Hood doesn’t actually die in this dramatic moment. Jason managed to escape and is even seen consoling Batman when it looks like Catwoman perishes. But Red Hood had no clue if he was going to survive the meteor or not. He was racked with fear as he dived headfirst into the celestial object. But ever since Jason was reconditioned, he’s been more heroic than ever. Despite his body being overwhelmed with feelings of panic, he previously attempted to rescue a girl from a burning building. Though Batman believed Red Hood lacked the moral fiber of a hero, Jason has definitively proven his mentor wrong.

Red Hood Proves He’s Better Than Batman Thinks He Is

Red Hood Comforts Batman DC

Much of the “Gotham War” crossover focused on Batman’s relationship with Red Hood and how Batman feels he failed Jason. While there are no doubts that Jason has had his problems, he’s let his inner hero shine through during the event’s conclusion. When Batman robbed Red Hood of his autonomy by making him feel fear, Jason could have just backed down. But like a hero, the young man rose to the challenge and defied his mentor, saving as many people as he possibly could. Hopefully, this near sacrifice is what it takes to finally change Batman’s opinion about the Red Hood.

Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Scorched Earth #1 is on sale now from DC Comics.