Red Dead Redemption 2: Best Quotes To Live By

Red Dead Redemption 2: Best Quotes To Live By

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 introduced players to a multitude of complex characters who often had impactful and wise things to say. This is proof that RDR2 isn’t just about the shooting and fighting. Rather, there are important lessons to take away, even if they are only mentioned briefly in a moment of dialogue

There are tons of serious moments in RDR2, but also plenty of funny ones. “Stop singing about geography!” is one of the bizarre lines players can make Arthur Morgan heckle if they take him to the theater in addition to his loud booing. “You, sir, are a fish,” is another odd but funny thing that Arthur will say if players make him go fishing.

But it’s not just the funny lines that are memorable for players. There are plenty of wise words from Red Dead Redemption 2 that provide solid advice for players to take with them outside of the game. 

The Best Pieces Of Advice From Red Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2: Best Quotes To Live By

“You don’t get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you.” Arthur Morgan is the man behind this wise quote. What’s striking about this character is that he’s fully aware of all of the bad things he’s done throughout his life, and he appears to own up to it or at least acknowledges it. He may have done unthinkable things, but there was also a part of Arthur that was always willing to help. And he was loyal to his gang until the end. This is a reminder that we are what we do.

“If we have to fight, we fight. If we have to run, we’ll run. If we must die, we’ll die. But … we’ll stay free. Javier Escuella said this incredible quote that speaks to the motto of the Van der Linde gang. Whatever they did, they did so on their own terms, and they maintained the ultimate freedom out on the open road. Javier’s words are still relevant in this politically-charged time, however, as freedom is something worth fighting for.

“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging’.” John Marston may have been a man of few words – after all, he was barely literate – but he was still wise and thoughtful. He said this important line, and if anyone in the gang needed to hear this, it was Dutch, as his behavior became more erratic and unpredictable. However, this is advice that should still be heeded in real life, as continuing to dig isn’t going to get anyone out of a tough situation. Rather, it’ll only make the hole bigger.

“Be loyal to what matters.” This line is short but sweet, but it had huge implications in RDR2. Arthur said this to John when he had hesitations about abandoning the gang in order to hit the road with Abigail and Jack. But Arthur encouraged him to prioritize what matters the most – his family – and that’s exactly what John tried to do from there on out. It’s always important to put what’s the most important first. This is solid advice to carry on when Red Dead Redemption 2’s story campaign ends in addition to the other memorable and wise quotes the game featured.