Rebel Moon Interview: Ray Fisher, E. Duffy & Cleopatra Coleman On Working With Zack Snyder

Rebel Moon Interview: Ray Fisher, E. Duffy & Cleopatra Coleman On Working With Zack Snyder

In Rebel Moon Part 1: A Child Of Fire Kora was once a member of the Imperium, the army of the oppressive Motherworld. She lives on the moon Veldt, but when the Imperium invades, she begins a journey seeking redemption for her past. Before the army returns, Kora must collect a ragtag group of warriors to take them on and protect her new home.

Zack Snyder created the world of Rebel Moon. Snyder serves as director, producer, and co-writer of the screenplay with Kurt Johnstad and Shay Hatten. Rebel Moon Part One: A Child Of Fire stars Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Michiel Huisman, Djimon Hounsou, Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Cleopatra Coleman, Jena Malone, Ed Skrein, Fra Fee, and Anthony Hopkins. Rebel Moon Part Two: The Scargiver will debut on Netflix on April 19.

Rebel Moon Interview: Ray Fisher, E. Duffy & Cleopatra Coleman On Working With Zack Snyder


Rebel Moon Sequel Plans Explained: How Many Movies Will There Be?

Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon has two movies on the way, but there’s room for even more sequels and spin-offs based on what he told Screen Rant on set.

Screen Rant interviewed Ray Fisher, E. Duffy, and Cleopatra Coleman about Rebel Moon Part One: A Child Of Fire. They discussed their characters and the bloodaxe rebellion, as well as stunt training. They also broke down how Snyder set the tone on set, his directing style, and what they learned about themselves by playing these characters.

Ray Fisher, E. Duffy & Cleopatra Coleman Talk Rebel Moon

Screen Rant: This movie is f-cking fantastic. No, for real. It’s really good.

Ray Fisher: Thank you, thank you.

I’m a big Zack Snyder fan, and this movie hits on every level. This is probably one of my most anticipated movies of 2023. Cleopatra, you play Devra, who is the leader of this revolution, the Bloodaxe, alongside her brother, Darrian. Tell us about Devra and the revolution against Homeworld.

Cleopatra Coleman: Yes. Well, Devra, she and Darrian come from a long line of warriors, and so she’s a very sort of strategic, cerebral, General type, and she really leads with her head, whereas Darrian leads more with his heart, I would say. And I think that balances how they’ve been able to successfully lead this rebel army.

Absolutely. Darrian is the brawn of the duo, and he does lead with his heart. And if I’m not mistaken, you hadn’t had a lot of combat stunt experience prior to this. Can you talk about that experience in crafting the character with Zack?

Ray Fisher: Well, we had a great stunt team, and this is some of the crew that Zack has worked with for many, many years, and they really helped whip us into shape and get us prepared so that we looked as badass as humanly possible.

Ed Skrein as Admiral Atticus Noble in Rebel Moon

Now, Milius is a badass foot soldier for the Bloodaxe, and they join a cause that’s greater than themselves. Can you talk about the character and how you connected with that character?

E. Duffy: I think Milius is a very loyal, dedicated soldier, as you said. I found that it was quite easy to find that sense of loyalty, dedication, and inspiration because I was working with such lovely, inspiring co-stars, Cleo and Ray, as well as just the whole Zack squad that he brings to the table. So, yeah.

Look, speaking of Zack, he has this unique way of cultivating this camaraderie on set amongst the cast. And it’s almost like a head coach, where players will run through a wall for him. I met him downstairs and I would run through a wall for him. Can you talk about the key to kind of creating that culture on set that Zack creates?

Ray Fisher: I think it starts with enthusiasm. I can say, and I’m sure you’ve probably heard it at this point, Zack is probably one of the most energetic and enthusiastic human beings that you could meet, especially for a business where there is so much pressure and there seems to be so much on the line. We don’t feel it in the same way because he’s always got his eye focused on the prize and is able to have fun on set while juggling all of these different things.

Absolutely. Now, Zack is a visionary director. He’s absolutely one of the best, but he’s also one of the best DPs in the world. Can you talk about him being a DP, and what that added to Rebel Moon?

Cleopatra Coleman: Well, personally, I really loved having him so close. I remember we were there doing scenes and he’d be right there and he’d be able to direct you from a few feet away, which felt like he was in it with us. There was no separation between us, which was really nice.

That’s absolutely incredible. Now, what have you learned about yourself through playing these roles? We’ll start with you, E.

E. Duffy: I think what’s cool about a role is it asks you to find something in yourself, and I think Milius has to show a lot of courage, so I really had to dig down within myself and find my own courage. And that was a real privilege to be able to do that.

Rebel Moon Balisarius Fra Fee

Awesome. Cleopatra?

Cleopatra Coleman: I think… Yeah, like E. said, it’s nice to play a character that’s maybe different from you. And I would say, interestingly, I’m a little more like my brother, I would say. In reality, I’m more lead from the heart type of person, whereas my character, Devra, is more lead from the head type of person. So there was a little adjustment about what that means and what that looks like.

Ray Fisher: And interesting enough, I’m kind of the opposite. I’m more lead with the head than lead with the heart, so we’re playing opposite of who we are probably in real life. But one of the big things that I learned from Darrian is the importance of self-sacrifice and the idea that you can only really achieve something great by bringing people together, and you can overcome whatever odds, however seemingly insurmountable.

That’s amazing. Now, one thing I absolutely love about this film too is that the cast is international, so it makes the universe feel lived in. What did you bring from your own personal life into your role? Because I know that Zack was really key, or really honing in on bringing the collaboration process with yourself into the role. So what did you bring to the role from your own life?

Ray Fisher: Just my personal experience. I’ve always been a man of the people, I’ve always taken it upon myself to try to stand up where I can and do right by others if possible. And that’s something that certainly carried over into the actual execution of the piece.

Cleopatra Coleman: I mean, I think I’m naturally a bit of a rebel. I have tattoos, I shaved my head once, I have red hair right now. I don’t know how rebellious that is, but I guess for an actor it is because you’re not really supposed to change your look. But yeah, I guess I brought those elements to it.

E. Duffy: Yeah, I think my sense of dedication both as Milius and also as E., an actor, on set.

About Rebel Moon

Sofia Boutella as Kora standing in a field in Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire
Sofia Boutella in Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire

The highly-anticipated saga that transports fans to a completely new sci-fi universe where a young freedom fighter named Kora must defend her adopted planetoid from hostile intruders alongside a hand-picked band of mercenaries and warriors out for justice.

Check out our other Rebel Moon interviews:

  • Zack Snyder
  • Sofia Boutella & Ed Skrein
  • Michiel Huisman & Charlie Hunnam
  • Cast & Crew on the Red Carpet
  • Dijmon Hounsou & Staz Nair

Rebel Moon Part one movie poster

Rebel Moon

From director Zack Snyder comes Rebel Moon, a sci-fi action movie set in the depths of space and following a colony that is facing the threat of Regent Balisarius. Sofia Boutella plays a warrior charged with recruiting others in the fight against the tyrant, and his unstoppable forces that are dead set on conquest. 

Release Date
December 22, 2023

Zack Snyder

Djimon Hounsou , Sofia Boutella , Charlotte Maggi , Ray Fisher , Jena Malone , E. Duffy , Staz Nair , Doona Bae , Sky Yang , Charlie Hunnam , Cleopatra Coleman


Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Sci-Fi

Shay Hatten , Kurt Johnstad , Zack Snyder

$90 Million

The Stone Quarry , Grand Electric


Rebel Moon: Part Two – The Scargiver

Rebel Moon